900字范文 > 艺术作用 artistic function英语短句 例句大全

艺术作用 artistic function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-01 21:53:48


艺术作用 artistic function英语短句 例句大全

艺术作用,artistic function

1)artistic function艺术作用

1.At the same time,it performs an importantartistic function in the plot development,the personage modulation and the language expression.这些数术描写,丰富多彩,五花八门,既具有很高的认识价值,反映了封建社会后期数术文化民俗化的趋势,同时,对小说情节的发展、人物的塑造、语言的表达等,都起到了重要的艺术作用。

2)works of applied art实用艺术作品

1.Research on Copyright Protection Concerning Works of Applied Art;实用艺术作品的著作权保护研究

2.International conventions of copyrights such as Berne Convention stipulate thatworks of applied art are ones to be protected.实用艺术作品是艺术成分和实用成分不可分的艺术作品。

3.But present copyright law can not protect applied artwork efficiently and cause the embarrassed situation which there is marked difference betweenworks of applied art from china and foreign countries in aspect of copyright protection.实用艺术作品兼具实用性、艺术性、独创性和可复制性并且符合作品的构成要件,然而我国现行著作权法却不能对实用艺术作品提供充分有效的知识产权保护,其中的相关规定反而造成本国实用艺术作品与伯尔尼公约成员国作品“双重待遇”的尴尬局面。


1.International Protection of Works of Applied Art and China s Choice;实用艺术作品的国际保护及我国的选择

2.Legal Analysis of the Copyright Protection of the Applied Art Works--The Legislative Proposal for Improvement of the Copyright Law对实用艺术作品著作权保护之法律探析——完善我国《著作权法》立法建议

3.An artistic composition using various materials;an assemblage or a collage.艺术品用各种材料制成的艺术作品;装配艺术品或拼贴艺术品

4.An artist whose work is marked by illusionism.运用错觉艺术手法的艺术家作品显现错觉艺术手法的艺术家

5.The art or practice of writing or producing dramatic works.写作或产生戏剧作品的艺术或实践.

6.Fabrication and Truth of Art of Kafka s Work;简评卡夫卡作品的艺术虚构与艺术真实

7.A work of art or literature.作品艺术或文学作品

8.Probing into the Practicability and Artistic Appeal of Handicraft;工艺美术品的实用性及其艺术感染力初探

9.The"Art True"in the Western Modern Parties Painting Work;西方现代派绘画作品中的"艺术真实

10.The artist tried to apply the method into art and paint more paintings of high artistic standards.艺术家努力将此方法运用到艺术之中,画出更多高艺术水平的作品。

11.Carpets are one of China"s traditional handicrafts of both artistic and practical value.地毯是中国传统的工艺美术实用品。

12.Use of contrasting elements in a work of art.对照法艺术作品中对比主题的运用

13.Quotation Art of Popular Song Words in Literary Works;论流行歌词在文学作品中的引用艺术

14.thing reproduced,esp a copy of a work of art复制品(尤指艺术作品的)

15.Cdq art the studio primarily display the metals to carve, the miniature space that handicraft product, painting is main.蔡德全工作室主要以展示小型金属雕塑、金属实用艺术品、绘画作品为主的微型空间。

16.On the Sketch in the Realist Painting of the Role of Artistic Creation论素描在写实油画艺术创作中的作用

17.a collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display.用于公共展览的物品(货物或艺术作品等)的集合。

18.Style is Personal Integrity--on the Role of the Temperament of Artists in the Works from the aspect of ancient Paintings;风格即人格——就古代绘画艺术看艺术家的气质在作品中的作用


works of applied art实用艺术作品

1.Research on Copyright Protection Concerning Works of Applied Art;实用艺术作品的著作权保护研究

2.International conventions of copyrights such as Berne Convention stipulate thatworks of applied art are ones to be protected.实用艺术作品是艺术成分和实用成分不可分的艺术作品。

3.But present copyright law can not protect applied artwork efficiently and cause the embarrassed situation which there is marked difference betweenworks of applied art from china and foreign countries in aspect of copyright protection.实用艺术作品兼具实用性、艺术性、独创性和可复制性并且符合作品的构成要件,然而我国现行著作权法却不能对实用艺术作品提供充分有效的知识产权保护,其中的相关规定反而造成本国实用艺术作品与伯尔尼公约成员国作品“双重待遇”的尴尬局面。

3)Work of applied art使用艺术作品

4)aesthetical function艺术表现上的作用

5)artistic creation艺术创作

1.The enlightenment and significance of Zhao MengFu s theory of paintings antique style to presentartistic creation;赵孟頫“古意”说对现今艺术创作的启示与意义

2.By relating to the making of Leptin,this paper analyzes the following issues concerning the application of multimedia technology inartistic creation of video teaching material: natural image,key teaching points,difficulty processing and organic combination of sound effects with typical pictures.在应用多媒体技术进行视听教材的艺术创作中,结合《瘦素》的制作对视听教材中的自然形象、教学中的重点、难点的处理以及音响效果与典型画面的有机结合等问题进行了探讨。


1.This paper makes a comprehensive comparison of Mark Twain s three children s novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in terms of theircreation time, contents, themes and characters, and it points out that during this period there were great changes in Mark Twain screation and ideology.对美国作家马克·吐温的三部儿童小说《汤姆·索耶历险记》、《王子与贫儿》、《哈克贝利·芬历险记》的创作时间、内容、主题和人物等方面进行了全面的比较 ,指出了这一时期马克·吐温在艺术创作和思想上的重大变化 :一方面 ,他在艺术创作上完全成熟 ;另一方面 ,他在思想上由热爱生活、乐观向上转而变得愤世嫉俗。


