900字范文 > 复用机 reuse Device英语短句 例句大全

复用机 reuse Device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-09 09:29:48


复用机 reuse Device英语短句 例句大全

复用机,reuse Device

1)reuse Device复用机

1.This article introduces an automatic dialyser reuse device used to rinse and disinfect dialysers.用于透析器清洗消毒的自动透析器复用机是依靠自动程序控制器发出的驱动信号、馈入输出电路 ,经输出电路放大后的电信号 ,再馈入执行机构 ,产生机械动作 ,实现按预定程序对各管路机械操作和控制。


1.Clinical Research of Dialyzer Reprocessing Machine W-F168-BW-F168-B型透析器复用机临床应用研究

2.Efficacy of Clinical Use of Different Dialyzer Reprocessing Machines不同透析器复用机临床应用效果观察

3.make a copy by means of a Photostat device.用直接复印机进行复制。

4.copy documents on a photocopier用复印机复印文件.

5.universal copying device for camera照相机用万能复制机

6.The copy machine is running out of paper.复印机的纸张用完了。

7.there is a copy machine you can use.可以用这台复印机。

8.What about operating the fax and duplicators?会发传真和用复印机吗?

9.multichannel demultiplexed receiver多信道去复用接收机

10.How do I use this (copy machine/ fax machine/ hole-puncher)?这个(复印机/传真机/打孔机)怎么用?

11.After you use the copier, please put it back on the original settings .复印机用完后,请把它恢复原状。

12.The administrative organ for reconsideration shall not apply conciliation in handling reconsideration cases.复议机关审理复议案件,不适用调解。

13.Please run off ten copies of the document on the duplicator.请用复印机把这个文件复印10份。

14.Inorganic/Organic Composites by Sol-Gel Techniquse用溶胶-凝胶法合成有机/无机复合材料

15.Application of Recovery Genius in Common Microcomputer;“恢复精灵”在公用微机管理中的应用

anic-Inorganic Mixed Fertilizer Effects on Benefit and Physiological Mechanism of Vegetable Crops;有机-无机复混肥对蔬菜的作用效果与机理研究

17.Article8. The administrative body for reconsideration shall not apply conciliation in handling reconsideration cases.第八条复议机关审理复议案件,不适用调解。

18.You can quickly roll off some extra copies of the document on the duplicator.你可以用复印机把这个文件额外复印几份。


Reuse Chance复用机会

1.Reuse Chances can be thought out by using Reuse Concept to analyze the whole Software Development Process.然而复用也是一种思想,用复用思想来分析软件开发过程能够发现各种复用机会,通过有效结合管理和技术手段将复用机会转换为可复用资源,提高软件开发效率。

3)reuse mechanism复用机制

1.A componentreuse mechanism is presented, and a matrix technique to inspect the restriction of component composition is defined.给出了CPL构件的复用机制,定义了一种对构件组合约束检查的矩阵技术。

4)personal copier,personal computer,personal-use PPC个人用复印机<复>

5)family copier,home-use copier家<庭>用复印机<复>

6)multiplex carrier system复用载波机

1.Analysis of a maloperation of relay protection caused bymultiplex carrier system;一起复用载波机误发信引起保护误动的分析


电力线载波保护复用载波机电力线载波保护复用载波机multi purpose PLC equipment for teleprotection systemd一onl一x一on zolbo boohu fuyong 20一boJ-电力线载波保护复用载波机(multi purposePLC equiPment for teleProteetion system)见电力线载波机。
