900字范文 > 经济法律关系 economic legal relations英语短句 例句大全

经济法律关系 economic legal relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-30 11:10:38


经济法律关系 economic legal relations英语短句 例句大全

经济法律关系,economic legal relations

1)economic legal relations经济法律关系

1.The object ofeconomic legal relations is what the rights and duties referring to the subject of economic legal relation acts on or point to,including information resources,technical resources,human resources and market,humane environment for the characterization of the socio-economic development factors.经济法律关系客体是指经济法律关系主体的权利和义务所作用、指向的对象,包括信息资源、技术资源、人力资源和市场、人文环境为表征的社会经济发展因素。


1.unified joint economic legal relations统一连带经济法律关系

2.On the Object Constitution of the Economic Legal Relations--Also on the Soft Resources as the Object of Economic Legal Relations经济法律关系客体之构成——兼论“软资源”作为经济法律关系的客体

3.To Reconstruct the Economic Law Relationship of China s Countryside against the Background of the Problem of Agriculture,Countryside and Peasant;“三农”问题背景下的中国农村经济法律关系重构

4.Modification of the Traditional Theory on Foreign-related Civil, Economic Legal Relationship;传统涉外民事经济法律关系理论之修正

5.On Duality Structure and Twoness About Economic Law Relations--An Explanation from the View of Collectivism;论经济法律关系的二元结构与二重性——一种整体主义解释

6.Relations between Civil and Commercial Law and Economic Law--The Analysis from the Value of Law;论民商法与经济法的关系——以法律价值为视角

7.Application of the Analytic Approach of the Legal Relation in “Economic Law” Teaching;法律关系分析法在《经济法》教学中的应用

8.Law of Economic Analysis of Civil Partnership Legal Recognition;同性伴侣关系法律认可的法经济学分析

9.Analysis on the legal economics affected by economic laws-taking the mutual relationship between the market economy and the economic law as the research method;经济法作用的法律经济学分析——以市场经济与经济法的互动关系为研究进路

10.the intimate relations...beween economics, politics, and legal principles- V.L.Parrington.经济、政治和法律原则之间密切的关系——V·L·帕灵顿。

11.On the Legal Relationship between Rights of Building and Land in Market Economy;论市场经济条件下房权与地权的法律关系

12.On the Bilateral Legal Framework Governing Sino-European Economic relations;调整中欧经济关系的双边法律框架初探

13.Technological Elements in International Economic Relations and Their Effect on Law;国际经济关系的技术因素及其法律影响

14.The relationship between forestry ecological benefits and economic benefits and legal protection谈林业生态效益与经济效益的关系及法律保障

15.Study on the Relationship between the Global Economic Integration and the Regional Economic Integration from the Legal System of WTO and EU;从WTO和EU法律制度谈全球经济一体化与区域经济一体化的关系

16.Campus Criminal Case Legal Relationship and Legal Relief校园刑事案件的法律关系与法律救济

17.The Dispute of School on the Civil Case Relation & Salvation;学校纠纷的民事法律关系与法律救济

18.It points out that the privilege which comes from the economic relationship is the objective social existence that shaped up naturally.法权关系(观法)经济基础与其上层建筑中的法律(主观法)间的中介。


foreign-involved economic legal relationship涉外经济法律关系

3)economic administrative legal relation of highway公路经济行政法律关系

4)Economic Legal Relation: an Analysis in a New Light经济法律关系新析

5)A General Survey on Economic Legal Relationships经济法律关系略论

6)economic legal system经济法律体系

1.Under the environment that economy globalizes day by day, the construction of theeconomic legal system of our country is receiving new challenge constantly, but this brings the developmental and perfect opportunity.在经济日趋全球化的环境下,我国经济法律体系的建设不断受到新的挑战,但也带来发展与完善的机遇。


