900字范文 > g-h坐标系 g-h coordinates system英语短句 例句大全

g-h坐标系 g-h coordinates system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-19 10:33:48


g-h坐标系 g-h coordinates system英语短句 例句大全

g-h坐标系,g-h coordinates system

1)g-h coordinates systemg-h坐标系


1.Research on SVPWM Algorithm for Three-level PWM Rectifier Based on g-h Coordinate基于g-h坐标系SVPWM算法三电平PWM整流器的研究

2.A link frame is set up using D-H notation.采用D-H方法建立起机器人连杆坐标系。

3.Reachability and observability of min-max-plus systems(F,G,H)极小-极大-加系统(F,G,H)的能达能观性

4.Output-feedback stabilization for min-max-plus systems (F,G, H)极小极大加系统(F,G,H)的输出反馈镇定

puting Entropy of G-H-S Black Hole with Generalized Uncertainty Relation利用广义不确定关系计算G-H-S黑洞的熵

6.Graded H-set Modules Categories(H/L,R#G/H)-gr;H-集分次模范畴(H/K,R#G/H)-gr

7.Beijing geodetic coordinate system 19541954年北京坐标系

8.Quadrangles Depend on Coordinates H Constantly for Stable Nuclei Distribution依坐标H=N-Z分布的稳定核素四边形区

9.Zhang Ying. My family name is Z-H-A-N-G,张英。姓是Z-H-A-N-G,

10.This coordinate system is called the triad at the point.这个坐标系叫做该点的三面形坐标系。

11.World coordinate and disp lay coordinate are defined in the paper.本文定义了实物坐标系与显示坐标系 .

12.Research about independent coordinate system conversion from Gaussian coordinate system独立坐标系向高斯坐标系转换的研究

13.The Transformation Procedure of Coordinate System in GPS SurveyingGPS测量中坐标系统、坐标系的转换过程

14.Design of Integrated Management System of Quality, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety of G Co., Ltd.G公司“三标一体”整合型管理体系设计

15.The value of the new Cordinate Systems and surfaces is twofold.新坐标系和坐标曲面的价值是双重的。

16.Research on the Virtual Coordinate Measuring System of Coordinate Measuring Machines;三坐标测量机虚拟坐标测量系统研究

17.Study on non-linear coordination conversion of space right angle coordination system;浅谈空间直角坐标系非线性坐标转换

18.Establishment of Relative Polar Coordinate Method of Lofting Mineral Company Shandong Branch of CHALCO建立相对坐标系的极坐标法施工放样


D-H reference frameD-H坐标系

3)D-H postpositioned coordinate systemD-H后置坐标系

1.At last,the simplification to the Coriolf′s force item in theD-H postpositioned coordinate system is deduced.用拉格朗日法解机构动力学时,哥氏力项在系统低速运转时对其影响很小,但在高速运动时有一定影响,教材中只对惯性力项和重力项进行化简,笔者在D-H后置坐标系中对哥氏力项进行推导。

4)V-H coordinatesV-H坐标

5)coordinate H line坐标H列

6)Effect of dynamicsg坐标观察


