900字范文 > 养老社会保障体系 Ageing Social Security System英语短句 例句大全

养老社会保障体系 Ageing Social Security System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-25 21:59:51


养老社会保障体系 Ageing Social Security System英语短句 例句大全

养老社会保障体系,Ageing Social Security System

1)Ageing Social Security System养老社会保障体系


1.Strategics on the establishment of old-age social security covering city and countryside;建立覆盖城乡居民的养老社会保障体系的战略思考

2.Research on the Integrated Pension Social Security System in Shanghai Pudong New Area;上海浦东城乡社会养老保障体系的一体化思考——阶梯式社会养老保障体系

3.New Socialist Countryside Needs a Compound Old Age Security System;社会主义新农村需要复合型养老保障体系

4.An Analysis on Feasibility of the Endowment-security-system-building in Rural Society of China;构建中国农村社会养老保障体系的可行性分析

5.A Study of the Current System for Agricultural Pension Security in Zhejiang Province;对当前浙江农村社会养老保障体系的思考

6.Economic Analysis of China Social Old-age Security System;关于完善中国社会养老保障体系的经济分析

7.Improvement Plan and Its Implementationof the Social Pension System;社会养老保障体系的改进方案及其实施

8.Population Aging and the Reform of Old-people s Social Security System in China;人口老龄化与老年社会保障体系改革

9.The Aging Trend of Shaanxi s Population and the Establishment and Perfection of Social Security System for Old People;陕西人口老龄化趋势与社会养老保障体系的建立与完善

10.Analysis of the Influence of Aging Problem on Social SecurityService System for the Aged and its Solutions;人口老龄化对社会养老保障服务体系的影响与对策分析

11.Exploration Research of Urban Community Endowment Security System in China我国城市社区养老保障体系探索研究

12.Construct the Public Pension Plans for the Farmers who Lost Lands--Considering from a Requirement of Harmonious Society;建立失地农民的养老保障体系——从构建和谐社会的角度出发

13.Establishment and Perfection of Social Security System in Underdeveloped Rural Areas;浅析欠发达地区农村社会养老保障体系的建立和完善

14.Some Policy Advice on Construction of The Rural Pension Security System;构建我国农村社会养老保障体系的若干政策建议

15.Old-Age-Insurance System and Socialist Market Economic System;养老保障制度与社会主义市场经济体制

16.On the establishment of insurance system in rural areas for the aged;对建立农村社会养老保险体系的思考

17.On Relation Between Old-aged Pension Culture of Minorities and Rural Social Pension Security System in Xinjiang新疆少数民族传统养老文化与新疆农村社会养老保障关系研究

18.To Be Provided,to Be Guaranteed and to Be Engaged--The Construction of a Pension System in a Harmonious Society老有所养·老有所保·老有所为——和谐社会养老体系的构建


endowment-security-systemin the rural society农村社会养老保障体系

3)Social security System社会养老保障体系

4)old-age social security养老社会保障

1.Strategics on the establishment ofold-age social security covering city and countryside;建立覆盖城乡居民的养老社会保障体系的战略思考

5)old-age social security law养老社会保障法

1.Theold-age social security law is the result of social change.作为社会法的养老社会保障法是社会转型的产物。

6)social endowment security社会养老保障

1.The multitudinal undertakings of peasant-workers"social endowment security——besed on the administration perspective农民工社会养老保障多元化责任分担——基于治理理论的视角


