900字范文 > 准直效果 the effect of the collimation英语短句 例句大全

准直效果 the effect of the collimation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-05 09:44:37


准直效果 the effect of the collimation英语短句 例句大全

准直效果,the effect of the collimation

1)the effect of the collimation准直效果

2)direct effect直接效果

1.Analyses decisive factor anddirect effect of extreme nature for feedback.文章用方框图明确了输入信号、反馈信号等概念 ,分析了反馈极性的决定因素和直接效果 ,改进了传统的“瞬时极性法”。


1.Tax system reform of Russia:Direct and Indirect effects;俄罗斯税制改革:直接效果、间接效果

2.Stewarttull et al clearly show the direct impact of the length on the safety of adjuvants.史特沃氏及其它清楚地表明碳链长度对安全佐剂的直接效果。

3.The controls for Kaleidoscope are pretty straight forward.万花筒效果的控制是非常直接的。

4.The psychological advantage of direct control is impressive.直接控制所收到的心理效果很大。

5.Such indirect cleaning has the same effect as direct cleaning.这种间接清洗有着与直接清洗同样的效果。

6.The linguistic context directly influences the effect of rhetorical communication.对语境的正确认知直接影响着修辞交际的效果。

7.The acoustic condition of gym directly influences its service quality.体育馆声学条件的好坏将直接影响其使用效果。

8.This drug works best if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.这种药物直接注射到血流中药物效果最好。

9.On Dual Nature of Technology Transfer Through Foreign Direct Investment;论外商直接投资对本土企业技术进步的效果

10.An Experimental Study of the Effect of Context on the Direct Learning of L2 Vocabulary;上下文在二语词汇直接学习中的效果研究

11.An Empirical Analysis on China"s Performance of the Utilization of Foreign Direct Investment中国利用外商直接投资效果的实证分析

12.Effect of Vaccinating PRRS Bacterin on Preventing PRRSV Vertical Spread母猪接种PRRS疫苗预防PRRSV垂直传播的效果

13.Degradation and mechanism of direct fast black G with ferrate solution高铁酸盐溶液氧化直接耐晒黑G的效果及机理

14.Resistance Reducing Effect Analysis of the Vertical Earthing Electrode in Middle and Small Earthing Grid垂直接地极在中小型地网中的降阻效果分析

15.Edit your pages right in your browser, seeing exactly how your finished product will look every step along the way.在浏览器上直接编辑,可以直观地看到每个操作的效果.

16.Contact screen: Half-tone screen used in direct contact with the photographic film for creating half-tones.接触网片:和菲林直接触的半色片调网片;它造成半色调效果。

17.Two-year clinical evaluation of direct bonding mobile anterior teeth with 4-META/MMA-TBB resin树脂直接粘接法固定牙周松动前牙的二年效果观察

18.However, the grounding system becomes saturated as more vertical grounding electrodes are arranged in a substation with a fixed size.但在有限的地网面积范围内布置过多的垂直接地极时,垂直接地极的效果将趋于饱和。


direct effect直接效果

1.Analyses decisive factor anddirect effect of extreme nature for feedback.文章用方框图明确了输入信号、反馈信号等概念 ,分析了反馈极性的决定因素和直接效果 ,改进了传统的“瞬时极性法”。

3)apparent effect直观效果

1.The new era of rice foliar selenium-enriched fertilizer differed with all the other rice foliar selenium-enriched fertilizers in the respects of not only its significant selenium-enriching effect and yield-increasing effect but also its very significantlyapparent effect in addition.所谓新一代水稻富硒叶面肥,因为它与其它水稻富硒叶面肥有着不同,不仅有良好的富硒效果与增产效果,而且还有显著的直观效果。

4)Live effect直播效果

5)effect test效果标准

1.In the justice practices,the "effect test" and the "conduct test" are the cores the extraterritorial application of the securities laws,which become th.在“领域管辖原则”的基础上发展起来的“效果标准”和“行为标准”,奠定了美国证券法域外管辖权的基础,成为证券法域外适用的主要理论依据。

6)self-collimation effect自准直效应

1.Theself-collimation effect of TM mode in a two-dimensional square lattice photonic crystal is studied by using plane-wave expansion method, and two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method with perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary conditions for the application of beam adjustment and deflection.通过分析光子晶体的能带结构和等频图,基于二维光子晶体的自准直效应和光子带隙,对光波在二维光子晶体中的传播特性进行了讨论。


