900字范文 > 煤矿乏风瓦斯利用 utilization of ventilated mine methane英语短句 例句大全

煤矿乏风瓦斯利用 utilization of ventilated mine methane英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-26 06:02:42


煤矿乏风瓦斯利用 utilization of ventilated mine methane英语短句 例句大全

煤矿乏风瓦斯利用,utilization of ventilated mine methane

1)utilization of ventilated mine methane煤矿乏风瓦斯利用

2)The coal mine methane煤矿瓦斯利用

3)Ventilation Air Methane (VAM)煤矿风排瓦斯


1.Study on CDM Application in Ventilation Air Methane Generation of Chinese Coalmines;我国煤矿风排瓦斯发电的CDM应用研究

2.Study on Ventilation Technology for Da Shuitou Hign Methane Mine;大水头煤矿高瓦斯矿井通风技术研究

3.A Fuzzy Controller for Coalmine Gas Mobile Pumping-exhaust System;基于模糊控制的煤矿瓦斯抽排控制器

4.Research on Ventilation & Gas Intensive Monitoring System for Small Coalmine;小煤矿通风瓦斯集群监控系统的研究

5.Intelligent Control and Optimization of Coal Mine Gas Mobile Pumping-exhaust System;煤矿瓦斯移动抽排系统的智能控制与优化运行

6.Mobile Coalmine Methane Pumping-exhaust System Based on Online Interpolation Fuzzy Control;基于在线插值模糊控制的煤矿瓦斯抽排系统

7.Application of Automation Systems in Gas Drainage Pumping Station;自动化系统在顾桥煤矿瓦斯抽排泵站的应用

8.Coal mine gas pumping-exhaust system controlled by fuzzy RBF network采用模糊RBF网络控制的煤矿瓦斯抽排系统

9.Study and Application of Risk Management on Gas Accident in Coalmine Da Shuitou;大水头煤矿瓦斯事故风险管理的研究及应用

10.Study on Risk Assessment of Gas Accidents in Coal Mine Based on the Theory of Hazard;基于危险源理论的煤矿瓦斯事故风险评价研究

11.Analysis on New Progress and Outlook of Mine Air Return Gas Utilization煤矿回风瓦斯利用最新进展及前景分析

12.Development of Mobile Gas Detection and Management System for Coal Mine Ventilation District煤矿通风工区瓦斯巡检管理系统的研制

13.Characteristics of Coal Mine Ventilation Air Methane Combusted by Catalytic in Gas Turbine煤矿通风瓦斯在燃气轮机中的催化燃烧特性

14.Treatment of Borehole and Roadway Holing for Coalmine Gas Discharging Well Construction and the Completion Technology煤矿瓦斯抽排井施工钻孔与巷道串通的治理及成井技术

15.The Monitor and Control of Coalmine Gas and Dust;煤矿瓦斯和煤尘测控数学模型的建立

16.Preliminary Study on Coal and Gas Outburst in Shenyang Hongling Coal Mine沈阳红菱煤矿煤与瓦斯突出初步研究

17.Gateway Layout Technology of High Gassy Thick Seam in Tunliu Mine屯留煤矿高瓦斯厚煤层巷道布置技术

18.The Application Study on Risk Forewarning System of Gas Explosion and Gas Discharge Based on Hazard Theory;基于危险源理论煤矿瓦斯爆炸和涌出风险预警系统及其应用研究


The coal mine methane煤矿瓦斯利用

3)Ventilation Air Methane (VAM)煤矿风排瓦斯

4)coal mine ventilation air methane煤矿乏风

1.Oxidation ofcoal mine ventilation air methane in thermal reverse-flow reactor煤矿乏风的蓄热逆流氧化

5)coal mine gas煤矿瓦斯

1.Summarization on the vortex engine technique applied incoal mine gas generate electricity应用于煤矿瓦斯发电的涡旋引擎技术概述

2.Disaster prediction ofcoal mine gas based on rough set theory基于粗糙集理论的煤矿瓦斯预测技术

3.To the gas in coal mine underground environment,based on the optical absorption character of gas molecule in definite spectrum range,through the analysis ofcoal mine gas absorption spectrum,optical fiber sensing gas and system is suggested.针对煤矿井下环境中的瓦斯气体,根据瓦斯气体分子在一定的波段对光有吸收特性,使光谱具有了瓦斯的特性,通过对煤矿瓦斯气体吸收光谱的分析,提出了一种光纤传感瓦斯气体及其系统。

6)mine gas煤矿瓦斯

1.The transportation type is the key of utilization of themine gas,so it"s necessary to study the gas transportation technology.矿井开采出的瓦斯气体如何进行输运是瓦斯利用的关键,因此,对煤矿瓦斯输运方式进行研究十分必要。


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