900字范文 > 工程筹划 planned management of project英语短句 例句大全

工程筹划 planned management of project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-26 13:56:29


工程筹划 planned management of project英语短句 例句大全

工程筹划,planned management of project

1)planned management of project工程筹划


1.Application of network program technology in planned management of metro construction;网络计划技术在地下铁道工程筹划中的应用

2.School Improvement Programme Monitoring Committee学校改善工程计划统筹委员会

3.The Application of PERT in the Engineering Item Preparation Stage;网络计划技术在工程项目筹备阶段的运用

4.When the government set about building the MRT, their first step was to develop a massive plan for the project.政府筹建捷运系统的第一步,是拟定整个工程的详细计划。

5.Research on Internal Transfer Pricing of Large Engineering Group Corporation Based on Taxation Planning;基于税务筹划的大型工程企业集团的内部转移定价研究

6.The New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office (NAPCO) serves as the executive arm of the ADSCOM and is responsible for overall project management and co-ordination.新机场工程统筹署是机场发展策划委员会的执行部门,负责全面管理和统筹机场核心计划各项工程。

7.funding of capital cost of water project水利工程基建投资筹集

8.Discussion on the Tax Planning in the Course of Enterprise s System-reform and Recombination;企业改制重组过程中的税收筹划问题

9.On Tax Planning Strategy in Financial Management;浅议财务管理过程中的税收筹划策略

10.Research of Tax-Paying Plan in Process of the Financial Affairs企业财务活动过程中的纳税筹划研究

11.I can only advise you how, to go about it."我只能帮你筹划筹划。”

12.Article Eleven SEPA formulates the overall plans of the training.第十一条环保总局统筹规划培训工作。

13.Are you unsatisfied with your current job and thinking about changing careers?目前的工作不尽如人意,在筹划跳槽吗?

14.Several Considerations about the Design of Value-added Tax Avoidance of Construction Enterprise;施工企业增值税避税筹划的几点思考

15.Method and solution to Construction enterprise s tax planning;施工企业纳税筹划思路与方法的探讨

16.Planning of salary granting and personal income tax paying;浅谈工资发放与个人所得税纳税筹划

17.On our most projects Critical Path Method( CPM) is used for scheduling.在我们的大多数工程项目中都采用“统筹法”(关键路线方法,简称CPM)排计划。

18.she worked zealously to raise funds for the literacy project.她积极工作,以为扫盲工程筹集资金。


New Works Project Team新工程筹划小组


1.Discussing the taxplanning in the enterprise operation;浅谈企业经营活动中的纳税筹划

2.Research on the Planning of Hunan s Financial Revenue;湖南省财政收入筹划研究


1.Three Methods of Plan of Individual Emolument Income Tax;个人薪资所得税筹划三法

2.Research on Tax Planning of Jiuguijiu Company Limited;酒鬼酒公司纳税筹划研究

5)planning and preparation筹划

1.The unified planning with due consideration for all concerned is a rare treasure in the work ofplanning and preparation.统筹兼顾是筹划上不可多得的瑰宝,统筹学是专门研究和实践统筹兼顾规律和方法的学科。



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