900字范文 > 隧道外水压力 tunnel external water pressure英语短句 例句大全

隧道外水压力 tunnel external water pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-08 11:38:06


隧道外水压力 tunnel external water pressure英语短句 例句大全

隧道外水压力,tunnel external water pressure

1)tunnel external water pressure隧道外水压力

1.A groundwater flow model for determining thetunnel external water pressure——Impressions of “the simulation of deep tunnel externalwater pressure by analytical-numerical method;确定隧道外水压力的地下水流模型——读《深埋隧道外水压力计算的解析-数值法》一文随笔

2)tunnel pressure隧道压力

1.To study the stability of tunnel pit-wall,many calculation methods of thetunnel pressure are put forward.为了研究隧道洞壁的稳定问题,人们提出了许多隧道压力的计算方法,尽管在隧道稳定领域有很多分析方法,但人们在隧道设计与施工过程中,仍然非常重视已有的各种经验和施工现场的原位监测工作。


1.A Study on Numerical Simulation and Model Experiment of the Pressure Waves of the High-Speed Trains Through Tunnels;高速铁路隧道压力波数值模拟和模型试验研究

2.Study on the Distribution Rule of Water Pressure upon Lining in Subject to High Hydraulic Pressure Mountain Tunnel高水压岩溶隧道衬砌水压力特征研究

3.Numerical simulation of high speed trains induced pressure waves in a single bore tunnel高速列车隧道会车压力波的数值模拟

4.Study on Relaxation Effect of Vertical Soil Pressure for Shield Tunnel;盾构隧道垂直土压力松动效应的研究

5.Study of flame-retardant property of high voltage power cables in tunnels隧道内高压电力电缆阻燃性能的研究

6.Study on the Relationship between Support Pressure of Deep-buried Tunnel and Span深埋隧道围岩压力与跨度的关系研究

7.Study on the Distribution Rule of Water Pressure Upon Lining in Subject to High Hydraulic Pressure Mountain Tunnel;高水压山岭隧道衬砌水压力分布规律研究

8.Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Air Distribution of Air Conditioning in a Railway Station;锦屏隧道流动阻力及射流风机升压力研究


10.The Numerical Prediction Method of the High Speed Train Crossing Pressure Waves in a Single Bore Tunnel隧道内高速列车会车压力波的数值模拟方法

11.Research on the Calculation Method & Monitoring of Surrounding Rock Pressure for Highway Tunnel;公路隧道围岩压力计算方法与监测研究

12.A Study on the Surrounding Rock Pressure of Maanshan Shallow Tunnel by Monitoring;马鞍山浅埋隧道围岩压力监控量测研究

13.The Stress and Deformation Analysis of Closely Spaced Tunnel with Shallow Depth, Partial Pressed and Altitude Differences;浅埋偏压错台小间距隧道应力变形分析

14.Research on the Mechanical Behavior of Unsymmetrical Loading Twin-arched Tunnels Located on the Shallow Weak Rock Mass;软弱围岩浅埋偏压连拱隧道力学效应研究

15.Study on Construction Mechanics Effect of Shallow-buried Loess Double-arch Tunnel under Unsymmetrical Pressure浅埋偏压黄土连拱隧道施工力学效应研究

16.Research on Prediction Method of Surrounding Rock Pressure Base on Tunnel Progressive Destruction隧道围岩渐进性破坏及围岩压力预测方法研究

17.Study on the prediction method of tunnel surrounding rock pressure based on the theory of progressive destruction基于渐进性破坏理论的隧道围岩压力预测研究

18.Analysis on the Law of Water and Earth Pressure by Shield Tunneling Construction隧道盾构施工引起水土压力变化及其规律分析


tunnel pressure隧道压力

1.To study the stability of tunnel pit-wall,many calculation methods of thetunnel pressure are put forward.为了研究隧道洞壁的稳定问题,人们提出了许多隧道压力的计算方法,尽管在隧道稳定领域有很多分析方法,但人们在隧道设计与施工过程中,仍然非常重视已有的各种经验和施工现场的原位监测工作。

3)pressured tunnel压力隧道

4)tunnel pressure wave隧道压力波

1.Based on the analogy between the wave height for the free-surface flow and the pressure of compressible flow movement, shallow water simulation experimental equipment that was used to simulate thetunnel pressure wave of high-speed railway firstly was built in China, and the simulation experiment oftunnel pressure wave was carried.本文根据自由表面水波运动的波高与可压缩流体运动压力的相似关系,首次在国内建立了高速铁路隧道压力波浅水槽模拟试验装置,并进行了隧道压力波模拟试验研究。

5)bottom pressure底压力(隧道)

6)nonpressure tunne非压力隧道


外水1.水名。指长江流经四川旧彭山县的一段。 2.水名。旧彭山县,汉称武阳。彭亡聚亦称彭亡。 3.水名。四川以涪江为内水,岷江为外水。 4.犹外乡。 5.犹外快。
