900字范文 > 重心偏移 barycenter offset英语短句 例句大全

重心偏移 barycenter offset英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-14 11:34:02


重心偏移 barycenter offset英语短句 例句大全

重心偏移,barycenter offset

1)barycenter offset重心偏移

1.Movement analysis for thebarycenter offsetself-in-phase vibration screen;重心偏移式自同步振动筛的运动分析


1.Research on the Safety Range of COG(Center of Gravity) Deviation of Goods on XL_(25G) Luggage CarsXL_(25G)型行李车货物重心偏移安全范围研究

2.Study on Security of Double-stack Container Car with the Deviation of Cargo and Container Gravity Center;箱货总重心偏移条件下双层集装箱车运行安全性的研究

3.Study on Security Standard of Double Stack Container Cars under Deviation of Cargo Gravity Center;货物重心偏移装载情况下双层集装箱车安全运行标准的研究

4.Emphasis Shift of Government s Choice in the Public and Private Sphere from the Angle of Social Transformation;从社会转型看政府在公私领域价值取向的重心偏移

5.The Designing of Experimental Program and Safety Analysis on Double-stack Container Cars with Deviation of Gravity Center双层集装箱重心偏移装载试验方案设计及运行安全性研究

6.The Research of H Reflex to the Shift of Gravity Center and the Change of Posture in Stroke Patients with Hemiparesis;脑卒中后偏瘫患者重心转移和姿势变化时的H反射研究

7.Study on Allowable Lateral Deviation of the Center of Gravity of Goods Based on Safety Criteria Regarding Derailment Coefficient;基于脱轨系数安全标准的铁路货物重心横向容许偏移量的研究

8.In the process of building a harmonious society, government should focus on public sphere and equalize efficiency and fairness.在和谐社会构建过程中,政府价值取向重心应逐步向公域偏移,做到效率与公平并重。

9.This shift is proportional to the tilt angle and is a function of the tank area and tank spacing.重心的偏移量与倾斜角成正比,并且是容器面积和容器之间距离的函数。

10.lateral shifting of gravitational center of goods货物重心的横向位移

11.Family History of Heart Disease Tied to Birth Weight小孩体重偏低与孕妇患心脏病有关

12.Chinese Savvy art of Lay More Particular Stress on Spiritual Than Formal;汉语“偏重心理,略于形式”的悟性艺术

13.Katsevich Correction and Rectification Algorithm for Off-center Spiral Cone-beam CT偏心螺旋锥束CT的Katsevich修正重建算法

14.The nominal weight is 60 g, allowable deviation is +0.1 g and -0.05 g.标准重量是60克,允许偏移量从负0.05克到正0.1克。

15.Software Migration Based on Refactoring Partial-Order Planning;基于重构偏序规划的软件移植方法研究

16.Frequency Field Super-resolution Reconstruction Based on Estimation Offset of Matrix Rank基于矩阵秩估计偏移量的频域超分辨率重建


18.Make Use Guide Drill Case Drill a Hole Lead to of Deviate Heart of a Drill使用导向钻套钻孔引出的中心偏移问题


barycenter"s offset重心偏移量

3)transverse position of gravity center重心横向偏移量

4)Deviation of container and cargo gravity center箱货总重心偏移

5)Imbalance of mass转子重心偏移

6)deviation of cargo gravity center货物重心偏移

1.as a result ofdeviation of cargo gravity center in practical operation, how should we establish the security standard of double stack container cars has become the most impo.由于实际操作中存在集装箱箱货总重心发生横向或纵向偏移的情况,所以如何制定货物重心偏移装载情况下的双层集装箱车的安全运行标准成为保证双层集装箱运输安全亟待解决的问题。


创建偏移剖面要创建偏移剖面,必须通过在“草绘器”中进行草绘以定义切口轮廓。然后,垂直于草绘平面投影此轮廓。单击 或“视图”(View)>“视图管理器”(View Manager)。“视图管理器”(View Manager) 对话框打开。单击“剖截面”(Xsec)。单击“新建”(New)。出现一个缺省的剖面名称。按 ENTER 键。“剖截面创建”(XSEC CREATE) 菜单打开。单击“偏移”(Offset)>“一侧”(One Side) 或“双侧”(Both Sides)>“完成”(Done)。“选取”(SELECT) 对话框打开。选取草绘平面,并定义查看方向和草绘方向。进入“草绘器”。选取用于尺寸标注的参照图元。草绘剖面轮廓并单击 退出“草绘器”。 在“视图管理器”(View Manager) 中,单击“显示”(Display)>“设置可见性”(Set Visible)。“可见性”(Visibility) 对话框打开。单击“显示剖面线”(Show X-Hatching) 查看剖面。单击 预览或单击 接受选取的选项。
