900字范文 > 农房保险 farmer house insurance英语短句 例句大全

农房保险 farmer house insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-19 02:57:39


农房保险 farmer house insurance英语短句 例句大全

农房保险,farmer house insurance

1)farmer house insurance农房保险

1.Policyfarmer house insurance,social welfare benefits and performance appraisal——Based on micro-data of 499 rural households in Zhejiang政策性农房保险、社会福利与绩效评估——基于浙江省农村固定观察点499个农户的微观数据分析

2)Policy farmhouse insurance政策性农房保险

3)building insurance房屋保险


1.The insurance on my house is very high.我的房屋保险费很高。

2.She takes out a life insurance policy or a house insurance policy .她投了人寿保险或房屋保险。

3.An insurance company will insure your house against fire.保险公司愿为你的房屋保火险。

4.The only stipulation the building society makes is that house must be insured.建屋互助会作出的唯一规定是房屋必须保险。

5.I have insured my house against fire for ten million dollars.我已投一千万元为我的房屋保火险。

6.It turned out he had not insured the house sufficiently.原来他没有给房屋投足保险。

7.Buying a house is the most secure method of acquiring shelter.取得自己房屋最保险的方法就是买房子。

8.She will be able to claim the cost against the house fire insurance.根据房屋火灾保险合同,她将有权要求赔偿损失。

9.On Interest Ascription of Insurance in Insured Building and Transferred Vehicle论已投保的房屋与机动车转让后的保险利益归属

10.Research on the Operational Mechanism of Technical Inspection Service in Building Defects Insurance Systems房屋质量保险制度下质量检查机构运行机制研究

11.district maintenance office [Housing Department]分区保养办事处〔房屋署〕

12.Pay Close Attention to the Advance Sale System of Houses and Defend the Risk of the Housing Loan;关注房屋预售制度 慎防房贷风险

13.A dilapidated building that shoulders out to one side.一座向一边倾斜的危险房屋。

14.Research on the Application of the Standard of Dangerous Building Appraisal;关于《危险房屋鉴定标准》的应用研究

15.Discuss about Standard of Danger Building of Infection Factors Weight;影响危险房屋鉴定因素权重值的探讨

16.Analysis of Risk Responsibility for the Subject Matter in House Bargain Contract;试析房屋买卖合同标的物的风险责任

17.The Concept and Feature of Secondhand Tenement Exchanging and Its Operating Methods and Risk Analysis;房屋置换属性、运作方式及风险分析

18.insure a house for all risks,ie fire,theft,etc给房子保综合险(火险、盗窃险等)


Policy farmhouse insurance政策性农房保险

3)building insurance房屋保险

4)homeowner"s insurance房主保险

5)Agricultural insurance农业保险

1.An analysis on the system of financial support for agricultural insurance in China;对我国农业保险补贴制度的思考

2.Sustainable development of agricultural insurance in Shanghai responding to WTO;应对WTO,实现上海农业保险业持续发展

3.Analysis on China s Agricultural Insurance Based on Positive Externality;基于正外部性的我国农业保险问题透析

6)farm machinery insurance农机保险

1.Thefarm machinery insurance is an important link of constructing the farm mechanization security system, it is urgent to strengthen the legislation study, practice and exploration of thefarm machinery insurance.农机保险是构建农机化保障体系的重要环节,加强农机保险立法研究和实践探索势在必行。


保险辞典-保险单(Policy) 保险人与被保险人顶立保险合同的正式书面证明。保险单必须完整地记载保险合同双方当事人的权利义务及责任。保险单记载的内容是合同双方履行的依据。 保险单是保险合同成立的证明。但根据我国《保险法》规定,保险合同成立与否并不取决于保险单的签发,只要投保人和保险人就合同的条款协商一致,保险合同就成立,即使尚未签发保险单,保险人也应负赔偿责任。保险合同双方当事人在合同中约定以出立保险单为合同生效条件的除外。
