900字范文 > 大学生医疗保障 medical insurance of college students英语短句 例句大全

大学生医疗保障 medical insurance of college students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-12 13:31:41


大学生医疗保障 medical insurance of college students英语短句 例句大全

大学生医疗保障,medical insurance of college students

1)medical insurance of college students大学生医疗保障


1.Current Situation Analysis and System Innovation of Medical Security for College Students;大学生医疗保障现状分析与制度创新

2.Study on Medical Security and Behavior of Hospital Visits of Undergraduates in Anhui Province;安徽省大学生医疗保障现状及就医行为研究

3.On the Reform and Development of the Medical Insurance System for Undergraduates;改革和完善大学生医疗保障制度的若干思考

4.Law System improving of the Medical Security for Chinese College and university Students论我国大学生医疗保障法律制度的完善

5.Building medical security system for undergraduate to construct harmonious campus建立大学生医疗保障体系,构建和谐校园

6.Research and Consideration on Medical Security and Healthcare Utility of College Students对大学生医疗保障与卫生服务利用情况的调查与思考

7.Ponder over the College Students Multi-layer Medical Insurance关于建立大学生多层次医疗保障体系的思考

8.A Survey on the health service utilization and present situation on medical insurance of undergraduates in Hangzhou杭州市大学生卫生服务利用及医疗保障情况调查

9.Medical ethics,law and health care problems in treatment of newborns新生患儿治疗中的医学伦理、法律与医疗保障等问题的探讨

10.Survey on medical insurance of college students in four provinces of south and central China;中南四省高校学生医疗保障情况调研报告

11.Improving medical insurance system to the college and university students;努力完善我国普通高校学生医疗保障制度

12.Research on the Status and Improvement of College Students Medical Security in Jiangsu;江苏省高校学生医疗保障现状与提高医保水平研究

13.Differences in Chinese and Western Culture:Medical System,Ethics and Security of Medical Care中西文化差异:医学体系、医学伦理及医疗保障

14.Focusing on the Severe Diseases: A New Medical Security System Framework;论构建以大病保障为核心的医疗保障制度

15.The Healthcare Guarantee System of the City People with the Allowance for the Lowest Living standard;城市最低生活保障人口的医疗保障体制

16.Overseas Health Insurance海外学生医疗保险费

17.Study on Current Countermeasure for Medical Health Care and Analysis of Medical Expenditure for University Students高等学校学生医疗费用分析与健康保障对策研究

18.The countermeasure research on modern war and health care;现代战争与医疗卫生保障的对策研究


serious illness medical insurance大病医疗保障

3)medical health guarantee医疗卫生保障

1.Objective To probe into the principle of dynamic change of the physical health and ailing status among the personnel during working on a reef in the Chinese South Sea,so as to provide basis for making rationalmedical health guarantee projects.目的探讨南海群礁作业人员在礁期间身体状况及患病情况动态变化规律,为制定合理医疗卫生保障方案提供依据。

2.Objective To probe into the dynamic change of the diet and some other life habits among the personnel during the time on a reef in the South China Sea,so as to provide basis for making rationalmedical health guarantee projects.目的探讨南海群礁作业人员在礁期间饮食及其他部分生活习性动态变化规律,为制定合理的医疗卫生保障方案提供依据。

4)health care医疗卫生保障

1.The countermeasure research on modern war andhealth care;现代战争与医疗卫生保障的对策研究

5)medical Security医疗保障

1.The construction of harmonious society and medical security system-including perfection of the social medical security system;社会和谐与医疗保障制度建设——兼论社会医疗保障制度的完善

2.On transforming governmental functions in the system of basic medical security and the harmonious society;和谐社会与基本医疗保障制度中的政府职能转变

3.Rupture and Remedy:the medical security for the migrant worker;断裂与弥补:农民工医疗保障的理性思考

6)Medical insurance医疗保障

1.Consummating medical insurance for health of farmers;完善医疗保障 关注农民工健康

2.On the reform of Chinese medical insurance system;我国医疗保障体系发展研究

3.Situation analysis on rural medical insurance in our country;我国农村医疗保障现状分析


大病1.死的婉辞。 2.重病。
