900字范文 > 腹部器官 Abdominal organ英语短句 例句大全

腹部器官 Abdominal organ英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-27 14:07:44


腹部器官 Abdominal organ英语短句 例句大全

腹部器官,Abdominal organ

1)Abdominal organ腹部器官

1.CT abdominal organ extraction using mathematical morphology基于数学形态学的CT腹部器官提取


1.Analysis of abdominal organ motion using four-dimensional CT基于4DCT的腹部器官呼吸运动分析

2.CT abdominal organ extraction using mathematical morphology基于数学形态学的CT腹部器官提取

3.Postoperative care of 5 patients undergoing abdominal organ cluster transplantation5例上腹部器官簇移植术患者的术后护理

4.Clinical observation on long-term surviving patients after combined abdominal organ transplantation腹部器官联合移植患者长期存活的临床观察

5.Objective To summarize the treatment experience of long-term surviving patients after combined abdominal organ transplantation.目的总结腹部器官联合移植患者长期存活的临床经验。

6.The soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities.内脏,脏腑身体的柔软内部器官,尤指包含于腹部和胸腔内的器官

7.Basic and Clinical Study of Abdominal Multiorgan Combined Transplantation腹部多器官联合移植的基础与临床研究

8.Study Abdominal Surgery Disease That Associate with Multiple Organ Failure;伴多器官功能衰竭的腹部外科疾病相关性研究

9.Effects of CO_2 Pneumoperitoneum to the Regional Blood Flow of the Intraabdominal Organs in a Controlled Hemorrhagic Model with Liver Injuries;肝脏撞击伤后CO_2气腹对腹腔内器官局部血流量影响的实验研究

10.The gonads open near the base of the abdomen and the excretory organs are usually Malpighian tubules.生殖腺开口于近腹部基部,排泄器官通常为马氏管。

11.Infection spreads to the membranes lining the abdominal cavity and supporting the organs within it. This condition is known as peritonitis.感染扩散到覆盖在腹腔内部和支持着腹腔里面的器官的膜上,这种症状称为腹膜炎。

12.nocturnal beetle common in warm regions having luminescent abdominal organs.温暖地区常见的夜间活动的甲虫,腹部有发冷光的器官。

13.More rarely such larvae, which fail to reenter the circulation, are found in other abdominal organs.更罕见的是,蛔蚴不能再进入循环而进入腹部其它器官。

14.Risk Factors for Nosocomial Infectious Complications after Abdominal Surgery for Malignant Disease腹部消化器官恶性肿瘤术后院内感染的危险因素分析

15.Application of imaging to the diagnosis of neonatal abdominal diseases影像学在新生儿腹部实质性器官疾病诊断中的应用

16.Risk factors analysis of motality in patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome after abdominal trauma腹部创伤合并多器官功能障碍综合征患者病死危险因素分析

17.A surgical procedure used to relieve pressure on an organ or part, such as the abdomen, cranium, or spinal cord.减压、解压外科手术过程中解除一器官或身体的一部分的压力,如腹部,头盖骨或脊髓

18.Then, after inserting tubes into vessels in the boy"s neck and groin, they began cycling his blood through the pig"s organ.在这个男孩颈部和腹股沟血管内插入管子,他们开始通过猪器官循环他的血液。


abdominal multivisceral organ腹部多器官

3)abdominal organ segmentation腹部器官分割

4)Abdominal Cluster Transplantation腹部器官簇移植

5)Resection of abdominal large viscera腹部大器官切除

6)abdominal multiple organ transplantation (AMOT)腹部多器官联合移植


听觉器官和前庭器官的进化5 脊椎动物平衡器官―半规管的比较

听觉器官和前庭器官的进化5 脊椎动物平衡器官―半规管的比较 李瑞端绘[图]
