900字范文 > 文学熏陶 influence of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学熏陶 influence of literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-23 21:28:32


文学熏陶 influence of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学熏陶,influence of literature

1)influence of literature文学熏陶

1.The relationship between the media literacy education and theinfluence of literature can be seen from two aspects:one is that the existence of literature in modern media environment calls for the media literacy education,and the other is that the media literacy education will help raise the aesthetic level of the public literature.传媒素养教育与文学熏陶之关系可以从两方面来看,一是现代传媒环境中的文学存在方式呼唤传媒素养教育,二是传媒素养教育有助于提高大众的文学审美水平。

2)culture edification文化熏陶


1.ON The Formation of Zhang Ailing s Personality;论作家张爱玲的文化熏陶与个性形成

2.could afford up to forty-five Bucks a throw to wax sentimental over their heritage花四十五元获得享受传统文化熏陶的机会

3.Edification of Campus Culture,a Important Support for Competitive Powerof Vocational College Students校园文化熏陶是高职学生竞争力的重要支撑

4.she came, of course, from a more primitive culture.这当然是因为她从小受到的是比较原始的文化熏陶。

5.could afford up to forty - five bucks a throw to wax sentimental over their heritage(John Simon)花四十五元获得享受传统文化熏陶的机会(约翰 西蒙)

6.could afford up to forty - five bucks a throw to wax sentimental over their heritage(bJohn Simon)花四十五元获得享受传统文化熏陶的机会(b约翰 西蒙)

7.Can Ralph measure up to the job, even with the help of loyal aristocrat Willingham?而这个生于美国受美国文化熏陶长大的肥佬对王室的宫廷礼仪十分讨厌,时时想劈炮!

parative Study between Kongfu Infuenced by Historiographic Culture and Western Sport Bred Via City-state System of Ancient Greece古希腊城邦制度孕育下的西方体育与古典史官文化熏陶下的中国武术的对比研究

9."It is the influence of the Chinese culture." All these reasons have been suggested.有人说:“这是受了中华文化的熏陶”。

10.Relationship between the Filial Piety Culture’s Function on Edifying the Family Member and Cultivating the Talent;孝文化的熏陶与家庭成员成才的关系

11.The formation of genre of quyi( folk- art forms) tune- patterns is directly effected by local cultures.曲艺唱腔流派的形成,直接受到地域文化土壤的孕育和熏陶。

12.On Intercultural Communication Competences Teaching and Training:From the Perspective of Constructivism;建构主义理论视角下跨文化交际能力的传授与培养——从熏陶到训练

13.Let"s gain some exposure to the great works of literature, art and music.让我们多多感受文学、术、乐的熏陶吧!

14.His emotional criticism was closely related to his womanlike emotion personality and the edification of Chu Culture.沈从文的这一情感性批评方式与他女性化的情感人格以及楚文化的熏陶密切相关。

15.But the education of full-time is of exert a subtle influence on, self-study does not come to the edification of the culture in university campus and thought.可是全日制的教育是潜移默化的,大学校园里的文化和思想的熏陶是自学不来的。

16.It is our choice to start our education to the teenage the elite of Confucianism and let them grow up healthily in the edification of Confucianism.从幼儿开始,让他们淋浴在儒家精华文化中,让他们在熏陶中健康成长,这就是我们的选择。

17.Her music is appreciated across the globe but it is Singapore, China, Thailand and Britain that have helped to shape her talent.她受过新加坡、中国、泰国和英国等多种文化的熏陶,她的音乐传遍五洲四海。

18.The key points to apply latent curriculum are to build a good envronment and to form a good culture.潜在课程在英语教学中具有师生双方隐性因素的作用和校园环境与文化的熏陶作用。


culture edification文化熏陶

3)influence of humanities人文熏陶

1.Its basic contents are character education,influence of humanities,practical knowledge and cultivation of wisdom of secular life.其基本内容是行为规范教育、人文熏陶、实用知识的传授和世俗生活智慧的培养。

4)Edification in Culture and Art文化艺术熏陶


1.The integration of accumulation,nurture and awareness--a way to middle school students success of writing compositions;积累·熏陶·感悟——中学生作文成功的必由之路

6)edifying of sensibility情感熏陶

1.In aiding the teaching of Chinese course effectively stress should be laid on text reading,the feeling and understanding of the connotation of the language and theedifying of sensibility.语文课程有其特点, 语文多媒体教学必须从课程特点出发, 注重文本阅读, 注重对语言内涵的感受、品味和挖掘, 重视情感熏陶, 使多媒体能够服务于语文教学, 以取得良好的教学效果。


