900字范文 > 分散识字 dispersive character learning英语短句 例句大全

分散识字 dispersive character learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-11 00:22:16


分散识字 dispersive character learning英语短句 例句大全

分散识字,dispersive character learning

1)dispersive character learning分散识字

2)Learning characters by diverging thought发散识字

3)decentralized identification分散辨识

1.Thedecentralized identification technique for dynamic linear large-scale industrial processes is presented by which the strong consistency estimates of the steady-state models of the processes are obtained.针对动态线性大工业过程,提出了获得其可分稳态模型强一致性估计的分散辨识方法。

2.In order to make the system more stable work in the best condition more quickly and accurately,the complex non-linear problem was transformed into the familiar linearization problem by combining the maturedecentralized identification method with the nonlinear system fixed multi-model control algorithm.为了更加快速准确控制,使系统更加稳定地工作在最佳工作状态,在已经成熟的分散辨识方法的基础上,通过介绍非线性系统固定多模型控制算法,把两者结合起来,将复杂的非线性问题转化为我们熟悉的线性化问题,近而利用分散辨识方法,得到系统工作的最优工况。

4)dispersing memorization分散识记

1.Chemical terms, an important tool of learning chemistry should be acquired under the conduct of teachers by the way ofdispersing memorization and chemical phenomena-associated memorization.教师在教学的过程中,应强调学习化学用语的重要性,并引导学生通过分散识记、结合化学事实来掌握化学用语的方法。

5)Scientific Grouping Method分类识字

1.TheScientific Grouping Method(SGM) and Its Application in Teaching Foreigners the Chinese Characters分类识字法及其在对外汉语教学中的应用


1.The Scientific Grouping Method(SGM) and Its Application in Teaching Foreigners the Chinese Characters分类识字法及其在对外汉语教学中的应用

2.Study on Phrase Classifier in Chinese Character Recognition汉字识别中以词为分类单位的分类器研究

3.A on-line stroke based multi-level handwriting Chinese character recognition method识别联机手写体汉字的多级分类方法

4.Parallel Algorithms For Prelimirary Classification In Chinese Character Recognition关于汉字识别粗分类并行算法的研究

5.Investigating the Features of Knowledge Classification in Ancient China--With Special Reference to the Three Character Classic从《三字经》看中国古代的知识分类

6.A Method of Stroke Classification and Recognition in On line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition联机手写体汉字识别中的笔划分类及笔划识别

7.Application of the Clustering Analysis in the Large Vocabulary Chinese Character Recognition;聚类分析及其在大类别汉字识别中的应用

8.Study on Chinese Character Recognition System Based on Neural Network Classifier基于神经网络分类器的汉字识别系统研究

9.An Application of Bayesian Classifier in the Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Character贝叶斯分类器在手写汉字识别中的应用

10.Neural Networks Combined System for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition手写体汉字识别纯神经网络多分类器集成

11.A Neural Network Method Combined with Distance-classifier for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition结合距离分类器的神经网络手写体汉字识别

12.The Recognition of Chinese Characters Using Black Pel Density for Preliminary Classification and Amplitude Spectrum of Projection Profiles用笔划密度预分类与轮廓投影辐值谱识别汉字

13.Digital Identification and Knowledge Integretation for Biological Taxonomy;基于数字化的生物分类鉴定及知识集成研究

14.Revolving Invariance Printing Numerals Recognition Based on Combined Classifier;基于多分类器组合旋转不变的印刷体数字识别

15.An Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals Recognition Way Based on Combined Classifier;基于组合分类器的自由手写体数字识别方法

16.Simple Application of Neural Network in the Classification and Numeral Recognition神经网络在分类和数字识别中的简单应用

17.A off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on the Binary Tree of SVM Multi-Classification基于二叉树多层分类SVM的脱机手写体汉字识别

18.Research of character identifying method about least Hamming distance classifier最小海明距离分类器的字符识别方法研究


Learning characters by diverging thought发散识字

3)decentralized identification分散辨识

1.Thedecentralized identification technique for dynamic linear large-scale industrial processes is presented by which the strong consistency estimates of the steady-state models of the processes are obtained.针对动态线性大工业过程,提出了获得其可分稳态模型强一致性估计的分散辨识方法。

2.In order to make the system more stable work in the best condition more quickly and accurately,the complex non-linear problem was transformed into the familiar linearization problem by combining the maturedecentralized identification method with the nonlinear system fixed multi-model control algorithm.为了更加快速准确控制,使系统更加稳定地工作在最佳工作状态,在已经成熟的分散辨识方法的基础上,通过介绍非线性系统固定多模型控制算法,把两者结合起来,将复杂的非线性问题转化为我们熟悉的线性化问题,近而利用分散辨识方法,得到系统工作的最优工况。

4)dispersing memorization分散识记

1.Chemical terms, an important tool of learning chemistry should be acquired under the conduct of teachers by the way ofdispersing memorization and chemical phenomena-associated memorization.教师在教学的过程中,应强调学习化学用语的重要性,并引导学生通过分散识记、结合化学事实来掌握化学用语的方法。

5)Scientific Grouping Method分类识字

1.TheScientific Grouping Method(SGM) and Its Application in Teaching Foreigners the Chinese Characters分类识字法及其在对外汉语教学中的应用

6)discrete word recognition离散字的识别


