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跟踪调查 Follow-up Investigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-21 12:20:04


跟踪调查 Follow-up Investigation英语短句 例句大全

跟踪调查,Follow-up Investigation

1)Follow-up Investigation跟踪调查

1.Report onFollow-up Investigation Analysis about the Graduates of the Human Resources Management Major;人力资源管理专业毕业生跟踪调查分析报告

2.Thinking about perfecting evaluation index system for graduate quality follow-up investigation ——Based on investigation results for graduates of SIE in recent years关于完善毕业生质量跟踪调查评价指标体系的思考——基于对沈阳工程学院毕业生的调查结果


1.Research on Death of the Teachers in Tsinghua University for 20 Years as an Instance;清华大学教职工死亡跟踪调查

2.A Investigation of Students" Physique and Health学生体质健康状况5年跟踪调查研究

3.A Longitudinal Study of the Errors in Chinese English Majors Argumentative Essays;英语专业学生议论文写作错误跟踪调查

4.Study on Debts of State-Owned Enterprise Converted into Shares in HeiLongJing Province;黑龙江省国有企业债转股跟踪调查研究

5.The Report of the Research of s Graduates in Shaanxi Vocational and Technical College;陕西职业技术学院届毕业生跟踪调查报告

6.Tracking investigation of exercise time on sub-healthy state of college sudents;运动时间对大学生亚健康状态影响的跟踪调查

7.A survey on growth development of students at primary school in Huanggang city proper;黄冈市城区小学生生长发育的跟踪调查

8.Analysis on the Relevance of Curriculum Based on Database of Track Investigation to Graduates;基于毕业生跟踪调查数据库分析课程的相关性

9.The follow-up study on gradutes of Gannan Medical College;赣南医学院本科毕业生跟踪调查结果分析

10.An Investigation into EFL Motivation of Provincial College Students;地方性大学大学生外语学习动机跟踪调查

11.Survey of graduates who majored in health management;卫生事业管理专业毕业生跟踪调查分析

12.Report on Follow-up Investigation Analysis about the Graduates of the Human Resources Management Major;人力资源管理专业毕业生跟踪调查分析报告

13.Investigation and study on health status of officials and intellectuals;机关干部和知识分子健康状况跟踪调查研究

14.Follow-up Research of the Experiment of the New Mathematics Course in North-west Region;西北地区新数学课程实验跟踪调查研究

15.The Comparative Analysis of Follow-up Investigation of Reform in Teaching of Moral Lesson;思想品德课教学改革跟踪调查比较分析

16.An Investigative Report on Graduates;孝感职院应用技术分院毕业生跟踪调查报告

17.A Fixation on the Judicial Conceptionof the Undergraduates and the Comparative Study;大学生法制观念的跟踪调查和比较研究

18.Report about The 4th Investigation on NIAT Graduates;南昌航空工业学院第四次毕业生跟踪调查报告


Follow-up survey跟踪调查

1.As professional education institutions,colleges should improve the overall quality of students,in-depth study of the students\" situation,the practice management and the social and market research for improving their social adaptability by follow-up survey on them.作为教育方的职业院校应从提高学生综合素质、深入研究学生状况、加强实习管理、加大对社会市场研究力度及对毕业生进行跟踪调查几方面来提高高职生的社会适应力。

2.In light of analysis and follow-up survey on graduates from Hangzhou College of Vocational Technology,the article reflects on the problems and defects in higher vocational education and puts forward tactics and suggestions for further strengthening and perfecting the follow-up survey work.对毕业生开展跟踪调查,可以从侧面了解高职院校教育与企业职业及岗位教育结合的紧密度。

3)Make a follow -up survey; Make a follow -up investigation作跟踪调查

4)follow-through survery method[运]跟踪调查法

5)tracking & tracing enquiry system跟踪查询

6)audit trail检查跟踪


