900字范文 > 旋转电弧传感器 rotating arc sensor英语短句 例句大全

旋转电弧传感器 rotating arc sensor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-16 04:31:03


旋转电弧传感器 rotating arc sensor英语短句 例句大全

旋转电弧传感器,rotating arc sensor

1)rotating arc sensor旋转电弧传感器

1.Identification of welding torch deviation withrotating arc sensor;旋转电弧传感器焊枪偏差信息识别方法

2.Processing of underwater arc welding signal based onrotating arc sensor基于旋转电弧传感器的水下电弧焊信号处理


1.Processing of underwater arc welding signal based on rotating arc sensor基于旋转电弧传感器的水下电弧焊信号处理

2.The Research of Welding Gun s Pose Identifying Methods Based on Rotatable Arc Sensor;旋转电弧传感器焊枪位姿识别方法研究

3.Study on Underwater Welding High Speed Rotational Arc Sensor and Torch Offset Identification水下焊接高速旋转电弧传感器及焊枪偏差识别的研究

4.The Study of Lap Welding Based on Mobile Robot with Rotating Arc Sensor移动机器人旋转电弧传感搭接焊研究

5.Fillet Welding Seam Tracking Based on a Mobile Robot with Rotational Arc Sensor以旋转电弧为传感器的移动机器人角焊缝跟踪

6.Single Chip Microcomputer Control System for Fillet Welding Seam Tracking on Robot with Rotating Arc Welding Sensor;机器人旋转电弧传感角焊缝跟踪单片机控制系统

plex wavelet method to pick up infomation got by rotating arc sensor用复小波实现水下旋转电弧式传感器焊缝信息提取

8.Research on arc sensing method of verage current for narrow gap rotating method窄间隙焊缝跟踪旋转电弧电流平均值传感法比较研究

9.Study on Welding-gun Inclination Detection and Wet Underwater Welding Seam-tracking System Based on Rotating Arc Sensor;旋转电弧传感焊枪倾角检测及水下焊缝跟踪技术研究

10.High Pressure Water Environment Rotating Arc Sensor Welding Characteristic and Its Weld Seam Sensing and Tracking高压水环境旋转电弧焊接特性及其焊缝传感跟踪研究

11.piezoelectric sensor-transducer压电传感器-转换器

12.drum motor tachogenerator磁头鼓电机转速传感器

13.electronic shaft-speed pick-up电子式轴转速传感器

14.charge transfer image sensor电荷转移图像传感器

15.Study on Magnetic-control arc sensor in weld tracking of submerged arc welding with fine wine磁控电弧传感器在细丝埋弧焊焊缝跟踪中的研究

16.Study on an inductive steering speed sensor电磁感应式转向盘转速传感器的研究

17.Geomagnetic Field Measurements with Spin-valve Giant Magnetoresistance Sensor用自旋阀巨磁电阻传感器测量地磁场

18.Mathematical Modeling and Simulating Analysis for Moving Style Welding Robot System with Arc Sensor;电弧传感移动式焊接机器人的数学建模及仿真


rotational arc sensor旋转电弧传感器

1.Improvement of characteristic harmonic method inrotational arc sensor旋转电弧传感器特征谐波法的改进

2.Identification of welding torch attitude based onrotational arc sensor旋转电弧传感器焊枪空间姿态识别

3.An experimental system for underwater welding identification of welding torch offset based on high speedrotational arc sensor was established.搭建了基于高速旋转电弧传感器的水下焊接焊枪偏差识别的实验系统。

3)rotating arc welding sensor旋转电弧传感器

1.The high speedrotating arc welding sensor driven by motor with air axis is widely used in seam tracking system,the theory of variation detection is introduced at first;the minimization of controller is necessary in putting the technology into products,the work has been done.空心轴高速旋转电弧传感器广泛应用于焊缝跟踪系统中,首先介绍了利用这种传感器进行焊缝偏差检测的原理,在已有的基于工控机来控制平台的基础上,对控制器进行了小型化工作,从工作原理、软硬件组成和相应的功能模块的实现等方面介绍了基于十六位单片机80C196KC的控制系统的开发方法,结论中还提到了开发时的一些技巧和体会,利用所研制的控制器在焊接机器人ROMAT 76AW上进行了采集和控制实验,结果证明基本达到预定要求。

4)ratating arc sensor旋转电弧式传感器

5)rotating arc sensor旋转电弧传感

1.A new wheeled mobile welding robot based onrotating arc sensor is presented.介绍了一种基于旋转电弧传感的新型轮式焊接机器人系统 ,机构上前轮采用步进电机转向 ,后轮由交流伺服电机驱动 ,左右与上下十字滑块用两个直流伺服电机控制 ,这 4个电机用一 4轴驱动运动控制器进行驱动控制 ,大大提高了集成度与控制效率 ,目前是一种新型的焊接自动化装备 。

6)rotary electrical sensor旋转式电传感器


