900字范文 > 传统识字教育 traditional literacy education英语短句 例句大全

传统识字教育 traditional literacy education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-28 06:24:43


传统识字教育 traditional literacy education英语短句 例句大全

传统识字教育,traditional literacy education

1)traditional literacy education传统识字教育


1.The Inspiration of the Experience from Language Sense Cultivation in Traditional Literacy Education传统识字教育中语感培养的经验及其启示

2.The challenge of knowledge-basedeconomy to the traditional education concepts in China;知识经济对我国传统教育观念的挑战

3.Views of Modern University Presidents and Educators on Chinese Educational Tradition;近代大学校长和教育家对中国教育传统的认识

4.Study on the Application of Theories and Methods of Traditional Chinese Characters Teaching to Teaching of Chinese Characters to Foreigners;中国传统识字教学理论和方法在对外汉字教学中的应用研究

5.Traditional morals and preschool education;传统道德与幼儿教育——兼论《三字经》的幼教思想

6.The Origin and Basic Features of Ancient Orthodox Education in the View of “Jiao;从“教”字看古代传统教育的源起及其基本特征

7.Wushu s Influence on Traditional Aesthetic Consciousness Cultivation of in P.E.;体育教育中武术对传统审美意识的培养

8.Influence Study on College Students Traditional National Culture Consciousness after a long course of Shadowboxing;民族传统体育教育对学生民族传统文化意识的影响

9.literacy and post-literacy non-formal education识字和识字后非正规教育

10.adult and functional literacy programmes成人识字和实用识字教育

11.On the Philosophical Basis of General Education--How to Seek Dialectical Unity of Science Tradition & Literary Tradition;论“通识教育”的哲学基础——兼析“科学传统与人文传统”的辩证统一

12.Analysis about how Traditional Art Design Education transform to Digital Art Design Education;传统艺术设计教育如何向数字艺术设计教育转型的分析

13.The Virture Education of Chinese Tradition and the Development Thanks Giving Conscionsness of University Students;中华传统美德教育与大学生感恩意识的培养

14.The Outlook of Traditional Education Study Faces Challenge and Suspicion;论“面向生活”的教育研究对传统知识观的挑战

15.Research Tradition of Anthropology &Knowledge Increasing of Pedagogy;人类学的研究传统与教育学的知识增长

16.Re-considering the Relations between Contemporary Chinese Basic Education and Its Cultural Tradition当代中国基础教育与文化传统关系再认识

17.The Confucian Idea of General Education:Evolution of its Traditions and its Modern Interpretation儒家通识教育思想的传统流变与现代诠释

18.Traditional Six-form Theory could be Applied in Character Teaching Which Takes Chinese Course Standard;传统“六书”说可为实施语文课程标准的识字教学所用


pedagogy in learning characters识字教育

3)traditional teaching of Chinese characters传统识字

4)traditional education传统教育

1.On mutual supplement between network-based education andtraditional education in basic education;试论基础教育中网络教育与传统教育的优势互补

2.The influence of modern remote education upontraditional education;谈现代远程教育及其对传统教育的影响

3.The Similarity and Differences Between Distance Education and Traditional Education;远程教育与传统教育的共性与差异

5)educational tradition教育传统

1.The negative influence ofeducational tradition on theeducational reform in China today;教育传统对当代中国教育改革的负面影响

2.On creative transformation ofeducational tradition;论教育传统的创造性转化

3.During the 5000 developing course of Chinese education,it has formed and preserved excellenteducational traditions,such as "show respect to teachers and think highly of education","cultivate talent","pay more attention to moral education","base teaching on learning" and "model teachers".中国教育在五千年的发展历程中,形成并遗存下来“重教尊师”、培养“成人”、重视“德教”、“以学论教”、教师模范等优秀教育传统。

6)Education tradition教育传统

1.Education tradition not only is the fountain of education that has come to being, and also are education developments and education trends.教育传统既是已经形成的教育源流,也是不断发展的教育动态和教育趋势。


