900字范文 > 堆焊工艺 surfacing technology英语短句 例句大全

堆焊工艺 surfacing technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-30 16:56:33


堆焊工艺 surfacing technology英语短句 例句大全

堆焊工艺,surfacing technology

1)surfacing technology堆焊工艺


1.Effect of Welding Process on Microstructure and Properties of Surfacing Layer with D212 Welding ElectrodeD212焊条堆焊工艺对堆焊层组织性能的影响

2.Study on Strip Surfacing Technologies and Mechanical and Property of Surfacing Deposit for 2.25Cr1Mo Steel;2.25CrlMo钢带极堆焊工艺及堆焊层组织、性能研究

3.The technology requirements and characteristics of overlay of a refractory steel build-up welding wire are introduced.介绍了一种热强钢堆焊焊条的堆焊工艺要求、焊层特性。

4.Hot-Wire TIG Cladding Copper on Steel and the Microstructure Analysis of the Joint铜/钢热丝TIG堆焊工艺及接头组织分析

5.Cladding Process of Stainless Steel Strip for A508-ⅢA508-Ⅲ钢的不锈钢带极堆焊工艺

6.Technique analysis of surfacing 16MnR steel with Mone1400 alloyMonel400合金/16MnR基体堆焊工艺分析

7.Technology Research on Powder Overlaying of Cast Aluminum Alloy by an Alternating Current TIG Arc;铸造铝合金交流TIG电弧粉末堆焊工艺的研究

8.Blast Furnace the Size of Bell and Hopper of the Welding Technology炼铁高炉大小钟及料斗的堆焊工艺探析

9.Study on hardfacing technology of die insert and its economic analysis大型覆盖件镶块模具的堆焊工艺及经济效益分析

10.Study on Iron Based High Temperature Wear Resistance Surfacing Electrode and Welding Process;铁基高温耐磨堆焊焊条及焊接工艺研究

11.Welding Technique of Automatical Hidden Arc Overlay Welding for Matching Surface Between Bell and Hopper of Blast Furnace高炉料钟、料斗配合表面自动埋弧堆焊焊接工艺

12.New Stainless Steel Heap Welding Technique for Main Steam Valve Sealing Suface主蒸汽阀门密封面不锈钢堆焊新工艺

13.Process study on overlaying welding repair of 5CrNiMo hot-working die5CrNiMo热锻模具堆焊修复工艺研究

14.Research of Whole Build-up Welding Repair Techniques for Hammer Forging Die of 45Cr2MoVNiSi Steel45Cr2MoVNiSi锤锻模整体堆焊修复工艺探讨

15.Overlaying-repairing and heat treatment technology of 60CrMnMo steel roller60CrMnMo钢轧辊堆焊修复及热处理工艺

16.Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Welding Processes on Temperature Field of GMAW Surfacing Weld Zone焊接工艺对GMAW堆焊焊缝区温度场影响的数值模拟

17.Study on Surfacing Technology for 9Cr2Mo Cold Midst-Roller and Its Application in Engineering;9Cr2Mo钢冷轧中间辊堆焊修复工艺研究及工程应用

18.By means of multi layer and multi pass lap surfacing, the surfacing layer with big thickness and area can be acquired.采用多层焊和多道搭接工艺可获得大厚度、大面积堆焊层。


pile-up welding technology堆焊工艺

1.In light of the above situation, we worked out a mending scheme ,set down the scientific and rationalpile-up welding technology, with which the worn curved rail is repaired on-site, showing good usage results.针对这种情况,提出了修复方案,制定了科学合理的堆焊工艺,现场修复磨损的弯轨,使用效果良好。

3)surfacing welding堆焊工艺

1.The method ofsurfacing welding sealing strip was adopted to repair the deformation of the flange joint surface of the high and intermediate pressure outer casing .修理前,围绕兼顾解决焊接性、应力和变形问题,结合实际施工条件制定了以手工钨极氩弧焊、镍基焊丝、焊前低温预热、焊后锤击焊缝为要素的冷堆焊工艺。

4)TIG bead weldingTIG堆焊工艺

5)Deposition/overlying welding technique沉积/堆焊工艺

6)technology of laser overlaying激光堆焊工艺


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