900字范文 > 智慧缺失 Lack of wisdom英语短句 例句大全

智慧缺失 Lack of wisdom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-12 19:57:21


智慧缺失 Lack of wisdom英语短句 例句大全

智慧缺失,Lack of wisdom

1)Lack of wisdom智慧缺失

2)Lack of wisdom.愚蠢缺乏智慧


1.Discussion of philosophical meditation on the relationshipbetween knowledge andintelligence of Jing Yueling;论金岳霖对知识与智慧关系的哲学沉思

2.The Han of the Fool Turning into the Intelligence with Accept the Mistake to Read;傻子的汉化智慧与接受误读

3.Cbinese Education under the Life Visual Field:Come from Living, Promote Intelligence, Reach Life;生命视野下的语文教育:源于生活,升于智慧,达于生命


1.Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom.智者不可夸耀自己智慧。

2."God has knowledge of the way to it, and of its resting-place;"神明白智慧的道路,晓得智慧的所在。

3.wise humanity, terribly wise humanity !呵,智慧的人类,极端智慧的人类!

4.Experience is the father of wisdom, and memory the mother .经验乃智慧之父,记忆为智慧之母。

5.I love wisdom more than she loves me. --Byron我爱智慧胜于智慧爱我。——拜伦

6."all this I have put to the test by wisdom; I said, I will be wise, but it was far from me."我曾用智慧试验这一切事。我说,要得智慧,智慧却离我远。

7.KJV] And Solomon"s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt.[新译]所罗门的智慧大过所有东方人的智慧,大过埃及人的一切智慧。

8.Wisdom from Metasynthetic Theory--Preliminary Analysis on Qian Xuesen s Theory of Metasynthetic Wisdom and Thinking of Metasynthetic Wisdom Education;集大成,得智慧——试析钱学森的大成智慧学和大成智慧教育思想

9.Association marocaine des sages femmes摩洛哥智慧妇女协会

10.Wisdom is more to be envied than riches .人们羡智慧,胜过羡财富。

11.She is endowed with both beauty and brains.她有天赐的美貌和智慧。

12.Experience teaches/does it.1. 经验给人教训 (或智慧)。

13.proverbial sayings, wisdom谚语、 谚语表达的智慧

14.His eyes are intelligent and watchful.沉思的眼睛显出智慧,

15.Wisdom is the badge of maturity.智慧是成熟的标识。

16.To flee from folly is the Beginning of wisdom.抛弃愚蠢是智慧的开始。

17.Wisdom is the perfect good of the human mind.智慧是人脑的精华。

18.Santa Claus is a man of wisdom.圣诞老人是智慧的长者。


Lack of wisdom.愚蠢缺乏智慧


1.Discussion of philosophical meditation on the relationshipbetween knowledge andintelligence of Jing Yueling;论金岳霖对知识与智慧关系的哲学沉思

2.The Han of the Fool Turning into the Intelligence with Accept the Mistake to Read;傻子的汉化智慧与接受误读

3.Cbinese Education under the Life Visual Field:Come from Living, Promote Intelligence, Reach Life;生命视野下的语文教育:源于生活,升于智慧,达于生命


1.The perspective of science: power,knowledge orwisdom;科学的向度:力量、知识抑或智慧

2.Harmoniouswisdom and sapiential harmony——be upper in the thought of "Number" primitive in Pythagoras;和谐的智慧与智慧的和谐——在毕达哥拉斯“数”本原思想视阈内

5)Wisdom and philosophic wisdom智慧与哲学智慧

6)Absence or lack of reason; irrationality.不理智理智的缺失或缺乏;不理智


愚蠢1.亦作"愚惷"。 2.愚笨,愚昧无知。
