900字范文 > 南北对话 North-South dialogue (Between developed countries in the north

南北对话 North-South dialogue (Between developed countries in the north

时间:2023-12-01 17:57:30


南北对话 North-South dialogue (Between developed countries in the north

南北对话,North-South dialogue (Between developed countries in the north hemisphere and developing countries in the southern hemisphere)

1)North-South dialogue (Between developed countries in the north hemisphere and developing countries in the southern hemisphere)南北对话


1.The solution, of course, lies in North-South dialogue, and we support dialogue.解决这个问题当然要靠南北对话,我们主张南北对话。

2.International Economic Cooperation Conference (the North-South Dialogue)国际经济合作会议(南北对话)

3.The spokesman said that China supports North-South dialogue and is wiling to take an active part in south-south cooperation发言人称,中国支持南北对话,并将积极参与南南合作

4.We reckon that it would not be enough just to depend on North-South dialogues, But it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation Between the third world countries, i.e., South-South cooperation我们认为,单靠南北对话是不够的,必须加强第三世界国家之间的合作,即南南合作

5.China has consistently supported developing countries in their efforts to strengthen South-South cooperation and promote North-South dialogue中国一贯支持发展中国家之间开展的南南合作,支持发展中国家为推进南北对话而作出的努力

6.But dialogue alone is not enough; cooperation among Third World countries -- in other words, South-South cooperation -- should be stepped up as well.不过,单靠南北对话还不行,还要加强第三世界国家之间的合作,也就是南南合作。

7.The Conflict and Conversation in the Literary Circles of Early Song: The Inter-flow between Southern Literature and Northern Philosophy;宋初文坛的冲突与对话——南文北进与北道南移

8.2. Enhance dialogue and improve North-South relations;促进对话,努力改善南北关系;

9.The Impacts of Wu dialect on Northern Fujian Dialects from the Case of "Shui group";从石陂话“水类字”看南部吴语对闽北方言的影响

10.The contrast between Northern and Southern speech patterns.北方话与南方话有显著的差别

11.Was it northern Mandarin or southern Mandarin if there was?如果说有,是北方官话还是南方官话?

12.A Discussion about the Formation of the Ping Dialect in Northern Guangxi,the Vernacular in Southern Hunan and the Vernacular in Northern Guangdong in the Perspective of Rhyme and Rhythm;从音韵现象看桂北平话和湘南、粤北土话的形成

13.Contrast between Landscape Painting Creation and Deep Meditation of Chan Buddism山水画艺术创作与南北禅宗修为方式的话语对照

14.The Relation among Pinghua , South Hunan Dialect and North Guangdong Dialect as Viewed from the Distinguishing Vocabulary;从特色词看平话、湘南土话和粤北土话的关系

15."We can offer the United States our experience in talks between South and North Koreas and confirm the US position on dialogs with North Korea."「我们可对美方提供我们在南北韩会谈中的经验,并确认美国在与北韩对话上的立

16.South and North Korea set up a military hotline南北两韩设立军事热线电话

parison of The Pingdi Yaos in Jianghua County of Hunan Province and Fuchuan County of Guangxi Province;湘南江华与桂北富川平地瑶话的比较

18.Continuity and Unity: A Comparative Study of"Remarks during the Inspection Tour of the South" and "Remarks during the Inspection Tour of the North;连续性与统一性:“南方谈话”与“北方谈话”比较研究


south and north official language南北官话

3)confrontation between the North and the South dynasties南北对峙

1.In terms of the relation between occupying the military points at theconfrontation between the North and the South dynasties an.就南北对峙军事要地与江左国土安全关系论 ,太建北伐是内含战略防御与战略进攻的双重底蕴的。

4)Henan dialect of northern Gan赣北河南话

1.Henan dialect of northern Gan is one part of Henan dialect away from Henan Province It resulted from immigrants of Henan Province in the north of Jiangxi Province.赣北河南话是因移民而形成的河南方言(中原官话)的省域外分支,以方言岛的形式分布于赣北鄱阳湖周围12个县市,为600余个村落中近10万居民所使用。

5)North-South Dissymmetry南北不对称

1.North-South Dissymmetry in International Trade Friction and the Formation of Frictions:An Analysis Based on Three Country Differential Products Trade Model;国际贸易摩擦南北不对称与摩擦的形成——基于一个三国贸易模型的分析

6)He speaks with a mixture of accents.他说话南腔北调。



南北对话 North-South dialogue (Between developed countries in the north hemisphere and developing countries in the southern hemisphere)英语短句 例句大全
