900字范文 > 低压动态无功补偿 low-voltage dynamic reactive power compensation英语短句 例句大全

低压动态无功补偿 low-voltage dynamic reactive power compensation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-11 01:25:28


低压动态无功补偿 low-voltage dynamic reactive power compensation英语短句 例句大全

低压动态无功补偿,low-voltage dynamic reactive power compensation

1)low-voltage dynamic reactive power compensation低压动态无功补偿

1.Aiming at the current situation that the large quantity,the dispersive position and the insufficient reactive-power compensation of distribution transformers,a intelligent monitoring equipment based on GPRS(General Packet Radio Service) andlow-voltage dynamic reactive power compensation technology,is researched.针对城乡电网配电变压器数量众多、布局分散、无功补偿不足的现状,设计开发了基于GPRS(General Packet Radio Service,通用分组无线业务)和低压动态无功补偿技术的配电变压器智能监控装置。


1.Controller of low voltage dynamic var compensator based on DSP基于DSP的低压动态无功补偿控制器

2.Design of Low-voltage Dynamic VAR Compensation Controller Based on DSP基于DSP的低压动态无功补偿控制器的设计

3.Design and Research of JKF Series Single-phase and Low-voltage Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation ControllerJKF系列分相低压动态无功补偿控制器的设计研究

4.Study on the Intelligent and Low-voltage TSC Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation Device;智能低压TSC动态无功补偿装置的研究

5.Discussion on some problems of the intelligent low-voltage reactive power compensation system低压TSC动态无功补偿系统若干问题的探讨

6.The specifications of low-voltage reactive power steady compensation equipmentsGB/T15576-1995低压无功功率静态补偿装置总技术条件

7.A New Dynamic Voltage-var Compensator Based on SVPWM基于SVPWM的调压式混合动态无功补偿器

8.Research on Reactive Power Automatic Compensation Device for 660V Low-voltage Lines660V低压线路无功功率自动补偿装置研究

9.The Optimum Usage and Effectiveness Analysis of the Low-voltage Reactive Automatic Compensator低压无功自动补偿装置的优化使用及效果分析

10.Development of multi-function var compensation controller for low-voltage distribution transformer多功能低压配变无功补偿控制器开发

11.A Noval Dynamic Reactive Power Compensator Based on Autotransformer基于自耦变压器的新型动态无功补偿装置

12.New Approach to Determine Capacity of Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation Using Economic Voltage Difference利用经济压差确定动态无功补偿容量的方法

13.Optimization of Reactive Compensation and Choice of CompensationCapacity in Low-voltage Electric Network;低压电网无功补偿最优方式和补偿容量的选择

14.Research on a Device for Intelligent Var Compensation in Low Voltage Distribution System;低压配电网智能无功补偿装置的研制

15.Research and Design on Low Voltage Reactive Compensation Control System;低压无功补偿控制系统的研究与设计

16.Application of Reactive Compensation in Distribution Network无功补偿技术在低压配电网中的应用

17.Application of Compound Switch in Low Voltage Reactive Power Compensation Based on AT89S51AT89S51在低压无功补偿复合开关的应用

18.Research of the Low-Voltage Dynamic Voltage Restorer s Capacity of Compensation;低压动态电压调整器的补偿能力研究


low voltage reactive power automatic compensation低压无功自动补偿


1.Application of Dynamic VAr Compensation Protection System forMedium-Voltage Transformer Substation;中压动态无功补偿装置保护系统应用研究

4)high-low handed unmerited compensate高低压无功补偿

5)low-voltage reactive compensation低压无功补偿

1.Design of embedded control system for dynamiclow-voltage reactive compensation;一种嵌入式动态低压无功补偿控制系统的设计

2.Aiming at the controlling means and running impacts of the formerlow-voltage reactive compensation sys-tems ,the paper sets forth an application system of higher accuracy reactive compensation control based on serial inter-face,and introduces the principle of measure and control,hardware and software in the system.针对以往低压无功补偿系统的控制思想及实际运行效果,阐述了一种运用串行接口电路设计的嵌入式动态无功补偿控制应用系统,介绍了系统无功检测控制原理、控制系统硬件电路设计及软件实现。

6)low voltage reactive compensation低压无功补偿

1.Thelow voltage reactive compensation collector-distributor control system in ferromanganese-silicon furnace is developed.论述了锰硅电炉无功补偿方式的优缺点,开发了锰硅电炉低压无功补偿集散控制系统。


低压1.物理学上指较低的压力。 2.较低的电压,通常指二百五十伏特以下的电压。 3.心脏舒张时血液对血管的压力。也叫舒张压。
