900字范文 > 养老金审计 Endowment Insurance Funds Audit英语短句 例句大全

养老金审计 Endowment Insurance Funds Audit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-16 03:58:17


养老金审计 Endowment Insurance Funds Audit英语短句 例句大全

养老金审计,Endowment Insurance Funds Audit

1)Endowment Insurance Funds Audit养老金审计



1.Strengthen the Audit of the Endowment Insured Fund, Promote Social Harmonious Development;加强养老保险基金审计促进社会和谐发展

2.Mechanism of Audit Supervision on Basic Endowment Insurance Fund of Town Enterprises Employees城镇企业职工基本养老保险基金审计监管机制研究

3.A Study on the Problem and Countermeasure of Endowment Insurance Fund Audit in China;我国养老保险基金审计中存在的问题与对策研究

4.Research on Construction of Endowment Assurance Fund Network Audit System养老保险基金联网审计系统构建研究

5.The Study on Design and Implementation of 2002- Basic Endowment Insurance Fund Audit Program in X-CityX市基本养老保险基金项目审计方案的设计与实施研究

6.Application of Trend Analysis Approach to Basic Endowment Insurance for Benefit Audit趋势分析法在基本养老保险效益审计中的应用

7.Do a Good Job of Endowment Insurance in China;扩大养老保险基金来源 夯实现行养老保险基础

8.Study on Supervision of Pension Fund Based on Accounting;基于会计视角的养老保险基金监管分析

9.The Construction of Full-covered Blended Pension System Based on Dual Social Pooling养老保险全覆盖:基于“两个统筹”的混合养老金体系设计

10.Study on Risk-control in Pension Fund Management;养老保险基金管理中的风险控制研究

11.Strengthening the Management to Guarantee the Security of Endowment Insurance Fund;加强管理 保障养老保险基金安全

12.Research on Pension Fund Allocation Based on VaR Model;基于VaR模型的养老保险基金投资研究

13.Research on Funding Level of Basic Social Pension Insurance" Co-Ordinated Fund基本养老保险统筹基金筹资水平研究

14.Research on Basic Pension Insurance Fund Balance中国基本养老保险基金收支平衡研究

15.the pension and life assurance schemes.是养老金和人寿保险计划。

16.Research on the Supervision System of Pension Fund in China;我国社会养老保险基金监管体制研究

17.Research on the Sustainable Old-Aged Insurance Fund in China;我国可持续发展的养老保险基金研究

18.Research on the Operating System of Rural Pension in China;农村社会养老保险基金运作机制研究



3)pension accounting养老金会计

1.Research on Pension Accounting Problems of Enterprises in China;我国企业养老金会计问题研究

2.This paper discusses the properties of the pension and relevant principles of accounting treatment, the contents of thepension accounting treatment, and the pension plan, etc.养老金会计是财务会计的一个重要分支,也是当前会计理论研究和实务操作中比较活跃的领域之一。

3.This paper aims at discussing USpension accounting standards from two points of view: one is from the history of USpension accounting standard,the other is from the logical development of USpension accounting standard.本文从横向(准则修订的时间顺序)和纵向(理论演化的逻辑顺序)两个视角,回顾并梳理美国养老金会计准则的制定历史,针对我国基本养老保险金会计核算的具体情况进行了思考,并建议我国企业基本养老金核算也应分为社会统筹和个人账户两部分进行。

4)pension plan养老金计划

1.This paper discusses the properties of the pension and relevant principles of accounting treatment, the contents of the pension accounting treatment, and thepension plan, etc.阐述了养老金的性质及其相应的会计处理原理、养老金会计处理的内容、养老金计划等。

2.The paper introduces the reformation and current situation of old-age social insurance in china, and then analyzes the effect of pay-as-you-gopension plan upon human capital investment, saving and economic growth using an overlapping model with an endogenous variable of human capital investment based on the urban-rural separation of old-age social insurance.本文介绍了我国养老社会保险制度的改革与现状,然后基于我国养老社会保险城乡分割的状况,建立了一个含有内生人力资本投资变量的世代交叠模型,分析了现收现付的养老金计划对我国城乡居民的人力资本投资、储蓄以及经济增长的影响。

5)Endowment insurance audit养老保险审计

6)pension plan accounting养老金计划会计


