900字范文 > 发展型社会福利理论 developmental social welfare theory英语短句 例句大全

发展型社会福利理论 developmental social welfare theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-24 10:29:10


发展型社会福利理论 developmental social welfare theory英语短句 例句大全

发展型社会福利理论,developmental social welfare theory

1)developmental social welfare theory发展型社会福利理论

1.Therefore, this article tries to analysis and evaluation problems in the perspective ofdevelopmental social welfare theory and the method of social collaboration theory.因此,本文尝试从发展型社会福利理论的视角,并结合社会协同的理论方法,对中国的养老保险制度改革过程中,出现的公平与效率之间、国家政府、企业和个人之间等问题进行分析和评价。

2)development-type welfare society发展型福利社会

1.The orientation of the social policies has been made more obvious by the report of the 17th CPC National Congress, which is to implement development-type social policies and build adevelopment-type welfare society.党的十六大以后,我国社会政策的新转向开始显现,十七大报告使我国社会政策的方向更加清晰,即实施发展型社会政策,建设发展型福利社会。


1.Building a Development-type Welfare Society through Development-type Social Policies;以发展型社会政策构建发展型福利社会

2.The social welfare work continued to develop.社会福利事业持续发展。

3.Social welfare work continued to develop.社会福利事业继续发展。

4.Developmental Welfare:Its Strategic Strength and Shortcoming for Welfare Development社会福利发展策略的创新与偏颇——关于发展型社会政策的评论

5.We should develop social relief and welfare programs in urban and rural areas.发展城乡社会救济和社会福利事业。

6.Developmental Social Welfare and Social Integration Branch与发展有关的社会福利和社会融合处

7.The Concept of the Welfare State and the Developmental Welfare State in Scandinavia;福利社会与发展中的斯堪的纳维亚福利国家

8.Arab Declaration on Social Welfare and Development Policies阿拉伯社会福利和发展政策宣言

9.Social Programmes and Sustainable Development Department社会福利计划和可持续发展部

10.Centre for Training and Research in Social Welfare and Development社会福利和发展事业训练和研究中心

11.developmental social welfare policies and programmes发展性社会福利政策和方案

12.Economy Development and Social Welfare:from Conflict to Integration;经济发展与社会福利:从对立到整合

13.Analysis of the Development of Social Welfare for the Old Aged and Reflection on the Issue;老年社会福利事业发展的分析与思考

14.Study on the Development of Chinese Pension Agency Within the Socialization Process of Social Welfare;社会福利社会化中我国养老机构的发展研究

15.Private Rest Home s Development under Social Welfare Socialization;社会福利社会化背景下养老机构发展研究

16.Development of Social Welfare and Construction of Chinese Harmonious Society;社会福利事业的发展与我国和谐社会建设

17.The Condition of Social Work Development and Social Welfare Policy Context in China;中国社会工作发展状况与社会福利政策处境

18.We should expand other social benefit undertakings, such as social welfare, social relief, preferential job placement for ex-servicemen and mutual aid.发展社会福利、社会救济、优抚安置和社会互助等社会保障事业。


development-type welfare society发展型福利社会

1.The orientation of the social policies has been made more obvious by the report of the 17th CPC National Congress, which is to implement development-type social policies and build adevelopment-type welfare society.党的十六大以后,我国社会政策的新转向开始显现,十七大报告使我国社会政策的方向更加清晰,即实施发展型社会政策,建设发展型福利社会。

3)theory of social welfare社会福利理论

4)Department of Social Welfare and Development社会福利和发展部

5)social development社会发展理论

1.Marx used materialistic dialectic to detect and analyze mankind society and its development and concluded the scientific theory ofsocial development.马克思运用唯物辩证法来考察和分析人类社会及其发展,提出了科学的社会发展理论。

2.Development is the core concept of Deng Xiaoping s Theory, which, essentially speaking, is about thesocial development in China.面对国内外形势的新变化和我国改革开放中出现的新问题,江泽民以邓小平的社会发展理论为基础,紧跟时代发展的世界潮流,洞察世界发展走向,审视中国发展进程,提出了“发展是党执政兴国第一要务”的重要论断,把发展的重要性提高到了前所未有的高度,从而进一步强化了发展的战略地位。

6)theory of social development社会发展理论

1.A basic shortage of the traditionaltheory of social development,amely,it only concern society "how development",and doesn t focus on "which one is good".传统的社会发展理论的一个根本缺陷 ,就是只关注社会“如何发展”而不关心“什么样的发展才是好的发展”的问题。

2.In his theory,Marx had not explicitly put forward the ideas of modernity and cultural prospective,but such ideas had been implied in histheory of social development.马克思的社会发展理论蕴涵着深刻的"现代性"和"文化学"维度。

3.Jiang Zemin inherits and promotes Marxisttheory of social development by bringing forth several new views, such as the multiplicity of the world, the realization of the increase of national productivity by surpassing the bounds, and mankindoriented social development.马克思在"世界历史"理论与东方社会理论中,科学地昭示了未来社会发展的方向,揭示了社会历史发展的普遍性与特殊性的统一;江泽民继承和发展了马克思的社会发展理论,提出了"世界多样性"、"努力实现我国生产力发展的跨越"的新观点,以及以人为本的社会发展新理念,并对社会主义现实与共产主义理想作出了新的解释,既是对现实社会主义走出低潮的科学探索,又是我们深入研究社会发展问题的理论基础。


