900字范文 > 巨灾保险风险证券化 catastrophe insurance risk securitization英语短句 例句大全

巨灾保险风险证券化 catastrophe insurance risk securitization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-08 05:50:03


巨灾保险风险证券化 catastrophe insurance risk securitization英语短句 例句大全

巨灾保险风险证券化,catastrophe insurance risk securitization

1)catastrophe insurance risk securitization巨灾保险风险证券化

1.Therefore based on the shortage of the supply in the insurance market and the reinsurance market, the capital market push forward an innovative financial product—catastrophe insurance risk securitization, which can disperse catastrophe risk.因此鉴于保险与再保险市场的供应能力不足以及资本市场可以分散风险的能力,资本市场推出了一种可以分散巨灾风险的创新产品—巨灾保险风险证券化产品。


1.The Research on Legislation for the Securitization of China"s Catastrophe Insurance Risk我国巨灾保险风险证券化立法问题研究

2.The Research on the Catastrophic Insurance Risk Securitization in China: the Design of Typhoon Catastrophe Bond;我国巨灾保险风险证券化研究——台风灾害债券的设计

3.Securitization of Catastrophe Risk--Typical Case of the Integration of Finance and Insurance;巨灾风险证券化研究——金融、保险一体化的典范

4.The Securitizatiorl of Catastrophic Risk and Its Appliance in Our Insurance Market;巨灾风险证券化及在中国保险市场的应用

5.Securitization of Catastrophe Risk and the Development of CAT Bonds in China;巨灾保险证券化与巨灾债券在我国的应用

6.Research on Catastrophe Securitization in the Framework of Integrated Risk Management;整合风险管理框架下巨灾风险证券化研究

7.The Learning of International Best Practice in Catastrophe Risk Securitization and Chinese Case Study巨灾风险证券化的国际借鉴与我国的实践研究

8.Study on Catastrophe Risk Securitization and Its Application in China巨灾风险证券化及其在我国的运用研究

9.A Probe into the Problems Related to the Practice of Securitization for Catastrophes in China我国巨灾风险证券化实践的相关问题探讨

10.A Research on Pricing Methods of Catastrophe Option of Catastrohpe Risk Securitization;巨灾风险证券化之巨灾期权定价方法的分析与研究

11.Study on "the Riddle of the Cost" in International Insurance Risk Securitization;国际保险风险证券化的“成本之谜”研究

12.A Study on the Feasibility of Securitization of Insurance Risks in China;我国保险业风险证券化的可行性研究

13.The Design of a Catastrophe Bond Connected with Earthquake;一类巨灾风险—地震灾害债券的设计

14.Catastrophe Bond: Agriculture Catastrophic Risk Transfer Solution Offered by the Capital Market;农业巨灾风险的资本市场解决方案——巨灾债券

15.Study on CAT Bond and Its Application in China;巨灾风险债券及其在我国的运用研究

16.Study on Application of GIS to the Risk Management of Giant Disasters;GIS在巨灾保险风险管理中的应用研究

17.But by now, the catastrophic is arguably too familiar to be truly exotic.巨灾债券为保险公司赔付地震或飓风损失时提供资金支持。

18.The Basic Study on Development of Insurance Securitization in China;保险风险证券化在中国发展的基础研究


catastrophe risk securitization巨灾风险证券化

1.This important special characteristic enablescatastrophe risk securitization to become one ideal alternative risk transfer mechanism.巨灾风险证券化将巨灾风险从承保能力有限的保险市场转移至资本更雄厚的资本市场,拓展了可保风险的范围,增加了承保能力。

3)Catastrophe Insurance Securitization巨灾保险证券化

4)Insurance risk securitization保险风险证券化

1.Insurance risk securitization (IRS) has been an important innovation in international risk management field currently, which has also been a substitution and .保险风险证券化是近年来国际风险管理领域的一项重要创新,其功能是对传统保险风险管理手段的替代和补充。

2.Insurance risk securitization (IRS) has been an important innovation in international risk management field currently, which has got a great success in international market.保险风险证券化是近几年国际风险管理领域的一项重要创新,在国际市场上已取得了很大的成功。

5)insurance securitization保险风险证券化

1.This paper provides an introduction to theinsurance securitization process and its products internationally.随着自然灾害造成的损失日益加重,保险风险证券化作为一种分散风险的途径在国际保险市场上出现并得到迅速发展。

6)flood insurance securitization水灾保险证券化


