900字范文 > 藤类药物 rattan drug英语短句 例句大全

藤类药物 rattan drug英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-23 12:11:15


藤类药物 rattan drug英语短句 例句大全

藤类药物,rattan drug

1)rattan drug藤类药物



1.The result suggest that the main active components wererotenoids such as rotenone,rotenolone,5 ,or 6 hydroxylrotenone.结果表明 ,其主要杀虫活性成分为鱼藤酮、鱼藤醇酮、鱼藤酚酮等鱼藤酮类化合

2.Deguelin, as one of naturalrotenoids, is consisted in Derris Lour and Tephrosia Pers.第二章采用超声波辅助浸提、索氏提取、振荡抽提3种方法提取鱼藤根中的鱼藤酮类化合物,应用柱层析、薄层层析,比较不同展开剂分离植物提取物中鱼藤酮类化合物的效果,HPLC检测各组分中鱼藤素的相对含量。

3.Therotenoids from root of Denis elliptica were extracted with solvent of 9:1CHC13/MeOH, isolated by chromatography, and detected by reversed phase HPLC.用9:1氯仿/甲醇溶剂提取和层析纯化后,以反相HPLC进行分离分析发现,毛鱼藤根含鱼藤酮、鱼藤素、毛鱼藤酮、鱼藤醇酮、灰豆素、毛鱼藤醇酮、脱氢鱼藤酮、脱氢鱼藤素和脱氢毛鱼藤酮等多种鱼藤酮类化合物,其中主要含鱼藤酮1。


1.Rotenoids from the Root of Derris elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ⅱ毛鱼藤根中的鱼藤酮类化合物Ⅱ(英文)

2.Isoflavones from Millettia nitida var. hirsutissima丰城鸡血藤异黄酮类化合物的分离鉴定

3.Separation of Flavonoids in Natural Products Using High-speed Countercurrent Chromatography: Separation of Flavonoids from Soybean, Ampelopsis Grossedentata and Salix Alba;逆流色谱分离黄酮类化合物——大豆、藤茶和白水曲柳皮中黄酮类化合物的分离

4.Research on the Enrichment, Separation and Antioxidant Activity of Flavonoids from Millettia Nitida Benth.var. Hirsutissima;丰城鸡血藤黄酮类化合物富集分离及抗氧化性研究

5.Study on Separation and Antioxidant Activity of Active Constituent Flavonoids from Millettia. Nitida Benth. Var. Hirsutissima Z. Wei;丰城鸡血藤活性成分黄酮类化合物提取分离及抗氧化活性研究

6.Studies on Anatomy, Histochemistry and Accumulation of Flavonoids in Houttuynia Cordata;鱼腥草的解剖学、组织化学及黄酮类化合物积累规律的研究

7.The Researches of Extraction, Purification and Antidepressant Effects of the Extract of Flavonoids of Houttuynia Cordata Thunb鱼腥草黄酮类化合物的提取纯化及抗抑郁作用的研究

8.Study on Preparative Isolation and Purification of Acetophenones from Three Asclepiadaceae Plant C. Bungei, C. Auriculatum and C. Paniculatum by High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography三种鹅绒藤属植物中苯乙酮类化合物的高速逆流色谱法分离(白首乌、牛皮消、徐长卿)

9.citrus flavanoid compound柑桔属类黄酮化合物

10.Synthesis of Chromonic Aldehyde Hydrazones Containing Pyridazinone含哒嗪酮的色酮醛腙类化合物的合成

11.Any of various usually woody vines of the genus Derris of tropical Asia, whose roots yield the insecticide rotenone.鱼藤属植物一种热带亚洲的鱼藤属的木本植物,其根会产生能杀死昆虫的鱼藤酮

12.A steroid containing a ketone group.酮甾含酮基的甾类化合物

13.Study on the Synthesis of 1-Tetralone and Pyridazinone Derivatives;1-四氢萘酮类及哒嗪酮类化合物的合成研究

14.Effects of Rifampicin on Rotenone-induced Oxidative Stress in Differentiated PC12 Cells利福平对鱼藤酮致分化PC12细胞氧化应激的影响

15.Studies of Polarographic Catalytic Waves of Quinone and Flavone Compounds;醌类和黄酮类化合物极谱催化波研究

16.Advances of Plant Chalcone Synthase in Synthesis of Flavonoids植物中查尔酮酶合成黄酮类化合物的研究进展

17.Changes of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex Ⅰ and Complex Ⅳ Activity in Rotenone-Induced Rat Model of Parkinson"s Disease鱼藤酮帕金森大鼠呼吸链复合酶Ⅰ、Ⅳ的改变

18.The Separation and Identification of Terpenoids in Preliminary Tripterygium Wilfordii Extract雷公藤初提物中萜类化合物分离及鉴别




1.The result suggest that the main active components wererotenoids such as rotenone,rotenolone,5 ,or 6 hydroxylrotenone.结果表明 ,其主要杀虫活性成分为鱼藤酮、鱼藤醇酮、鱼藤酚酮等鱼藤酮类化合

2.Deguelin, as one of naturalrotenoids, is consisted in Derris Lour and Tephrosia Pers.第二章采用超声波辅助浸提、索氏提取、振荡抽提3种方法提取鱼藤根中的鱼藤酮类化合物,应用柱层析、薄层层析,比较不同展开剂分离植物提取物中鱼藤酮类化合物的效果,HPLC检测各组分中鱼藤素的相对含量。

3.Therotenoids from root of Denis elliptica were extracted with solvent of 9:1CHC13/MeOH, isolated by chromatography, and detected by reversed phase HPLC.用9:1氯仿/甲醇溶剂提取和层析纯化后,以反相HPLC进行分离分析发现,毛鱼藤根含鱼藤酮、鱼藤素、毛鱼藤酮、鱼藤醇酮、灰豆素、毛鱼藤醇酮、脱氢鱼藤酮、脱氢鱼藤素和脱氢毛鱼藤酮等多种鱼藤酮类化合物,其中主要含鱼藤酮1。


5)Each drug category各类药物

6)animal-like drugs动物类药

1.This article tries to introduce professor Zhou Zhongying’s clinical experience in the treatment of obstinate diseases from the perspectives of the property ofanimal-like drugs and its clinical application.通过总结动物类药物的临床应用方法和使用要点,结合验案分析,介绍周仲瑛教授运用动物类药物治疗疑难杂症的临床经验。


