900字范文 > 拉伸力学性能 tensile mechanical properties英语短句 例句大全

拉伸力学性能 tensile mechanical properties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-07 08:23:07


拉伸力学性能 tensile mechanical properties英语短句 例句大全

拉伸力学性能,tensile mechanical properties

1)tensile mechanical properties拉伸力学性能

1.Effect of K mesh on thetensile mechanical properties of Polyethylene machine weaving netting for fisheries;K型网目对渔用乙纶网片拉伸力学性能的影响

2.The workmanship and process of unidirectional continuous bamboo fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP)specimens were described, and the experimental study on thetensile mechanical properties of BFRP was conducted.描述了一种单向连续竹纤维增强聚合物试件的制作工艺过程:研究了该型竹纤维增强复合材料的拉伸力学性能。

3.Thetensile mechanical properties of the armchair and zigzag single graphene sheets at different temperatures(0~3 000 K) were investigated based on molecular dynamics simulation with Tersoff bond-order interatomic potential.采用Tersoff势对扶手椅型(Armchair)和锯齿型(Zigzag)单层石墨烯薄膜在不同热力学温度下(0~3 000 K)的单向拉伸力学性能进行了分子动力学模拟,预测了石墨烯薄膜拉伸力学性能对温度的依赖性,并比较了不同温度条件下相同几何尺寸的扶手椅型和锯齿型单层石墨烯薄膜拉伸力学性能的差异。


1.Study on Anisotropy of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheet Based on Tensile Mechanical TestAZ31B镁合金板材拉伸力学性能的各向异性研究

2.Numerical Simulation of Temperature Dependence of Tensile Mechanical Properties for Single Graphene Sheet石墨烯拉伸力学性能温度相关性的数值模拟

3.Experiment of the Tensile Properties of Polycarbonate at Different Strain Rates聚碳酸酯拉伸力学性能的应变率相关性实验

4.The Mechanical Behavior of 4-step 3-D Braided Composites under Impact Tension;四步法三维编织复合材料冲击拉伸力学性能

5.Study on the Dynamic Tensile Mechanical Performance of Fiber Reinforced Composites with Polymer Matrix聚合物基复合材料动态拉伸力学性能研究进展

6.High Temperature Tensile Properties of Nickel Based Alloy C276镍基合金C276高温拉伸力学性能的试验分析

7.Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Tensile Mechanical Properties and Defect Behavior of Metal-single Crystal;金属单晶拉伸力学性能及缺陷行为的分子动力学模拟

8.Nonlinear Finite Elements Analyzing of Tensile Mechanical Properties of Nano-crystal Materials;纳米金属材料拉伸力学性能的非线性有限元分析

9.Uniaxial Tensile Mechanical Properties of High Ductile Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites高韧性纤维增强水泥基复合材料的单轴拉伸力学性能

10.Tensile Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Fiber Reinforced High Ductility Cementitious Composites纤维素纤维增强高韧性水泥基复合材料的拉伸力学性能

11.Effect of Preparation Processing on Tensile Properties of Flax Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites制备工艺对亚麻增强热塑性复合材料拉伸力学性能的影响

12.Effect of Rare-earth on Microstructure and High Temperature Tensile Mechanical Properties of Mg-6Al Alloys;稀土元素对Mg-6Al合金显微组织及高温拉伸力学性能的影响

13.The study on the factors to influence tensile mechanical properties of nonwoven fabric reinforcing composites;影响非织造布增强复合材料拉伸力学性能的探讨

14.Tensile mechanical characteristics of weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing area in elderly hip cartilage老年人髋关节软骨负重区和非负重区的拉伸力学性能研究

15.Tensile behavior and fractography of two kinds of ultra-high strength steels两种超高强度钢的拉伸力学性能研究及断口分析

16.Study on the Off-chip Tensile Test Experimental Facility for Micro-component Mechanical Property;微构件力学性能片外拉伸测试实验装置研究

17.The Performance of Single Crystal Copper in Process of Tension and Sliding Friction Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation;单晶铜拉伸及滑动摩擦性能的分子动力学模拟

18.Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy Tubes by Ring Hoop Tension Test;镁合金管材力学性能环向拉伸测试方法


tensile property拉伸力学性能

3)tensile properties拉伸力学性能

1.By means of X-ray diffraction technique,the effects of C、Mn、Cr and Ni on thetensile properties and the tendency of strain-induced martensite transformation in AISI 304 stainless steel have been investigated.借助于X射线衍射,研究了C、Mn、Cr和Ni含量对304奥氏体不锈钢拉伸力学性能和应变诱发马氏体相变倾向的影响。

2.The main performances of geo-composites made of geo-nonwoven and geo-membrane aretensile properties and water-proof pressure.非织造复合土工膜的主要性能指标为拉伸力学性能指标和耐静水压力指标 ,其影响因素复杂。

4)tensile mechanic performance拉伸力学性能

1.Analysis oftensile mechanic performance of self-reinforced polyethylene monofilament for fishing gear;渔用自增强聚乙烯单丝的拉伸力学性能分析

2.In this paper, thetensile mechanic performance of Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene(UHMWPE)netting twines and High Density Polyethylene(HDPE)netting twines was compared in standard laboratory.在标准实验室环境里 ,对超高分子量聚乙烯 (U HMWPE)和高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE)网线的拉伸力学性能进行了比较研究。

5)strengths tensile performance力学拉伸性能

6)high temperature tensile properties高温拉伸力学性能


不锈钢的物理性能、力学性能和耐热性能不锈钢的物理性能 不锈钢和碳钢的物理性能数据对比,碳钢的密度略高于铁素体和马氏体型不锈钢,而略低于奥氏体型不锈钢;电阻率按碳钢、铁素体型、马氏体型和奥氏体型不锈钢排序递增;线膨胀系数大小的排序也类似,奥氏体型不锈钢最高而碳钢最小;碳钢、铁素体型和马氏体型不锈钢有磁性,奥氏体型不锈钢无磁性,但其冷加工硬化生成成氏体相变时将会产生磁性,可用热处理方法来消除这种马氏体组织而恢复其无磁性。 奥氏体型不锈钢与碳钢相比,具有下列特点: 1)高的电阴率,约为碳钢的5倍。 2)大的线膨胀系数,比碳钢大40%,并随着温度的升高,线膨胀系数的数值也相应地提高。 3)低的热导率,约为碳钢的1/3。 不锈钢的力学性 不论不锈钢板还是耐热钢板,奥氏体型的钢板的综合性能最好,既有足够的强度,又有极好的塑性同时硬度也不高,这也是它们被广泛采用的原因之一。奥氏体型不锈钢同绝大多数的其它金属材料相似,其抗拉强度、屈服强度和硬度,随着温度的降低而提高;塑性则随着温度降低而减小。其抗拉强度在温度15~80°C范围内增长是较为均匀的。更重要的是:随着温度的降低,其冲击韧度减少缓慢,并不存在脆性转变温度。所以不锈钢在低温时能保持足够的塑性和韧性。 不锈钢的耐热性能 耐热性能是指高温下,既有抗氧化或耐气体介质腐蚀的性能即热稳定性,同时在高温时双有足够的强度即热强性。 不锈钢国际标准标准 标准 标准名 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准(国家技术监督局) KS 韩国工业标准协会规格Korean Standard AISI 美国钢铁协会规格America Iron and Steel Institute SAE 美国汽车技术者协会规格Society of Automative Engineers ASTM 美国材料试验协会规格American Society for Testing and Material AWS 美国焊接协会规格American Welding Society ASME 美国机械技术者协会规格American Society of Mechanical Engineers BS 英国标准规格British Standard DIN 德国标准规格Deutsch Industria Normen CAS 加拿大标准规格Canadian Standard Associatoin API 美国石油协会规格American Petroleum Association KR 韩国船舶协会规格Korean Resister of Shipping NK 日本省事协会规格Hihon Kanji Koki LR 英国船舶协会规格Llouds Register of Shipping
