900字范文 > 职业核心能力 professional core competencies英语短句 例句大全

职业核心能力 professional core competencies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-30 17:37:01


职业核心能力 professional core competencies英语短句 例句大全

职业核心能力,professional core competencies

1)professional core competencies职业核心能力


1.Training techniques for job key skills;职业核心能力培养课程教学实践探索

2.The Measures of Vocational Education for Improving the Lost Land Peasants Vocational Core Ability;提高失地农民职业核心能力的职业教育举措

3.Strategies of Cultivating Core Vocational Aptitude of Applied English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges高职应用英语专业人才职业核心能力的培养

4.A Study on Foreign Language Teaching and the Cultivation of Vocational Core Competencies of Higher Vocational Students外语教学与高职学生职业核心能力的培养研究

5.Consideration of Training the Core Capability in the Practice Teaching专业实践教学中职业核心能力培养思考

6.Educational Design and Implementation of Students" Vocational Core Competency Training学生职业核心能力培养的教学设计与实施

7.Discussion on Cultivating Vocational Core Ability through Landscape Dendrology Learning“园林树木学”课程教学中职业核心能力的培养

8.British Vocational Core Competency Development and Its Inspiration to China"s Vocational Education英国职业核心能力开发及对我国职业教育的启示

9.Discussion on Role and Significance of Physical Education in Cultivation of Higher Vocational Students" Core Fundamental Skills论体育对高职学生职业核心能力培养的意义和作用

10.On Higher Vocational Education with Professional Training as the Core;论以职业能力培养为核心的高职教育

11.Developing a Module System Focused on Higher Vocational Ability Cultivation;以培养职业能力为核心构建高职能力模块体系

12.Emphasis on Developing the Professional Abilities and Formulating the Core Curriculum Standard;突出职业能力培养 制定核心课程标准

13.Building the Training Mode of Vocational Education Scene by Closely Binding the Professional Core Capacity;紧扣专业核心能力构建职场培养模式

14.Construction of Practical Teaching System Taking Professional Ability as Core in Higher Vocational Colleges;以职业能力为核心的高职实践教学体系构建

15.Training of Undergraduates Comprehensive Professional Ability is the Core of Higher Vocational Education;高职教育核心是学生综合职业能力的培养

16.Building Competence Educational System of Higher Vocational Students with Professional Ability as Core以职业能力为核心构建高职学生素质教育体系

17.Designing of Unit Teaching of Die-Mold Design and Manufacturing Courses to Develop the Learners Professional Ability;以职业能力为核心设计模具专业课的单元教学

18.Professional Quality and Core Competencies Training of the Students of Property Management Major in Higher Vocational College高职物业管理专业学生职业素质与核心能力培养


core sill核心职业能力

3)vocational core competencies training职业核心能力培训

4)occupational core skills职业核心技能

5)Core profession核心职业

6)Core Function核心职能

1.What is the Core function of Archives;档案馆的核心职能是什么?——兼与宗培岭、潘玉民先生商榷


操作型职业能力操作型职业能力vocational ability of operating type操作型职业能力(voeational ab;一;:y。;一“r”t‘””飞、pe)以掌握特定技术或工艺的熟练动作为标志,并形成相应的职业技能与技巧的能力,如掌握打字、制图、控制仪表、驾驶汽车、植物嫁接与栽培等技术或丁_艺的能力。这种能力广为工农业生产所必需,它是一种以掌握某种作业或操作方式为特征的职业能力。(张燕逸撰张燮审)
