900字范文 > 氧化自燃 Produce mechanism英语短句 例句大全

氧化自燃 Produce mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-08 21:37:05


氧化自燃 Produce mechanism英语短句 例句大全

氧化自燃,Produce mechanism

1)Produce mechanism氧化自燃


1.Experimental Study on Performance That Carbon Dioxide Inhibits Coal Oxidation and Spontaneous Combustion;二氧化碳抑制煤炭氧化自燃性能的实验研究

2.Research on Low Molecular Compound in Coal Oxidized Spontaneous Combustion Mechanism;煤中低分子化合物的氧化自燃机理研究

3.Experimental Research on the Rules of the Characteristic Parameters of Coal Spontaneous Combustion;煤氧化自燃特性参数变化规律的实验研究

4.Experimental Study on Performance That Retarder Inhibits Coal Oxidation and Spontaneous Combustion阻化剂抑制煤炭氧化自燃性能的实验研究

5.mixed oxide (fuel)混合氧化物(燃料)

6.APO flame retardantAPO(氧化膦)阻燃剂

7.carbon monoxide-oxygen fuel cel一氧化碳氧燃料电池

8.The Study of the Oxidation of Low Temperature of Coal and Experiment and Computer Simulation of the Process of the Spontaneous Combustion;煤低温氧化性与自燃过程的实验及模拟的研究

9.Research on Oxidation Kinetics Testing Method for the Propensity of Coal to Spontaneous Combustion;煤自燃倾向性的氧化动力学测试方法研究

10.Research on Oxidation Kinetics Test Methods Concerning the Spontaneous Combustion of Coal煤自燃倾向性的氧化动力学测定方法研究

11.Study on spontaneous combustion tendency of sulfide ores by TPO method基于程序升温氧化法的硫化矿石自燃倾向性研究

12.catalytic combustion type oxygen analyzer催化燃烧式氧分析仪

13.CO firing waste heat boiler一氧化碳燃烧废热锅炉

14.mixed oxide of plutonium and uranium钚和铀混合氧化物燃料

15.uranium plutonium mixed oxide fuel铀钚混合氧化物燃料

16.irradiated uranium dioxide fuel element辐照二氧化铀燃料元件

17.Fuel oxidizes rapidly,producing heat.燃料很快氧化,而产生热。

18.Study on La_(1-x)Sr_xMnO_3 Prepared by Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis;自蔓延高温合成固体氧化物燃料电池阴极材料La_(1-x)Sr_xMnO_3


spontaneous combustion oxidiation自燃氧化

3)oxidizationcombustion zone氧化自燃带

4)oxidation pyrophoric property氧化自燃性

5)Ore self-ignite矿石自燃氧化

6)Self-ignite to fire due to high temperature oxidation高温氧化自燃着火


