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安全动态评价 dynamic safety evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-07 17:31:36


安全动态评价 dynamic safety evaluation英语短句 例句大全

安全动态评价,dynamic safety evaluation

1)dynamic safety evaluation安全动态评价

1.By analyzing the evaluation technology at home and abroad, the model ofdynamic safety evaluation is proposed and set up.本论文依托于国家“十一五”科技支撑重点项目《煤矿瓦斯、火灾与顶板重大灾害防治关键技术研究》,在大量煤矿安全评价资料的基础上,综合国内外煤矿安全评价理论和技术研究现状,针对目前煤矿安全评价存在的普遍问题,提出并建立了煤矿安全动态评价模型,编制了煤矿安全动态评价软件,并对具体煤矿采煤工作面单元进行了安全评价。


1.LUCC and Dynamic Evaluation of Ecology Security in Weinan City;渭南市LUCC与生态安全动态评价

2.Study on the Dynamic Safety Evaluation Model in Coalmine and Its Application煤矿安全动态评价模型的研究与应用

3.The Landscape Neighboring Characteristics Dynamic Evaluation on the Ecological Security of Ejina Oasis;额济纳绿洲景观邻接特征及生态安全动态评价

4.A dynamic evaluation method for urban natural ecological security and its application城市自然生态安全动态评价方法及其应用

5.A Research on the Appraisal on Ecological Security Dynamic of Land Resource--A Case Study on Chang an District,Xi an City;土地资源生态安全动态评价研究——以西安市长安区为例

6.The Model of Coalmine Safety Dynamic Assessment System Based on LAN and Its Application;基于网络化的矿井安全动态评价系统及应用

7.County Power Supply Enterprise Security Appraisal Tendency Management;县供电企业安全性评价的动态化管理

8.Ecological security evaluation and analysis of driving factors in Gansu Province甘肃省生态安全评价及驱动因素分析

9.Study on the Spatial-temporal Changes of Eco-security Assessment Based on GIS and RS;基于GIS和RS榆林地区生态安全动态综合评价

10.An Evaluative Research on Dynamic Change and Ecological Safety of the Farming Land in Shijiazhuang石家庄市耕地动态变化与生态安全评价研究

11.Dynamics Evaluation of Regional Eco-security Based on Different Methods基于不同方法的区域生态安全动态分析与评价

12.Study on Models and Application of Dynamical Overall Safety Evaluation in Coalmines;煤矿动态综合安全评价模式及应用研究

13.Dynamic Management Characteristics Analysis of the SES in the Electricity Corporation;电力企业安全性评价动态管理特性解析

14.Research on Ship-Heavy Sea Area Dynamic Display and Safety Evaluation System船舶—大风浪区动态标绘及安全评价系统的研究

15.Dynamic Risk Assessment of Power Supply Enterprise Based on Hazards Theory基于危险源理论的供电企业动态安全性评价

16.Study on Safety Dynamic Evaluation System and Evaluation Method of the Existing Highway Tunnel Structure运营公路隧道结构安全动态评估体系及评价方法研究

17.Study on Regional Ecological Security Assessment in Guangdong Province:Time Series Analysis;区域生态安全评价时间序列动态分析——以广东省为例

18.Ecosystem Services, Ecological Security and Ecological Risk Assessment;生态服务功能、生态安全和风险评价


dynamic security assessment动态安全评价

1.This paper discusses a pattern recognition method for on-linedynamic security assessment.文章讨论了一种应用模式识别进行电力系统在线动态安全评价的方法,利用发电机摇摆过程中转子间的最大相对摇摆角与故障前各发电机输出的有功功率之间存在的连续映射关系,用高阶多项式作为判别函数,来逼近其映射。

3)on-ity assessment在线动态安全评价

4)ecological security assessment生态安全评价

1.Ecological security assessment model and corresponding indicator system of the regions along Huaihe River in Anhui Province.;安徽省沿淮地区生态安全评价模型和指标体系

2.Regionalecological security assessment on Central Asia based on ecological footprint analysis;基于生态足迹的中亚区域生态安全评价

3.Research on the Ecological Security Assessment of Karst Degraded Landscape Based on 3S Technology;3S支持下喀斯特退化景观生态安全评价研究

5)eco-security evaluation生态安全评价

1.GIS-based land-useeco-security evaluation in typical agro-pastoral zone;基于GIS的典型农牧交错区土地利用生态安全评价

2.Moreover, the evaluation of eco-security and the application of 3S technologies ineco-security evaluation on soil erosion area are finished.本研究以遥感影像为主要数据源,结合基础地理数据和野外实地考察资料,对长汀县1994 年和 年的水土流失进行监测和评估,并对其生态安全状况进行评价,探讨应用3S 技术面向水土流失地区的生态安全评价研究途径。

bining the research of national science foundation(40771019), and choosing the Guanzhong area as study area, this paper combing qualitative with quantitative to determineeco-security evaluation grade Threshold, on the basis of the comprehensive analysis ecosystem environment condition in research area and summarizing up the property of eco-security.本文结合国家自然科学基金项目(40771019),选择陕西关中地区为研究区,在对研究区生态环境状况进行综合分析和对生态安全这一概念的性质进行总结的基础上,定性与定量相结合地确定了生态安全评价等级划分阈值,并依据“压力——状态——响应”模型建立了格网化下区域生态安全评价体系,通过对关中地区1990年、2000年和这三期遥感影像进行解译,得到对应年份的土地利用数据,然后在格网GIS技术的支持下,基于土地利用和NDVI等数据基础,对评价体系中各指标进行1Km*1Km尺度下的网格化表达,运用基于栅格数据的空间叠加方法实现生态安全的模型化评价,得到格网化下关中地区生态安全指数空间数据,最后从空间自相关、空间异质性和时空演变趋同这三个方面对其进行了地统计分析,总结出1990~间关中地区生态安全特点,并结合影响生态安全各指标的权重及变化情况分析,尝试提出关中地区生态安全建设对策。

6)Ecological security evaluation生态安全评价

1.By studying ecological brittle situation of desertification region which base on Huailai county, results show the ecological security evaluation index system and construct principle, divide groups of coefficient by adopting quantity principle and method, definite coefficient weight by using related degree analysis, and put forwar.以怀来县为例,对生态脆弱的荒漠化地区的安全状况进行研究,提出了荒漠化地区生态安全评价的具体指标体系和构建原则,并采用数量化原理与方法,对各指标进行了具体量级划分,采用关联度分析方法,对指标的权重进行了确定,并提出了衡量生态安全程度的数量化指标生态安全系数及其计算方法。

2.Based on the theories related to land and ecology,the paper adopted the method of System Analysis and Delphi to establish a suit of index system which was suitable to the ecological security evaluation of land resources in the hill area,on the basis of this index system,the paper combined Analytic Hierarchy Process with Information Entropy to evaluate land resources ecological security in Wugang.在研究土地与生态科学相关理论的基础上,运用系统分析法、德尔斐法等方法,构建了一套符合丘陵山区土地资源生态安全评价的指标体系,根据该指标体系采用层次分析法(AHP)与信息熵法相结合的方法对武冈市土地资源生态安全进行评价。

3.This research applied Entropy-right Method and a comprehensive appraisal model to confirm every weight of indexes and calculate the result of evaluation,and taking the pastoral area of Gansu as an example under the guidance of model of ecological security evaluation,namely,State-Pressure-Response.本文在生态安全评价状态-压力-响应概念框架模型的指导下,以甘肃牧区草原生态安全评价为例,将熵权法与综合评价法有机结合进行了甘肃牧区草原生态安全评价指标权重确定及评价结果计算,在一定程度上丰富和发展了区域生态安全评价方法。


