900字范文 > 激光软钎焊 laser soldering英语短句 例句大全

激光软钎焊 laser soldering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 02:36:22


激光软钎焊 laser soldering英语短句 例句大全

激光软钎焊,laser soldering

1)laser soldering激光软钎焊

1.Review on application oflaser soldering technology to join high density packaging device with lead-free solder;激光软钎焊技术在高密度封装器件无铅连接中的应用

2.This paper investigates the intermetallic compound on the interface between AuSn solder and Au or Au/Ni metallization layer afterlaser soldering by SEM and EDX analysis.对激光软钎焊下AuSn钎料与Au和Au/Ni金属化镀层界面形成的金属间化合物进行SEM及EDX分析,并讨论激光输入能量对界面金属间化合物演变规律的影响。


1.Experimental Study on Fiber Self Alignment by Laser Soldering;激光软钎焊条件下光纤自对准的实验研究

2.Effects of Laser Pulse Frequency and Scanning Mode on Welding Quality in Soldering by Fiber Laser脉冲频率及扫描方式对光纤激光软钎焊的影响

3.The Mechanism Research on Laser Brazing of Diamond Grits;激光钎焊金刚石磨粒工艺及机理研究

4.Characteristics Study on Laser Welding-Brazing of Aluminum/Titanium Dissimilar Materials;铝/钛异种材料激光熔钎焊特性研究

5.The Growth Behavior of Interfacial IMC of Sn-0.7Cu/Cu by Laser Braze Welding激光钎焊Sn-0.7Cu/Cu界面IMC生长行为

6.Interfacial reaction between solder alloys and metallization during laser solder bonding process for optical fiber alignment光纤定位激光钎焊键合过程中钎料与镀层的界面反应

7.Interfacial Reactions and Alignment for Fiber Bonding by Laser Soldering;光纤激光钎焊键合过程中界面反应及对准研究

8.Delaminating Behavior and Formation Mechanism of the Interfacial Microstructure in the Laser Brazing Diamond with Ni-Cr AlloysNi基钎料激光钎焊金刚石磨粒界面显微结构及形成机理

9.Experiment Investigation of the Diamond Grits Damage Mechanism by Laser Brazing;激光钎焊金刚石颗粒损伤机理的实验研究

10.Study on Laser Brazing with Filler Wire for Galvanized Steel Sheets and Numerical Simulation of the Thermal Process;镀锌钢板激光填丝钎焊工艺与热过程数值模拟

11.Research on Technology and Mechanism of Laser Welding-Brazing for Ti/Al Dissimilar AlloysTi/Al异种合金激光熔钎焊工艺与连接机理

12.Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Laser Brazingfilm CBN Gear-Honing-Tool激光钎焊镀膜CBN外珩轮数值模拟与实验研究

13.Laser welding-brazing characteristics of Ti/Al dissimilar alloy with assistant current电流辅助钛/铝异种合金激光熔钎焊的特性

14.Temperature distribution of Al/Ti dissimilar alloys joint in laser welding-brazing铝/钛异种合金激光熔钎焊接头温度分布

15.Fusion-brazing Joining for Dissimilar Metals Between 5A02 Aluminium Alloy and Zinc-coated Steel Based on Laser-MIG Hybrid Welding基于激光——MIG复合热源的5A02铝合金/镀锌钢熔——钎焊

16.Numerical Simulation of Welding Temperature and Stress Fields during Laser Brazing Process of Beryllium铍材激光钎焊温度场和应力场的数值模拟

17.eutectic brazing alloy低共熔点软钎焊合金

18.CO_2 laser brazing galvanized steel sheets with different spot modes不同光斑模式的CO_2激光在镀锌板钎焊连接中的应用


laser soldering激光钎焊

1.In this paper an experimental investigation was made onlaser soldering of diamond grain.激光钎焊用于金刚石磨粒与基体的焊接,因激光具有高的功率密度,可实现快速加热和降温,有效控制金刚石磨粒的热损伤;由于热影响区小,可保证基体基本不变形。

2.A three dimensional model was developed for thelaser soldering temperature field in multilayer materials.针对压电陶瓷变压器 ( PECT)侧电极的连接问题 ,提出了激光钎焊的工艺方法 ,采用金属网辅助钎膏钎接片单元工艺 ,很好地解决了多层元件不同性质分割区域表面的连接问题 ,激光钎焊接头全连通率高 ,热影响小 ,质量好。

3.Thelaser soldering mechanism,the kinds oflaser soldering source,and the application oflaser soldering in surface mount technology(SMT)were introduced in the paper.介绍了激光钎焊的机理、激光钎焊热源的种类、激光钎焊在表面组装技术中的应用,并讨论了表面组装技术中激光钎焊的国内外研究现状。

3)laser brazing激光钎焊

1.Experimental research onlaser brazing of diamond grits with a Ni-based filler alloy;镍基钎料激光钎焊金刚石磨粒的试验研究

2.Study of seam appearance and joint quality inlaser brazing for galvanized steel sheets;镀锌板激光钎焊钎缝成形和接头质量研究

3.Three continuous reaction layers form between the silver-based filler metal and SS duringlaser brazing and are austenite(A),martensite(M),A + M and α-Ag + α′-C.通过扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪及X射线衍射技术分析TiNi形状记忆合金与1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢激光钎焊接头界面反应层的组织结构特征。

4)diode laser soldering半导体激光软钎焊

1.Diode laser soldering system was used to study and explore the ways to improve the wettability of Sn96Ag3.采用半导体激光软钎焊系统对Sn96Ag3。

2.Wettability and spreadability of Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solder on Cu substrate were tested bydiode laser soldering system,influence of different soldering parameters on wettability and spreadability of Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solder was studied.采用半导体激光软钎焊系统对Sn-Ag-Cu无铅钎料在Cu基体上进行了润湿铺展性能实验,研究了半导体激光工艺参数对Sn-Ag-Cu无铅钎料润湿铺展性能的影响规律。

3.Effects of heating time on wettability and spreadability of paste solders on Cu substrate withdiode laser soldering system;采用半导体激光软钎焊系统对Sn63Pb37和Sn96Ag3。

5)diode-laser soldering半导体激光软钎焊

1.Microstructures of Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free soldered joints withdiode-laser soldering;半导体激光软钎焊Sn-Ag-Cu焊点微观组织

6)laser welding-brazing激光熔钎焊

1.Characteristics oflaser welding-brazing joint of Al/Ti dissimilar alloys;铝/钛异种合金激光熔钎焊接头特性

2.Interface characteristic and property of Ti/Al dissimilar alloys joint withlaser welding-brazing;铝/钛异种合金激光熔钎焊接头界面特性

3.Welding characteristics of Al/Ti dissimilar alloys bylaser welding-brazing with different spot;光斑形式对Ti/Al异种合金激光熔钎焊特性的影响


