900字范文 > 组合墙体 composite wall英语短句 例句大全

组合墙体 composite wall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-19 14:07:06


组合墙体 composite wall英语短句 例句大全

组合墙体,composite wall

1)composite wall组合墙体

1.Research on the simplified method for calculating shear resistance of cold-formed steelcomposite wall;冷弯型钢组合墙体抗剪承载力简化计算方法研究

2.Experimental research on the lateral resistant capacity and the capacity of deformation ofcomposite walls made of bricks with higher compressive strength under low-cyclic loading;往复荷载下高强砖组合墙体承载力与变形研究

3.The deformation behavior ofcomposite wall to resist horizontal load is analyzed in this paper.对组合墙体抵抗水平剪力的变形特征进行了分析研究。


1.Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Combined Wall Made up of Wall Units with Wire Mesh;钢丝网墙片单元组合墙体的抗震性能试验研究

2.Research on Light Steel Keel Composite Wall s Bearing Capacity under Vertical Loadings;轻钢龙骨组合墙体的竖向承载力研究

3.Experimental research on the shear Behaviors of cold-formed steel stud composed wall冷弯型钢组合墙体抗剪性能试验研究

4.Experimental Study on the Seismic Behavior of Combined Walls Made up of Reinforced Wall Units;配筋墙片单元平面组合墙体的抗震性能试验研究

5.Factors Affecting Lateral Load Capacity of Web Light-Gauge Steel Composite Walls;Web轻钢龙骨组合墙体抗侧力性能的影响因素

6.Analyse on Shear Resistance of Websteel Stud Walls in Residential Structures;无比钢轻钢龙骨住宅组合墙体受剪性能分析

7.Shear Resistance of Cold-Formed Steel Compound Wall with Openings;开门窗洞口的冷弯薄壁型钢组合墙体抗剪性能

8.Vertical Stability Analysis of New Light-Gauge Steel Composite Wall新型轻钢龙骨组合墙体竖向稳定性分析

9.Numerical Simulation of Composite Abode Wall with Timber Frame and Analysis of Seismic Resistance Behavior木柱梁—土坯组合墙体数值模拟及抗震性能分析

10.Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Bamboo-Steel Composite Walls压型钢板-竹胶板组合墙体抗震性能试验研究

11.Analysis on Aseismic Capability of Cold-Formed Steel Framing System of different composite wall不同组合墙体冷弯薄壁型钢结构抗震性能研究

12.Experimental Study on Bearing Capacity of Stud with M-shaped Section in Composite Masonry Walls组合墙体中M形截面柱的承载力试验研究

13.Research on Simplified Method for Calculating Lateral Stiffness of Cold-Formed Steel Composite Wall in Residential Structures冷弯薄壁型钢组合墙体抗侧刚度计算方法研究

14.Theoretical and Experimental Research of Integral Cold-formed Steel Composite Stud Walls Subject to Centric Axial Loads冷弯薄壁型钢密柱组合墙体整体轴压性能理论与试验研究

parison of two models of masonry wall elements in masonry-RC wall composite structures砌体墙—钢筋混凝土墙组合结构中两种砌体墙单元模型的比较


17.Research and Application of Seismic Performance of Composite Structure of Brick Walls and Reinforced Concrete Walls;砌体墙—钢筋混凝土墙组合结构抗震性能与应用研究

18.The Research on Seismic Performances and Optimal Methods of Composite Structure of Brick Walls and Concrete Shear Walls;砌体墙—钢筋混凝土墙组合结构的抗震性能及优化


composite masonry wall组合墙体

1.The Pseudo-dynamic Testing Method for Block Composite Masonry Walls and the Analysis of Seismic Performance;砌块组合墙体的拟动力试验方法及抗震性能分析

2.Based on the experimental study and elastic-plastic FEM analysis ofcomposite masonry walls ,a simplified formular for axial compression bearing capacity is suggested.在组合墙体试验和弹塑性有限元计算分析的基础上,建议了组合墙体轴心受压极限承载力简化计算公式,公式具有较好的精度,可供设计时参考。

3)composite walls组合墙体

1.Taking the thickness of the bamboo plywood and the thickness and corrugation-height of the profiled steel sheet as variables,quasi-static tests were performed on 5 pieces of thecomposite walls to acquire their bearing capacity,ductility,coefficients of energy dissipation,and other parameters of their seismic performances.竹胶板与压型钢板之间通过胶粘剂粘结构成压型钢板-竹胶板组合墙体,本文针对这一新型的钢竹组合墙体进行了试验研究。

2.Taking thickness of the bamboo plywood and thickness and wave-height of profiled steel in the core as parameters, quasi-static tests were done on 5 pieces of thecomposite walls to get their indexes of bearing capacity,ductility,energy dissipation,and so on.竹胶板与压型钢板之间通过胶粘剂粘结构成压型钢板-竹胶板组合墙体,本文针对这一类新型的钢竹组合墙体进行了试验研究。

4)composite wallboard组合体墙板

5)combined masonry组合墙砌体

1.Synthesis comparison of seismic resistant behavior among the four types ofcombined masonry building;四种组合墙砌体房屋抗震性能的综合比较

6)wall composed of cold-formed steel and plybamboo钢竹组合墙体


