900字范文 > 动态力学性能 dynamic mechanical property英语短句 例句大全

动态力学性能 dynamic mechanical property英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 20:24:38


动态力学性能 dynamic mechanical property英语短句 例句大全

动态力学性能,dynamic mechanical property

1)dynamic mechanical property动态力学性能

1.Research on thedynamic mechanical property and failure mechanism of glass fiber reinforced aerogel玻璃纤维增强气凝胶的动态力学性能及其破坏机理

2.The effect of the content of PS and sulfur on the storage stability of asphalt at high temperature,viscosity-temperature behavior,anddynamic mechanical property was studied.通过反应共混技术制备了聚苯乙烯(PS)/苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(SBS)改性沥青,研究了 PS 用量、反应剂硫磺(sulfur)对沥青高温贮存稳定性、黏度-温度特性和动态力学性能的影响。

3.The effects of liquid polyisoprene(LIR) and aromatic oil on the microstructure,flex fatigue,compression fatigue anddynamic mechanical property of natural rubber/polybutadiene rubber were comparatively investigated.研究了液体聚异戊二烯(LIR)作为增塑剂对天然橡胶(NR)/聚丁二烯橡胶(BR)硫化胶微观结构、弯曲疲劳性能、压缩疲劳性能和动态力学性能的影响,并与加入工业用增塑剂芳烃油的硫化胶进行了对比。


1.Dynamic mechanics performance of aged SBS modified-asphaltSBS改性沥青老化后的动态力学性能

2.Discussion on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Wear Performance of the Polyurea Coating聚脲涂层的动态力学性能与摩擦学性能探讨

3.Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Dynamic Properties of Concrete;混凝土动态力学性能试验与理论研究

4.Dynamic Behavior Research of 50SiMnVB Alloy Steel;50SiMnVB合金钢动态力学性能研究

5.The Effect of Grain Size on Dynamic Properties of Pure Aluminum;晶粒尺寸对纯铝动态力学性能的影响

6.Study on Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy AZ61AZ61镁合金的动态力学性能与显微分析

7.Study on the Dynamic Properties of Tread Compounds modified by blending SSBRSSBR改善胎面胶动态力学性能的研究

8.Experimental Investigation on the static and Dynamic Behaviour of Concrete;混凝土静态和动态力学性能的实验研究

9.Effects of Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Grading Macadam on Tunnel Pavement Stress级配碎石动态力学性能对隧道路面受力的影响

10.Studies on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption of Aluminum Alloy Foams泡沫铝合金动态力学性能及其吸能机理的研究

11.Research on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Magnetorheological Elastormers Based on Epoxy Resin环氧树脂基磁流变弹性体动态力学性能研究


13.Research on the Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Multi-axes Blades Grinding Machine Tool;多轴叶片数控抛磨机的静、动态力学性能研究

14.Study on Dynamic Mechanical Properties of NR and S-SBR Composites;NR、S-SBR填充复合材料动态力学性能的研究

15.Preparation by the Means of PMT and Investigation of the Dynamic Compressive Properties of Aluminum Alloy Foam;泡沫铝的粉冶法制备及其动态力学性能的研究

16.Analysis on Dynamic Performance of Type HX_D1 Electric Locomotive in Fault StateHX_D1型电力机车故障态动力学性能分析

17.Study on Dynamic Fracture Mechanics Properties of 921A Ship-building Steel;921A船板钢动态断裂力学性能研究

18.An Experimental Study on Dynamic and Static Mechanical Behaviors of B410LAB410LA动静态力学性能实验研究


dynamic mechanical properties动态力学性能

1.Dynamic Mechanical Properties of LDPE/SBR Blend Modified Asphalt;LDPE/SBR复合改性沥青动态力学性能的研究

2.Microstructure anddynamic mechanical properties of hindered phenol AO-80/NBR/PVC crosslinking composites;受阻酚AO-80/NBR/PVC交联复合材料的结构与动态力学性能

3.Relations between morphology anddynamic mechanical propertiesof SiO_2/EPDM composites;SiO_2/EPDM复合材料微观形态与动态力学性能的关系

3)dynamic property动态力学性能

1.The morphology,dynamic property,curing property and mechanical properties of the blends were discussed in details.制备了超细全硫化粉末丁苯橡胶(UFPSBR)/三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)共混物,研究了其硫化特性、相态结构、动态力学性能及物理机械性能。

2.The effects of chemical compatibility ondynamic property and colloidal particles morphology of LIPN P(S-BA)/P(BA-S) have been studied by changing the relative amount of two components.通过改变两组份的相对组成考察了化学相容性对LIPN P(S-BA)/P(BA-S)动态力学性能及乳胶粒的形态结构的影响。

3.The results showed that,by adding coupling agent Si69 in the reaction which produced silica,the boundary interaction between silica and NR matrix was increased,the dispersion of silica in NR matrix was improved,and the physical properties of composites anddynamic property of compound were improved;the optimum addition level of coupling agent Si69 was 3 phr.结果表明,在乳液共沉法生成白炭黑的反应中加入偶联剂Si69,可以增强白炭黑粒子与NR基体之间的界面作用,改善白炭黑在NR中的分散状态,提高复合材料的物理性能和混炼胶的动态力学性能;偶联剂Si69的适宜用量为3份。

4)dynamic properties动态力学性能

1.The curing characteristics,microstructure,dynamic properties and thermal stability of the obtained nanocomposites were investigated.采用乳液共沉法和直接混炼法制备NBR/PVC/有机蒙脱土(OMMT)纳米复合材料,研究纳米复合材料的硫化特性、微观结构、动态力学性能和热稳定性。

2.The microstructure,molecular weight,molecular weight distribution,glass transition temperature anddynamic properties of synthesized SIBR were characterized by IR,GPC,DSC,DMA.采用IR、GPC、DSC、DMA等仪器对合成的SIBR的微观结构、分子量大小及分布、玻璃化转变温度和动态力学性能进行了分析测试。

3.Thedynamic properties of CB-filled tread compound were investigated.对炭黑填充轮胎胎面胶的动态力学性能进行研究。

5)dynamic mechanical behavior动态力学性能

1.This article studies thedynamic mechanical behavior of water-solubilized damping coating with interpenetrating polymer networks of core-shell type of thermoset polyacrylic by the dynamic viscoelastic spectrum.采用动态粘弹谱 (DMA)研究热固性丙烯酸酯类核 -壳结构互穿网络水性阻尼涂料的动态力学性能 。

2.23 material test de vi ce and Split Hopkinson pressure bar equipment on specimens made by infiltration method under different strain rate are conducted to study thedynamic mechanical behavior of porous aluminum alloy respectively.采用MTS810 2 3型万能材料试验机和分离式Hopkinson压杆 (SHPB)设备对加压渗流法制备的通孔泡沫铝合金进行了不同应变率下的准静态和动态压缩试验 ,以研究通孔泡沫铝的动态力学性能。

3.Effects of different mass fraction of SF on mechanical properties,dynamic mechanical behavior and wear resistance of SF/PF composites were investigated.将不同含量碱处理的剑麻纤维(SF)与酚醛树脂(PF)粉末、填料等在塑炼机上熔融混炼,通过模压成型工艺制备SF/PF复合材料,研究了SF含量对SF/PF复合材料力学性能、动态力学性能、摩擦磨损性能的影响,并借助SEM观察SF/PF复合材料磨损面的微观形貌。

6)dynamic and static mechanical properties动、静态力学性能

pared with 60Si2MnA steel,the new steel 35SiCrVB has good advantages in bothdynamic and static mechanical properties,which shows that the new spring .经与 6 0Si2MnA钢比较 ,35Si2CrVB钢的动、静态力学性能均较 6 0Si2MnA为佳。


