900字范文 > 水性环氧树脂 waterborne epoxy resin英语短句 例句大全

水性环氧树脂 waterborne epoxy resin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-10 00:24:25


水性环氧树脂 waterborne epoxy resin英语短句 例句大全

水性环氧树脂,waterborne epoxy resin

1)waterborne epoxy resin水性环氧树脂

1.Study and preparation ofwaterborne epoxy resin and its curing properties;水性环氧树脂的研制及其固化性能研究

2.Coating technics ofwaterborne epoxy resin flooring coatings applied to the building;水性环氧树脂地坪漆在建筑物中的涂装工艺

3.Study on performance ofwaterborne epoxy resin concrete;水性环氧树脂混凝土性能研究


1.Preparation of Waterborne Epoxy Modified by Silane有机硅改性水性环氧树脂的合成研究

2.Study on Phase Inversion Emulsification of Epoxy Resin and Waterborne Epoxy Resin Anticorrosive Coatings;环氧树脂的相反转乳化与水性环氧树脂防腐涂料的研究

3.FTIR Study of the Curing Process of a Waterborne Epoxy Resin Film水性环氧树脂涂膜固化的FTIR法

4.Study on Synthesis and Properties of Siloxane-modified Grafted Water-borne Epoxy;硅氧烷改性接枝型水性环氧树脂的合成与研究

5.Study on Properties of Waterborne Epoxy Resin Emulsion Modified Cement Mortar;水性环氧树脂乳液改性水泥砂浆性能的研究

6.Investigation of water-based epoxy resin modified mortar for perfusion-road surface灌注式路面层用水性环氧树脂改性的砂浆性能

7.Studies on UV-Curable Waterborne Epoxy Resin Coatings;光固化水性环氧树脂涂料的制备与性能研究

8.Study on Synthese and Properties of Non-ion Water-borne Epoxy Resin;非离子型水性环氧树脂的合成与性能研究

9.The Research on Preparation and Performance of Curing Agents for Waterborne Epoxy Resin;水性环氧树脂涂料固化剂的合成及性能研究

10.Preparations and Properties of Aqueous Emulsion of Self-Emulsified Epoxy Resins;自乳化水性环氧树脂体系的制备及性能研究

11.Preservation Effect of Modified Waterborne Epoxy Resin Emulsion for Stone Historical Relic;改性水性环氧树脂乳液对石质文物的保护效果

12.The acid and alkali resistance of the composite prepared from waterborne epoxy resin水性环氧树脂基复合材料的耐酸碱性能

13.Study on properties of cationic waterborne epoxy grouting material阳离子型水性环氧树脂灌浆材料的性能研究

14.Synthesis of Nonionic Chemicaly Modified Waterborne Epoxy Resin非离子型化学改性水性环氧树脂的合成

15.Study of Cationic Waterborne Epoxy Grouting Material阳离子型水性环氧树脂灌浆材料的研究

16.Study on Waterborne Polyurethane Emulsion Modified by Acrylate-Epoxy Resin;丙烯酸树脂—环氧树脂改性水性聚氨酯的研制

17.Synthesis of Waterborn Resin Modified by Epoxy Resin and Their Properties环氧改性水性树脂的合成与性能研究

18.Study on synthesis of waterborne polyurethane modified by epoxy resin环氧树脂改性水性聚氨酯的合成研究


water-borne epoxy resin水性环氧树脂

1.Synthesis and properties of quaternary ammoniumwater-borne epoxy resin surfactants季铵盐型水性环氧树脂乳化剂的制备及特性研究

2.This paper summaries the advantages and disadvantages of aziridine cross-linked two-pack water-borne wood coatings,organosilicone coupling agent crosslinked ones,water-borne epoxy resin crosslinked ones and water dispersed isocyanate crosslinked ones; discusses the problems presented in the development of them from the aspects of application operabi.文章概述了以氮丙啶交联型、有机硅偶联剂交联型、水性环氧树脂交联型、水分散型异氰酸酯交联型4类双组分水性木器涂料的优缺点,并从施工操作性、使用活化期及性价比3个方面探讨了其发展过程中存在的问题。

3.The paper introduced the synthesis of water-borne curing agent of cashew nut shell liquid andwater-borne epoxy resin emulsion with which the water-borne epoxy anti-corrosion rust tolerant primer-topcoat coatings were prepared.分别介绍了水性腰果壳液固化剂与水性环氧树脂乳液的合成,并用此乳液与固化剂合成了水性环氧带锈防锈底面合一漆,讨论了乳化剂的添加量对乳液稳定性及涂膜硬度的影响,固化剂的添加量对漆膜性能的影响,最终确定了乳液与固化剂的最佳配比。

3)water-soluble epoxy resin水溶性环氧树脂

1.Crosslinking anionic emulsion was formed based on the emulsion andwater-soluble epoxy resin.采用种子聚合制备了丙烯酸系乳液,在此基础上配合水溶性环氧树脂,形成交联型阴离子乳液。

4)water emulsible epoxy resin水乳性环氧树脂

5)hydrophilic epoxy亲水性环氧树脂

1.In addition,ahydrophilic epoxy coating was used as exterior waterproofing.广州(新)白云国际机场南航站楼轻轨站为地下两层结构,其防水方案为刚柔结合的结构自防水加PVC卷材、亲水性环氧树脂涂料外防水。

6)water soluble epoxy resin水溶性环氧树脂

1.Soap-free emulsion copolymerization of acrylic acid series was prepared by seed-copolymerization,water soluble epoxy resin was compounded and cross linking anionic ring crush strengthening agent emulsion was formed under the catalysis of inorganic salt.采用种子聚合制备了丙烯酸系无皂乳液,复配水溶性环氧树脂,在无机盐的催化下形成交联型阴离子环压强度增强剂乳液。


