900字范文 > 政府利益分析说 the theory of government interests analysis英语短句 例句大全

政府利益分析说 the theory of government interests analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 19:23:16


政府利益分析说 the theory of government interests analysis英语短句 例句大全

政府利益分析说,the theory of government interests analysis

1)the theory of government interests analysis政府利益分析说

1.Rethinking of the Theory of Common Interests In Legal Idea --Revolution ofthe theory of government interests analysis;共同利益说在法律理念上的反思——政府利益分析说的扬弃与无奈


1.Rethinking of the Theory of Common Interests In Legal Idea --Revolution of the theory of government interests analysis;共同利益说在法律理念上的反思——政府利益分析说的扬弃与无奈

2.Interest Analysis of Clinton and Bush Administrations China Policies;克林顿、布什政府对华政策的利益分析

3.An Analysis of Local Authorities Influence on Land Demands;土地利益调整中的地方政府行为分析

4.Analysis of Government Policy Blunders--Game interests perspective;政府决策失误的分析——利益博弈的视角

5.An Analysis of Government Interest During the Social Transformation;社会转型期政府利益问题的制度分析

6.Economic Analysis on the Structure of Interests of Central and Local Government;中央与地方政府利益结构的经济分析

7.The analysis of government s interest in the course of public policy legislation in China;我国公共政策制定过程中的政府利益分析

8.Analysis of Interest Orientation of Public Policy:Based on the Questionnaire Survey in Four-Level Local Governments地方政府公共政策的利益取向分析——基于四级地方政府的问卷调查

9.Analysis of the Actions of the Local State--Basing on the Interest Group;我国地方政府行为现状分析——基于利益集团视角

10.Analysis of Confliction and Role of the Government in Reconstruction of the City;城市拆迁中利益关系分析及政府角色定位

11.Analysis on Government Decision-making under the Influence of Interest Groups;利益集团影响下的政府管制决策行为分析

12.Game Analysis of Regional Control Interest between China s Central and Local Government;我国中央、地方政府区域调控的利益博弈分析

13.Game Analysis on the Benefits of Expropriating the Land in the Course of Regional Government"s Attracting Investment地方政府招商引资中的土地出让利益博弈分析

14.A profit accrues to the government from ..政府由…得到利益。

15.Construction of Benefit Equilibrium System Among Government、Bank and Enterprises in the Separation from Government and Enterprises;政企分开时政府、企业、银行三方利益均衡机制的构建分析

16.Probe into the economic profit of the government information opening;试析政府信息公开中的经济利益问题

17.Game Analysis of Urban Wholesale Lease Land Market:Benefit Motives and governmental Action Process;土地出让市场的博弈分析:利益背景与政府行为过程

18.From Resource -Based To Demand -Orie nted --An Analysis of An Kind of Interest of T he Local Governments Decision;从基于资源到面向需求——地方政府决策的一种利益分析


Currie"s "the theory of governmental interest analysis"柯里的"政府利益分析说"

3)government interests政府利益

1.The paper tries to make a brief analysis of debates on the definition of public interests,the relationship between public interests and personal interests,and the relationship between public interests andgovernment interests.本文试对学术界关于公共利益的定义、公共利益与个人利益的关系、公共利益与政府利益的关系等有关问题的争论作简要分析。

2.But the most important cause is not above, butgovernment interests-driven system.而政府利益是如何产生,如何在土地利用中得以实现的呢?通过更深入的分析,本文认为,一方面是城市政府认识观念上的偏差,另一方面是现有体制及立法上的不完善。

3.Government resting with public policies resources,it\"s perpetual threat thatgovernment interests erosion public good.政府利益是政府在社会经济活动中偏离了公共利益的非常态利益。

4)government interest政府利益

1.On the Government Interest in the Implementation of Public Policies;论公共政策过程中的政府利益及其影响

2.The propergovernment interest may promote the realization of public interest,while the impropergovernment interest may do harm to the realization of public interest.政府利益是政府通过行使公共权力而获取的利益,是政府额外追求的利益。

5)governmental Interests政府利益

1.The governmental interests include governing class interests, public interests and governmental own interests, which are possessions of social scarce resources on the basis of self-satisfaction and of production capability and production level of certain stages.政府利益包括统治阶级利益、公共利益、政府自身利益,是政府基于一定阶段生产力和生产水平基础上,对于满足自己客观需要的社会稀缺资源的占有,它是多元的,既包括了统治阶级的利益和社会大众的利益,也包括了自身的利益;既包括有社会的、整体的利益,也存在的一些非全社会的、非全国整体的、具有排他性的特殊利益。

6)interests government利益型政府


