900字范文 > 空间环境污染 space environmental pollution英语短句 例句大全

空间环境污染 space environmental pollution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-28 11:48:34


空间环境污染 space environmental pollution英语短句 例句大全

空间环境污染,space environmental pollution

1)space environmental pollution空间环境污染

1.The article discusses the actuality of space debris and active treaties on the problem of international obligation for damages and the problem of thespace environmental pollution caused by space debris,considers that it is necessary to nail down the meaning of space debris and make out systemic legal system through the limitation of active international treaties.文章对空间碎片问题的现状、涉及空间碎片致害的国际责任问题和空间碎片造成的空间环境污染问题的现行法律规定进行了探析,认为有必要明确空间碎片的概念界定,并从现行国际条约的局限性入手,对空间碎片作出系统的法律规制。


1.The Responsibility on Space Environmental Pollution by Space Debris;空间碎片造成空间环境污染的国际责任

2.A Discussion of the Environmental Problems Caused by Weltraummüll from the Perspective of the International Law;空间碎片引发的空间环境污染问题在国际法方面的探讨

ments on Defects and Promotion of International Legal System Governing Protection of Space Environment论空间环境污染国际法律规制的缺失与完善——以空间碎片为视角

4.Space-station-induced contamination environment assessment and optical surface contamination analysis空间站诱发污染环境评估与光学表面污染分析技术综述

5.Spatial Patterns of Environmental Pollution and Economic Development in China我国环境污染与经济发展空间格局分析

6.Spatial Intelligent Decision Support System in the Application of Environmental Pollution Accident Emergency Command;空间智能决策系统在环境污染事故应急指挥中的应用

7.A Spatial Analysis and Investment & Financing System Reformation Study for the Water Environment Pollution Prevention and Disposal in Shanghai;上海水环境污染防治的空间分析与投融资体制改革研究

8.Analysis and Research on Indoor Air Environment and the Pollution Problem;室内空气环境及污染问题分析与研究

9.Analysis of Pollution Current Situation about Bap in the Surrounding Air in Tongling City;铜陵市环境空气苯并(a)芘污染现状分析

10.Air Pollution of Nitrogen Oxide and Its Control Measures in Kunshan City昆山环境空气中NO_x的污染及防治浅析

11.Research on Secondary Contamination of Air Conditioning Systems in Closed Environment密闭环境空调系统二次污染问题研究

12.1. Environmental Pollution Control(一)环境污染防治

13.Investigation on Air Bacteria Contamination in Operation Areas of Environmental Health WorKers in Beijing北京市环卫工人作业环境空气细菌污染调查

14.environmental pollution and chromosomal aberration环境污染与染色体畸变

15.The problem of the air pollution in cities and towns must be dealt with if the environ ment is going to be preserved.如果要保护环境,城镇空气污染问题必须处理。

16.Take air pollution, the most important social environmental indicator.再看空气污染问题,这是最重要的社会环境指标。

17.Appliance of curve fit in the forecasting concentration of environmental air pollutants曲线拟合在环境空气污染物浓度预测中的应用



air pollution环境空气污染

1.The study ofair pollution status, reason and controlling methods in Changsha;长沙市环境空气污染状况、原因分析和控制对策探讨

2.This paper analyzes theair pollution status of Datong and its reasons in details based on monitoring data of many years.应用多年的环境监测数据,对大同市环境空气污染状况、原因进行了较详细的分析和探讨,指出大同市环境空气污染主要是二氧化硫和尘类污染,并对市内污染物的控制提出了切实可行的方案。

3)Environment pollution环境污染

1.Application of plant micronucleus technology to environment pollution monitoring;植物微核技术在环境污染监测中的应用

2.Fuzzy optimization model based on entropy weight for environment pollution accident risk in corporations of pharmacy;制药企业环境污染事故风险模糊熵权排序模型

3.Threaten of environment pollution to rare tree species mechanism and its counter measure;环境污染对成都市古树名木的危害及防治对策研究

4)environmental pollution环境污染

1.Research progress inenvironmental pollution,ecological behavior and toxicological effects of synthetic musks;人工合成麝香的环境污染、生态行为与毒理效应研究进展

2.An Analysis of Energy Tariff "s Effect on International Trade and Environmental Pollution;能源税对国际贸易与环境污染影响的实证研究

3.Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution of Developed Cities——Taking the Relationship between Economic Growth and Waste Water Discharge of Guangzhou as the Example;经济发达城市经济增长与环境污染关系分析——以广州市经济增长与废水排放关系为例


1.Biological monitoring in thepollution of the rural environment;农村环境污染的生物监测

2.The Study of Measure Model about Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution in Jilin Province;吉林省经济增长与环境污染水平计量模型研究

6)contaminated environment污染环境

1.Research advances on remediation mechanisms and technologies of BTEX-contaminated environmentBTEX污染环境的修复机理与技术研究进展

2.Based on ecological theories and methods,ecological remediation technology is an one of effective way to remedycontaminated environment and restore the destroyed ecological systems,which helps to realize the sustainable development.生态修复技术是以生态学的原理和方法为基础,修复与治理污染环境,恢复受损生态系统,实现人类社会可持续发展的有效手段之一。

3.Bioremediation ofcontaminated environment is one of the core developing tendencies of environmental biotechnology,and the increase in bioremediation efficiency is affected by many factors.污染环境的生物修复技术是环境生物技术的重要发展方向之一,生物修复效率的提高受到诸多因素的影响。


