900字范文 > 定频滞环控制 constant-frequency hysteresis current control英语短句 例句大全

定频滞环控制 constant-frequency hysteresis current control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-04 19:46:52


定频滞环控制 constant-frequency hysteresis current control英语短句 例句大全

定频滞环控制,constant-frequency hysteresis current control

1)constant-frequency hysteresis current control定频滞环控制


1.Research for Active Power Filter Based on Constant-Frequency Hysteresis Control Technology基于定频滞环控制技术的有源电力滤波器的研究

2.A Novel Current Control Method for Voltage-source Three-phase Inverter with Constant Switch Frequency电压型三相逆变器定频滞环电流控制新策略

3.A Varied Hysteresis-Band Current Controller With Fixed Switching Frequency一种变环宽准恒频电流滞环控制方法

4.Resarch on Hystersis Current Control APFC Circuit Switch Freouency滞环电流控制APFC电路开关频率研究

5.Research of Two Hysteresis Current Control Algorithms of Single-Phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter单相光伏并网逆变器的两种定频滞环电流控制算法研究

6.Study on Hysteretic Current Control method with Constant Frequency Using ICAP/4基于ICAP/4的恒频滞环电流跟踪控制研究

7.Current control of constant hysteresis band for single phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverter单相光伏并网逆变器固定滞环的电流控制

8.Research of a Hysteretic Current-mode Control SPWM Inverter Velocity-modulation System;冷库用矢量控制电流滞环SPWM变频调速系统的研究

9.dwelling time control定形时间控制,滞留时间控制,

10.Research on 1kVA Three-state Quasi-PWM Hysteresis Current Controlled Inverters;1kVA三态准PWM电流滞环控制逆变器研究

11.Simulation Study of a New Hysteresis Current Control Technology一种新颖滞环PWM控制技术的仿真研究

12.Simulation of a New Kind of Hysteresis Tracking SVPWM Control Technique新型滞环跟踪型SVPWM控制技术仿真

13.Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems;非线性时滞系统时滞相关稳定性分析与控制

14.Delay Dependent Stability and Feedback Control of Delay Systems;时滞系统的时滞相关稳定性及反馈控制

15.Delay-dependent Feedback Control for Linear Discrete Uncertain Time-delay Systems;线性离散不确定时滞系统滞后相关H_∞鲁棒控制

16.Non-fragile delay-dependent H_∞ control for uncertain discrete-delay systems不确定离散时滞系统的时滞相关非脆弱H_∞控制

17.Delay-dependent Robust H_∞ Control for Uncertain Fuzzy Systems with Delay不确定时滞模糊系统的时滞相关鲁棒H_∞控制

18.Application of Fuzzy Control Theory to the Current Hysteresis Regulation Technique模糊控制理论在电流滞环控制技术中的应用


fixed-frequency hysteresis current control定频滞环电流控制

1.Thefixed-frequency hysteresis current control method is applied in this paper,which has the characteristics such as the simple application method,the high accuracy,the fast response,the small .本文采用定频滞环电流控制方法,该方法实现简单、精度较高且响应速度快,同时受负载参数变化的影响较小,鲁棒性好;相比较于其它常用的脉冲宽度调制技术,本文脉冲信号的产生采用具有算法简单、适用于数字实现、开关损耗小以及硬件电路简单等特点的空间矢量方法。

3)constant-frequency hys-teretic control恒频滞环控制

4)fixed-frequency hysteresis定频滞环

5)hysteresis control滞环控制

1.It contains high frequency part by using one-cycle control and low frequency part by usinghysteresis control.它的高频部分采用单周控制方式,低频部分采用滞环控制方式,采用M ATLAB软件仿真链接进行仿真。

2.In this paper,double-frequency inverter was used in induction motor drive,and the next control means were adopted: one-cycle control,hysteresis control and vector control.将双频逆变器用于感应电动机调速系统中,采用单周控制、滞环控制、矢量控制等控制方法。

3.To improve the efficiency, traditional half cycle modulationhysteresis control is adopted.采用滞环控制半周期电流调制方式消除了偏置电流,提高了效率,但是开关频率的变化不利于输出滤波器的设计。

6)hysteretic control滞环控制

1.Synthesizedhysteretic control of injection-type hybrid APF;注入式混合型有源滤波器的复合型滞环控制方法研究

2.By modeling a new injection type hybrid active power filter, this paper proposes a new synthesis control method which combines the speedy performance of traditionalhysteretic control with the zero steady state error of proportional-resonance integrators.该文以一种新型注入式混合有源滤波器为例,结合传统滞环控制算法响应速度快和比例谐振积分控制算法无稳态误差的优点,提出采用复合型控制作为该混合有源滤波器的电流跟踪控制算法。


皮米诺定 ,去痛定,匹米诺定药物名称:匹米诺定英文名:Piminodine别名: 皮米诺定 ,去痛定,匹米诺定外文名:Piminodine 适应症: 为强效麻醉性镇痛药,镇痛作用较呱替啶强。用于胆囊炎合并胆结石、胰腺炎、癌症等引起的剧痛。 用量用法: 1.皮下注射或肌注:1次10~20mg,必要时每4小时1次。 2.口服:1次25~50mg。 注意事项: 有成瘾性。 规格: 1.片剂:25mg。 2.注射液:10mg。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药
