900字范文 > 共同但有区别责任原则 Principle of Common and Separate Responsibilities英语短句 例句大全

共同但有区别责任原则 Principle of Common and Separate Responsibilities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-17 01:20:08


共同但有区别责任原则 Principle of Common and Separate Responsibilities英语短句 例句大全

共同但有区别责任原则,Principle of Common and Separate Responsibilities

1)Principle of Common and Separate Responsibilities共同但有区别责任原则

1.On thePrinciple of Common and Separate Responsibilities Based on Different Attitudes of China, U.S. A and Russia;从中美俄三国在《京都议定书》的态度上看共同但有区别责任原则


1.Research on Common But Differentiated Responsibilities Principle in Theory and Practice;共同但有区别责任原则的理论与实践研究

2.On the Principle of Common and Separate Responsibilities Based on Different Attitudes of China, U.S. A and Russia;从中美俄三国在《京都议定书》的态度上看共同但有区别责任原则

3.There are two kinds of meanings contained in the principle of Common and Differential liability of International Environmental law: common liability and differential liability.共同但有区别的责任原则主要包涵两层意思:共同责任和区别责任。

4.Study on the Principle of Common and Differential Liability in International Environmental Law;试论国际环境法的共同但有区别的责任原则

5.The Role of Common but Differentiated Principle In International Environmental Law;论共同但有区别的责任原则在国际环境法中的地位

6.Post-Kyoto and the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities;“后京都时代”与“共同而有区别的责任”原则

7.Efficiency and Balance of International Environmental Protection:The Principle of Common-Differentiated Environmental Responsibility on the Basis of Boxed Pigs Game;论国际环境保护的效率与均衡——以“智猪博弈”解析“共同但有区别的环境责任”

8.joint and separate liability共同和各别(赔偿)责任

9.joint ownership, responsibility, consultation共同的所有权、 责任、 协商

10.In other words, joint offence without joint act does not necessarily bear joint and several liability.有共同过错但无共同行为的情况不承担连带责任。

11.protection of the environment is a common task for mankind, but the economically developed countries should take more responsibility in this respect.保护环境是全人类的共同任务,但是经济发达国家负有更大的责任;

12.But the ``responsibility system"" of determining remuneration according to output remains our basic policy -- of that you can be sure.但基本原则是搞责任制,这点是肯定的。

13.Principled Common Programme(PCP)有原则的共同拟订方案

14.On the rationality of strict responsibility by the law of contract in China;论我国合同法严格责任原则的合理性

15.In principle these methods are basically the same as those we used during the civil war, but there are certain differences.这和我们过去在国内战争时采用的战法,基本原则是相同的,但亦有某些区别。

16.Fault responsibility or strict responsibility--Doubt on the principle of imputation in contract law;过错责任抑或严格责任——合同法上的归责原则质疑

17.On the Application of the Prince of the Strict Liability of the Environmental Crime论环境犯罪严格责任原则之有限适用

18.Smuggling acts committed jointly by two or more persons shall be subject to the approach that the two persons are punished separately according to the seriousness and responsibility of each case.对两人或者两人以上共同所为的走私行为,应当区别情节及责任,分别给予处罚。


Common but differentiated responsibilities principle共同但有区别的责任原则

3)"common but differentiated responsibilities共同但有区别的责任

4)common but differentiated responsibility共同但有区别责任

1.Finally,I will point out that we should reconsider the principle of"common but differentiated responsibility"and make some suggestions to the CDM project and what can we do to prepare for the post-Kyoto era.它是国际环境法中体现共同但有区别责任的全球市场履约机制。

5)common but differentiated responsibilities"共同而有区别的责任"原则

1.This paper recommends that China continue to stick to the principle ofcommon but differentiated responsibilities, fights for the benefits of our nation, in the m.笔者认为,在国际立法场合,中国仍应积极主张国际法所确立的“共同而有区别的责任”原则,在坚持国家利益的同时,积极维护国际环境义务的南北平衡。

6)common but differential共同但有区别


