900字范文 > 单词 词组小检测(I J K开头的单词)_高二英语教案

单词 词组小检测(I J K开头的单词)_高二英语教案

时间:2023-07-04 22:06:29


单词 词组小检测(I J K开头的单词)_高二英语教案

单词 词组小检测(i,j,k开头的单词)

1 介词填空: my father impressed ___ me the importance of hard work.我父亲让我明白了勤奋的重要性

2 he is an impossible person to work with. 请写出下划线单词的意思 __________________

3. he is __ great despair(绝望) when all his friends leave him alone in trouble. a. in b. at c. with d. on

4 the students complained to their form tutor(班主任) about the poor projector and he ___ to the president(校长).

a. in turn b. in return c. in turns d. by turns

5 we need ___ up-to-date information. a. a plenty of b. dozens of c. scores of d. a great deal of

6 ____ i arrive in london, i will call you. a. for the moment b. at once c. the instant d. in no time

7 it’s so nice to meet you again. __, have you paid back my money? a. accidentally b. incidentally

8 his success was due to industry and patience请写出下划线单词的意思 __________________

9 the mayor will ____ our school tomorrow. a. check b. examine c. test d. inspect

10 写出表示 ‘暗示,表明,说明’的以i开头的动词:1. i___te, 2. i___ly

11 he graduates from __ harvard university and has __ income of one million dollars a month.

a. /; the b. the; the c. the; an d. /; an

12 ---one should never lie to anyone! ---__! a. indeed b. not really c. couldn’t be worse d. kidding me

13 impressive 1. 令人印象深刻的 2 极棒的 (请写出该单词第二个意思的同义词)_____ _____ ______等等

14 identity 1. 身份 2. ____ eg: an ~ of interests 15 ignore 忽略,忽视 (衍生)ignorant ____(请写出中文意思)

16 well done 的反义词是 i__ done 说某人坏话 speak i__ of sb 17 说话(打破沉默,使谈起来) break the i___ 18 重力理论 the i____ of gravity(重力) 19 i______=unique=special(形容词) 20 j_____ 正义 公道

21 i______ 天真的,无罪的 22 attach i____ to sth, 认为sth很重要 23 i_____ 保险业

24 a place of i_____ 25 cut in, break in= i_______ 26 have a good k__________ of 熟知 掌握 精通

27 幼儿园 k________ 28 牛仔裤 j____s 29 厨房 _______ 30 高智商的 i________t
