900字范文 > 企业年金理事会 enterprise annuity council英语短句 例句大全

企业年金理事会 enterprise annuity council英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-04 18:34:28


企业年金理事会 enterprise annuity council英语短句 例句大全

企业年金理事会,enterprise annuity council

1)enterprise annuity council企业年金理事会

1.According to the Trust Law of the People s Republic of China and the two pieces of regulations formulated and announced by the Labor and Social Security Ministry,the rights and duties of theenterprise annuity council s,as a trustee,are discussed in this paper.紧扣我国《信托法》和《企业年金试行办法》、《企业年金基金管理试行办法》的规定,在分析了企业年金理事会作为企业年金受托人所享有的权利和承担的义务,以及其在行使权利履行义务过程中存在的问题的基础上;提出了为鼓励企业年金和企业年金理事会的发展,对年金理事会的有关立法应坚持鼓励和监管并重的原则。


1.Council on Annuity of Enterprise: Operation & Risk Control;企业年金理事会业务运作的风险控制

2.An Analysis on the Rights and Duties of the Enterprise Annuity Council on the Regulations of the Trust Law in China;从我国信托法看企业年金理事会的权利义务

3.Operation of council on annuity of enterprise& risk control under running of annuity fund by the way of trust model.对我国信托模式架构下的企业年金理事会的运作及年金基金运营流程中的风险管理和控制进行探讨。

4.Study on the Accounting Treatment and Information Disclosure of Supplementary Pensions in China;我国企业年金会计处理与信息披露研究

5.Perfect Governance Structure of Occupational Pension from Reforming Labor Union s Perspective;从工会角度论我国企业年金治理结构的完善

6.A Comparison Between the Accounting Subject of the Enterprise Annuity Fund and the Enterprise Accounting Subject;企业年金基金会计主体与企业会计主体的比较

7.On the Effect of Accounting Treatment for Corporate Pension Liabilities on Capital Structure;论企业年金负债的会计处理对企业资本结构的影响

8.The Research on Investment Risk Management of Occupational Pension Fund in China;我国企业年金基金投资风险管理研究

9.Research on the Management of Occupational Pension Fund Investment and Operation in China;我国企业年金基金投资运营管理研究

10.Model of principal-agent problemof occupational pension and its enlightenment;企业年金委托代理理论模型及其启示

11.On the Impact of China s Enterprise Annuity System on Financial Management and Financial Accounting;我国企业年金制度对财务管理与财务会计的影响

12.The Study on the Occupational Pension of Social Endowment Insurance in China;我国社会养老保险中的企业年金研究

13.Study on the Accounting and Related Problem of Employer Pension in China;我国企业年金会计及其相关问题研究

14.Discussion on the effect of occupational pension in of our country enterprises compensation management;试论企业年金在我国企业薪酬管理中的作用

15.The Supplementary Pension System and the Insurance Company s Strategic Choice in the Supplementary Pension Operation and Administration of China;企业年金制度及保险公司在我国企业年金运营管理中的战略选择

16.The Study on the Human Resource Management of Enterprise Annuity;企业年金制度的人力资源管理学研究

17.The Compensation Mechanism of Enterprise Annuity Management Risk;我国企业年金管理风险补偿机制探析

18.Behavior Control Through the Management of an Enterprise Annuity Plan;企业年金管理过程中的行为控制研究


business enterprise annuity accountancy企业年金会计

3)Management of enterprise annuity企业年金管理

4)Enterprise annuity fund accounting企业年金基金会计

5)occupational pension企业年金

1.Discussion on the effect ofoccupational pension in of our country enterprises compensation management;试论企业年金在我国企业薪酬管理中的作用

2.Study ofoccupational pension operation based on principal-agent problem;基于委托代理理论的企业年金运营研究

3.The optimal investment strategy for defined-contributionoccupational pension scheme;缴费确定型企业年金最优投资策略研究

6)corporate pension企业年金

1.Strategy in developingcorporate pension on the base of SWOT analysis;基于SWOT分析的我国企业年金发展战略选择

2.Analysis on the External Influencing Factors about the Development of the Corporate Pension外部环境视角下我国企业年金发展影响因素分析


