900字范文 > 社会医疗保险基金 Social medical insurance fund英语短句 例句大全

社会医疗保险基金 Social medical insurance fund英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-28 17:22:35


社会医疗保险基金 Social medical insurance fund英语短句 例句大全

社会医疗保险基金,Social medical insurance fund

1)Social medical insurance fund社会医疗保险基金

1.Social medical insurance fund is the core of the whole medical insurance system, the management of medical insurance fund risk is one of the key of management of the career of medical insurance.社会医疗保险基金是整个医疗保险制度的核心,对医疗保险的管理重点之一即为对医疗保险基金风险的管理。

2.In order to enable the social medical insurance to operate steadily and has the ability to withstand risk for satisfying our urban workers’basic medical security level, using the theory of risk management to operate the social medical insurance fund is very imperative.为了使社会医疗保险能够平稳运作,同时具有抵御风险的能力,以满足我国城镇职工的基本医疗保障水平,对社会医疗保险基金进行风险管理势在必行。


1.Study on the Risk Management Problem of Social Medical Insurance Fund in China;我国社会医疗保险基金风险管理问题

2.The Studies on Health Care System Reform and the Principle of Rational Use of Social Health insurance;医疗体制改革与社会医疗保险基金合理利用原则的研究

3.An Analysis on the Social Health Insurance Fraud under Different Payment Modes;社会医疗保险基金不同支付模式下的保险欺诈行为分析

4.A Positive Analysis of the Aging Effect on the Social Medical Care Funds: A Case of Zhuhai;人口老龄化对社会医疗保险基金影响的实证分析——以广东省珠海市为例

5.The Individual Account for Healthy and The Overall Fund for Risk个人账户保健康 社会统筹保风险——兼议职工医疗保险基金统账分割

6.Exploring the Nation-wide Social Medical Insurance Based on Managed Care;基于管理式医疗的全民社会医疗保险初探

7.Social Medical Insurance and Medical Insurance Business on the Integration of Complementary;社会医疗保险与商业医疗保险的融合互补研究

8.Fundacion de asistencia medico-social医疗社会救济基金会(医疗救济会)

9.Study on How to Control Increase of Basic Social Medical Insurance;我国社会基本医疗保险费用控制的对策研究

bining of "No 1 Military" Project with Basic HospitalizationInsuranceSystem;“军字一号”工程与社会基本医疗保险系统并轨

11.The Moral Hazard and Guard in the Social Medical Insurance of Our Country;我国社会医疗保险中的道德风险管理

12.The Moral Hazard in the Society Medical Insurance and the Way to Control社会医疗保险中的道德风险及其控制

13.Strengthening the Medical Insurance Management and Perfecting the Social Guarantee System;加强医疗保险管理 完善社会保障体系

14.Researches on the Evaluation of Appointed Medical Institution of Social Medical Insurance;社会医疗保险定点医疗机构评价方法研究

15.See the Social Medical Insurance from the Medicares of the Aged;从老年人的医疗需求现状看社会医疗保险

16.Research on Justice of the Social Medical Insurance and Proposals of the Government Insurance Policies;社会医疗保险公平性与政府保险政策建议研究

17.On the Influence of the Reform of Social Medical Insurance upon the Development of Commercial Health Insurance;社会医疗保险改革对商业健康保险发展的影响

18.Discussion on improving socialpolicies on old-age insurance and medical insurance;完善养老保险和医疗保险的社会政策探讨


social basic health insurance社会基本医疗保险

1.Purpose The paper has discussed the accessibility of participating insocial basic health insurance of flexible employees.目的:探讨灵活就业人员参加社会基本医疗保险的可及性。

3)Social medical insurance社会医疗保险

1.The research on how to avoid moral visk in the social medical insurance in our country from the perspective of systen;从体制角度研究规避我国社会医疗保险中道德风险的对策

2.Analysis of the moral hazard problem in social medical insurance and its solution;社会医疗保险中的道德风险及其对策分析

3.Moral risk in social medical insurance and precautions;试论社会医疗保险中的道德风险及防范

4)social health insurance社会医疗保险

1.The Economic Operational Pattern and Simulation Analysis of Social Health Insurance;社会医疗保险的经济运行模式及其模拟分析

2.Moral Hazard in Social Health Insurance and the Scheme to Contain It;社会医疗保险道德风险及其控制机制研究

5)medical social insurance医疗社会保险

1.As themedical social insurance programmes are being put into effect, the government or society will provide medical services or economic compensation for the people who fall ill or injured by accident.通过医疗社会保险的实施,在劳动者生病或受伤后,国家或社会对其提供医疗服务或经济补偿。

6)socialized medical insurance社会化医疗保险


