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阴邪 yin pathogen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-13 03:56:10


阴邪 yin pathogen英语短句 例句大全

阴邪,yin pathogen

1)yin pathogen阴邪

2)a vile conspiracy.邪恶的阴谋


1.a villainous plot, smile邪恶的阴谋、 狰狞的笑.

2.entangle a person in an evil scheme使人陷入邪恶的阴谋中

3.a wicked deed, lie, plot邪恶的行为、 谎言、 阴谋

4.H:Tell me more of your diabolical scheme,so that I can swoon at your manly evilness.再多告诉我一些你那些恶魔般的阴谋,让我陶醉在你那男性的邪恶魅力中吧。

5.This conviction leads us into the world to help the afflicted, and defend the peace, and confound the designs of evil men.为了帮助受苦受难的人们,为了捍卫和平,为了挫败邪恶之徒的阴谋,这一信念引导我们走向世界。

6.Harmful or malignant in intent or effect.阴毒的,邪恶的意指或意图上恶意或险恶的

7.The act of tricking or scheming, especially with malicious intent.阴谋欺诈或图谋的行为,尤指带有恶意

8.The existence of evil overcasts life.邪恶的存在使人生变得阴暗。

9.To plot(something evil.密谋,图谋图谋策划(邪恶之事)

10.doing or causing evil.做邪恶的事或引起邪恶。

11.Baseness of mind or character.邪恶思想或性格的邪恶

12."He whose eyes are shut is a man of twisted purposes, and he who keeps his lips shut tight makes evil come about."眼目紧合的,图谋乖僻,嘴唇紧闭的,成就邪恶。

13.the victim of a hoax, practical joke, conspiracy, etc在骗局、 恶作剧、 阴谋等中上当的人.

14.a hotbed of vice, crime, intrigue, etc罪恶、 犯罪、 阴谋活动等的温床.

15.Machiavellian and manipulative, the Lords are often maligned.权谋与操控,阴影议员常常是恶毒的。

16.secret plan made by several people to do sth;conspiracy(几人的)密谋,阴谋

17.a sinister look [ plot ]阴险的神情[阴谋]

18.The conspirators will be foiled in their intrigue.阴谋家的阴谋将被挫败。


a vile conspiracy.邪恶的阴谋

3)evil factors邪

4)fungus belonging to turbid damp and Yin pathogen霉菌属湿浊阴邪论


1.Relationship betweendampness and athralgia-syndrome in synopsis of the golden chamber;《金匮要略》湿邪致痹理论辨析

2.Etiological factor and pathogenesis of gynecopathia caused bydampness;湿邪所致妇科病病因病机浅谈

3.Dampness and the Relationship between the Dampness and the Genecological Diseases;浅谈湿邪及其与妇科疾病的关系


1.Implication and transmission of "toxin";“毒邪”的内涵及其致病特点

2.Analysis on Aetiology ofToxin in Hepatic Failure;肝衰竭毒邪病因学说辨析

3.Reseach on Formation of "Toxin" Causing Epidemic Febrile Disease温病“毒邪”形成之探析


阴邪阴邪 阴邪 病因学名词。 ①指六淫病邪中的寒和湿,与风、暑、燥、火等阳邪相对而言。其性质属阴,致病多损伤阳气,阻碍气化,故名。 ②指侵犯人体阳经的邪气。
