900字范文 > 肺阴虚 deficiency of lung yin英语短句 例句大全

肺阴虚 deficiency of lung yin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-29 18:50:12


肺阴虚 deficiency of lung yin英语短句 例句大全

肺阴虚,deficiency of lung yin

1)deficiency of lung yin肺阴虚


1.Study on Changes of Cytokine in COPD Patients with Lung Qi Deficiency Syndrome and Lung Yin Deficiency Syndrome慢性阻塞性肺病肺气虚证和肺阴虚证患者细胞因子变化的研究

parison Graduated method of Fei-Yin Deficiency Syndrome between Pulmonary Function and Symptom Scores肺阴虚证肺功能分级和症状积分分级比较

3.Clinical and Experimental Research on Decoction for Moistenning Lung and Relieving Cough in Treatment of the Protracted Course of Chronic Bronchitis Characterized by Syndrome of Deficiency of Lung-Yin;润肺止咳汤对肺阴虚型慢性支气管炎迁延期临床与实验研究

4.Construction of TCM Patterns Repository Based on Ontology of "Lung-Yin Deficiency Pattern"基于“肺阴虚证”本体的中医证候知识库构建方法研究

5.A Clinical Study on Effect of TCM Treated the Patients with Dry Eye;滋阴润肺法治疗干眼症(肺肝阴虚型)的临床研究

6.The ratio of impairment of lung function appeared of which deficiency of yin syndrome accunted for 30.4%;肺功能损害出现比率阴虚证占30.4%;

7.Study of Changing Regulation of Anti-inflammatory Cytokines in Yin Deficiency Syndrome of Human Lung Cancer;肺癌阴虚证抗炎性细胞因子变化规律的研究

8.The Clinical Research of the Chronic Pharyngitis of Type of Lung-dryness Due to Deficiency of YIN with the Treatment of the Nourishing Yin Relieving Sore-throat and Adjusting Blood Recipe养阴利咽调血汤治疗阴虚肺燥型慢性咽炎的临床研究

9.The Clinical Research of Fei Lao Kang Capsule Adjunctive Therapy Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Syndrome of Yin Deficiency and Phlegm-heat);肺痨康胶囊辅助治疗肺结核(阴虚痰热型)的临床研究

10.Foreign researches find that date contains some other materials that are particularly effective on inhibiting the cancer cell division and improving human immunity.绿色食品,老少皆宜,长期食用,可补五脏、虚损、心肺、脾胃,滋阴养血。

11.The Clinical Study of the Treatment in Syndrome Qi and Yin Deficiency of Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection with the Method of Benefiting Qi and Moistening Lung益气润肺法治疗反复呼吸道感染气阴两虚证临床研究

12.Study on Syndrome of Yin-deficiency from Multi-Models of Yin-deficiency;从多个阴虚病变模型研究阴虚证机理

13.He lounged away the time.他懒散地虚度光阴。

14.You should not loiter your time away.你不应该虚度光阴。

15.He has been dawdling his time away.他中直在虚度光阴。

16.One should not loiter his time away.人们不能虚度光阴。

17.He idles away his time watching television.他看电视虚度光阴。

18.You"re wasting your life.你现在是在虚度光阴。”


Fei-Yin deficiency syndrome肺阴虚证

1.Objective:Investigation on HRCT of patient ofFei-Yin deficiency syndrome.目的:观察肺阴虚证患者的高分辨CT表现。

2.Objective:Comparison resulsts between pulmonary function and symptom scores graduated method of Fei-Yin deficiency Syndrome,to develop that graduated method of pulmonary function is feasible.目的:比较肺阴虚证肺功能分级和症状积分分级的结果,发现肺阴虚证肺功能分级法的可行性。

3)Deficiency Hyperactivity肺热阴虚

4)lung-dryness due to deficiency of YIN阴虚肺燥

1.Objective: This study was a large number of clinical practice and literature studies, establishing the main treatment method of the nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness-syndrome, detoxication and relieving sore-throat, promoting and supporting blood circulation, to treat the chronic pharyngitis of type oflung-dryness due to deficiency of YIN.目的:本研究通过大量的临床实践及文献研究,确立了滋阴润燥、解毒利咽、活血养血为治疗阴虚肺燥型慢性咽炎的主要治法。

5)YIN-deficiency of the lung and kidney肺肾阴虚

6)syndrome of lung dryness due to yin deficiency阴虚肺燥证


肺阴虚肺阴虚 肺阴虚 病证名。指肺脏阴津不足,甚则虚热内生。多由发汗太过,久咳伤阴,或热邪耗伤肺阴所致。临床表现以肺虚和阴虚内热证共见为主。症见干咳无痰,或痰少而粘,或痰中带血,口干咽燥,形体消瘦,潮热盗汗,颧红,五心烦热,声音嘶哑,舌红少津,脉细数。治宜滋阴润燥,咳血者则清络保阴。
