900字范文 > 柴油密度 diesel oil density英语短句 例句大全

柴油密度 diesel oil density英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 19:46:57


柴油密度 diesel oil density英语短句 例句大全

柴油密度,diesel oil density

1)diesel oil density柴油密度

1.Introduced a group-modeling method based on near-infrared spectroscopy analysis technology which used fordiesel oil density soft-sensing.提出一种基于近红外光谱分析技术的基团建模法,用于柴油密度值的软测量。

2)high power density diesel engine高功率密度柴油机

1.In this paper,calculations were performed for a regulated two-stage turbocharging system of a high speed andhigh power density diesel engine.为某高速高功率密度柴油机进行了可调二级增压系统的设计计算,主要进行了增压系统参数估算,增压系统简化模型计算和增压系统全模型计算。


1.Investigation of preparation technologies and tribological mechanisms at high-temperature of CrTiAlN composite films高功率密度柴油机活塞环表面CrTiAlN复合膜的摩擦学性能研究

2.Investigation of Laser Quenching and Ion Sulphidizing Complex Treatment Technology for Cylinder of High Power Engine高功率密度柴油机缸套激光渗硫复合处理技术研究

3.high-powered low-speed marine diesel engine大功率低速船用柴油机

4.Test on Mathematical Regularity between Temperature and Diesel Power环境温度与柴油机功率关系的试验研究

5.Durability and Test Research of High Power Diesel Engine Piston;高功率柴油机活塞可靠性分析及试验研究

6.Study of the Improvement of the Power Drop in Summer of a High-Speed Marine Diesel;高速船用柴油主机夏季功率不足的改进研究

7.Application of NiCr20TiAl Engine Valves to High Power and High Exhaust Gas Temperature DieselNiCr20TiAl材料在大功率、高排温柴油机气门上的应用

8.An Experimental Study of the Dynamic Characteristics and the Noise of Valve-Actuating Mechanism in a Small High-Speed Air-Cooled Diesel Engine小功率风冷高速柴油机配气机构动力特性及噪声的试验研究

9.Measurement method of vibration for small and medium power diesel enginesGB/T7184-1987中小功率柴油机振动测量方法

10.Noise limits for small and medium power diesel enginesGB14097-1993中小功率柴油机噪声限值

11.Evaluation of vibration for small and medium power diesel enginesGB/T10397-1989中小功率柴油机振动评级

12.Analysis of Temperature Field for the Piston of 6DE1 Diesel Engine;6DE1大功率柴油机活塞热负荷分析研究

13.Study on Virtual Simulation Technology of the Crankshaft of Military Engine;大功率柴油机曲轴虚拟仿真技术研究

14.Study on Control Technique for Noise of High Power Diesel Engines in Mine矿山大功率柴油机噪声控制技术研究

15.Simulation and Experiment of Temperature Field on Diesel Engine Cylinder Head before and after Enhancement of Power柴油机功率强化前后气缸盖的温度场模拟与试验

16.Calculation on Magnetic Field and Thermal Field of Permanent Magnet Motor with High Power Density高功率密度永磁电机磁场与温度场计算

17.Development of High Power Marine Engine Fuel Consumption Meter;船用大功率柴油机燃油消耗仪的开发与研制

18.Diagnosis of Engine Power Shortage of PT Fuel SystemPT燃油系统柴油发动机功率不足的诊断


high power density diesel engine高功率密度柴油机

1.In this paper,calculations were performed for a regulated two-stage turbocharging system of a high speed andhigh power density diesel engine.为某高速高功率密度柴油机进行了可调二级增压系统的设计计算,主要进行了增压系统参数估算,增压系统简化模型计算和增压系统全模型计算。

3)highly acidic diesel高酸度柴油

1.Shortcomings of current intermittent process which include alkaline wash and electric refining ofhighly acidic diesel, and recycling naphthenate by sulphuric acid neutralization were analyzed.在分析现行高酸度柴油碱洗电精制和硫酸中和法回收环烷酸间歇工艺缺点基础上,提出用TJ-1试剂或TJ-2试剂的溶液抽提精制高酸度柴油、回收环烷酸的联合工艺流程。

4)dribbling diesel fuel低粘度柴油

5)diesel precise paired parts柴油机精密偶件

6)the diesel engine soot meters柴油车烟度计

1.Due to the factors of the surrounding situations,the environment monitoring apparatuses cowld always break down,This article gives subtle analysis to the non indicating ofthe diesel engine soot meters" pointer when the meters are on work,and the introduction of troubleshooting methods and processe环境监测仪器由于受环境条件等因素的影响 ,经常会出现各种故障 ,文章对柴油车烟度计检测时表头指针无指示故障进行了系统分析 ,并介绍了维修方法和步


功率谱密度估计随机信号的功率谱密度用来描述信号的能量特征随频率的变化关系。功率谱密度简称为功率谱,是自相关函数的傅里叶变换。对功率谱密度的估计又称功率谱估计。平稳随机信号x(t)的(自)功率谱Sxx(ω)定义为(1)式中rxx(τ)为平稳随机信号的自相关函数。对于离散情况,功率谱表示为(2)式中T为离散随机信号的抽样间隔时间。当利用随机信号的 N个抽样值来计算其自相关估值时,即可得到功率谱估计为 (3)可见,随机信号的功率谱与自相关函数互为傅里叶变换的关系,这两个函数分别从频率域和时间域来表征随机信号的基本特征。按上式计算功率谱估值,其运算量往往很大,通常采用快速傅里叶变换算法,以减少运算次数。计算信号功率谱的方法可以分为两类:一为线性估计方法,有自相关估计、自协方差法及周期图法等。另一类为非线性估计方法,有最大似然法、最大熵法等。线性估计方法是有偏的谱估计方法,谱分辨率随数据长度的增加而提高。非线性估计方法大多是无偏的谱估计方法,可以获得高的谱分辨率。参考书目何振亚:《数字信号处理的理论与应用》,人民邮电出版社,北京,1983。A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey,1975.
