900字范文 > 手术探查 surgical exploration英语短句 例句大全

手术探查 surgical exploration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-14 16:07:43


手术探查 surgical exploration英语短句 例句大全

手术探查,surgical exploration

1)surgical exploration手术探查

1.Objective To value the significance ofsurgical exploration on the refractory arterial crisis during postoperatively hypersensitive period(48 h~96 h after replantation of severed finger).目的探讨手术探查在断指再植术后超敏期(再植术后48~96 h)出现顽固性动脉危象时的意义。

2.Surgical exploration versus conservative treatment for refractory arterial crisis during the hypersensitive period after digital replantation;方法1995年2月~2月,将拇指近节完全离断再植术后超敏期出现顽固性动脉危象患者171例随机分为手术探查组(87例)与保守治疗组(84例),两组患者年龄、性别、吸烟比例、受伤情况及再植手术情况比较均无显著差异(P>0。


1.At exploration, orchiectomy was performed in 11 patients (67.4%) due to gangrenous changes of the affected testis.越早手术探查,越可降低?丸切除率。

2.If video learn to diagnose failure, nerve otology doctor must consider an operation to probe.若影像学诊断失败,神经耳科医师必须考虑手术探查。

3.Abstract: Objective To evaluate the result of unilateral ex ploration for the treatment of hyperparathyroidism caused by parathyroid adeno ma.文摘:目的评价单侧手术探查治疗甲状旁腺腺瘤的效果。

4.Choice of exploring direction in microvascular decompression for primary trigeminal neuralgia via retrosigmoidal approach乙状窦后入路显微手术治疗原发性三叉神经痛的手术探查方向选择

5.The most reliable method to diagnosis and treat the complications is surgery.影像学检查可提供重要的诊断依据 ,手术探查是最可靠的诊断和治疗方法。

6.Discussion on indications of laparoscopic common bile duct exploration腹腔镜胆总管探查手术适应证的探讨

7.Application of intraoperative ultrasonography in the evaluation of contralateral ovary in unilateral ovarian cystic teratoma surgery术中超声在畸胎瘤手术时对侧卵巢探查中的价值探讨

8.Two Simulation Studies on the Closed and Open Peritoneum in Abdomenal Operations腹部手术闭合腹膜与未闭合腹膜二次探查研究

9.In December of 1971, an exploratory operation was performed and the news was not good.1971年12月,医生施行了一次探查手术,看来情况很不好。

10.At exploratory surgical operations, however, the unopened hydatid cyst should be excised.然而,在探查性外科手术时,就应该把未开放的棘球蚴切除掉。

11.Clinical investigation of prophylactic administration of methylprednisolone in lumbar spinal stenosis patients treated with decompression operation甲泼尼龙在腰椎管探查减压手术中预防性临床应用

12.Spalding-Richardson operation斯波尔丁-理查森手术

13.Analysis on the Non-surgery skill factors for cataract surgery白内障手术中的非手术技巧因素探讨

14.Research on operative wound and immune function change between laparoscopic choledochotomy and conventional choledochotomy腹腔镜胆道探查取石术与传统开放手术对机体创伤和免疫影响的研究

parison of surgical outcomes of laparoscopic exploration of common duct and traditional choledochotomy in treatment of cholelithiasis and cholithiasis腹腔镜胆道探查术与传统手术对胆囊结石合并胆总管结石的疗效比较

16.Investigation of operating patient"s satisfaction with nursing service of operation room.手术病人对手术室护理服务项目满意度的调查

17.Analysis on Usage of Anti-infective Drugs for Perioperative Period on Breast Surgery某院乳房手术围手术期抗菌药应用调查

18.The Cause and Reoperation of Bile Duct Stones;胆道结石术后再手术原因及再手术探讨


exploratory operation手术探查

1.Clinical analysis forexploratory operation of cardiac cancer;72例贲门癌手术探查分析

2.Anexploratory operation is very important in the diagnosis of duodenel injury.手术探查对十二指肠损伤诊断尤其重要。

3)Second exploratory operation二次探查手术

4)the emergency exploratory thoracotomy急诊探查手术

5)exploratory surgery探查术

6)elicitation techniques探查技术

1.Then the paper points out th e research tendencies of mental models andelicitation techniques, namely,the in t egration of two approaches and the integ.自从 1 943年Craik首次提出心理模型概念以来 ,有关心理模型的研究已大量涌现 ,目前有两条心理模型的研究思路 ,文章分别沿着这两条思路介绍有关心理模型的研究 ,并以访谈法和观察法为线索梳理了心理模型的探查技术 ,最后指出心理模型及其探查技术的研究趋向 :两条研究思路的整合和多种探查技术的整合。


