900字范文 > 性生活质量 quality of sexual life英语短句 例句大全

性生活质量 quality of sexual life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-28 00:06:03


性生活质量 quality of sexual life英语短句 例句大全

性生活质量,quality of sexual life

1)quality of sexual life性生活质量

1.Study ofquality of sexual life in patients with cervical cancer after radiotherapy;子宫颈癌患者放射治疗后性生活质量调查

2.The analysis ofquality of sexual life in patients with cervical cancer;宫颈癌治疗后性生活质量分析

2)sexual life quality性生活质量

1.The factors affectingsexual life quality of kidney transplantation patients;肾移植患者性生活质量的影响因素

2.Objective:To evaluate the influence of reconstructive surgery for male urethral stricture on erectile function andsexual life quality.目的:探讨男性尿道狭窄手术对勃起功能以及性生活质量的影响因素。

3.Objective: To evaluate the effects of urethral reconstructive surgery on erectile function andsexual life quality.目的:探讨男性尿道狭窄行尿道重建手术对勃起功能以及性生活质量的影响因素。

3)sexual quality of life性生活质量

1.Objective: To explore the factors affectingsexual quality of life in Chinese urban women.目的:探讨城市女性性生活质量的相关因素。

2.Objective: To developsexual quality of life questionnaire for women.目的:编制适用于我国女性的性生活质量测评工具,并检验其信效度。

4)Post Adolesc ent/life quali迟发性/生活质量

5)Life quality生活质量

1.Effects of behavior therapy upon mental patients′ life quality;行为疗法对精神病患者生活质量的影响

2.Correlation between social support and life quality of aged people in the community of Urumqi city;乌鲁木齐市社区老年人生活质量与社会支持相关性分析

3.Clinical study on the effects of traditional Chinese medicine treatment on life quality improvement in elderly patients with advanced stomach cancer;中医药治疗干预老年Ⅳ期胃癌患者生活质量的效果分析


1.augmented physical quality of life index物质生活质量强化指数

2.The quality of life of local residents has been noticeably improved.居民生活质量明显提高。

3.VII. The People"s Living Standards and Quality of Life Have Been Enhanced七、 人民生活水平和生活质量的提高

4.Analysis on correlation between SF-36 scale and LES scale of elder with empty nest in Guiyang;生活事件对空巢老年人生活质量影响


6.The role of physical activity in the life quality of loder adults;体育活动在老年人生活质量中的作用

7.Assessment of Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index in Chinese Patients with OSAHS and Evaluate the Therapeutic Effects of UPPP by SAQLI;SAQLI生活质量量表的适用性评价及经UPPP治疗的OSAHS患者生活质量调查

8.Quantitative Study of Quality of Life of Chemotherapy in Patients with Esophageal Cancer;食管癌化疗患者生活质量的定量研究

9.Development and Evaluation of Quality of Life Scale for Patients with Eczema;湿疹患者生活质量量表的编制与考评

10.Application of Quality of Life Scale in Stroke(review)生活质量量表在脑卒中评价中的应用

11.Influence of emergent life event on quality of life in students from professional colleges;生活突发事件对职业院校学生生活质量的影响

12.Relationship between quality of school life and life satisfaction in junior high school students;初中生学校生活质量与生活满意度的关系

13.An Cross-sectional Survey on Quality of Life Among Undergraduates of Higher Education Campus;高教园区大学生生活质量的现况调查

14.A Study of Life Qualities in Different Groups of High School Students.;不同群体高中生生活质量现状的研究

15.Related factors related to study that influence the quality of life in the college students;影响大学生生活质量的学习相关因素

16.Effect of family factors on the quality of life in college students;大学生家庭因素对其生活质量的影响

17.Application of factor analysis on the quality evaluation of lifeOn the quality of life in American;要素分析法在生活质量评价中的应用——美国生活质量状况研究

18.Evaluation of the psychometric properties of geriatric oral health-related quality of life scale老年口腔健康生活质量量表的性质考评


sexual life quality性生活质量

1.The factors affectingsexual life quality of kidney transplantation patients;肾移植患者性生活质量的影响因素

2.Objective:To evaluate the influence of reconstructive surgery for male urethral stricture on erectile function andsexual life quality.目的:探讨男性尿道狭窄手术对勃起功能以及性生活质量的影响因素。

3.Objective: To evaluate the effects of urethral reconstructive surgery on erectile function andsexual life quality.目的:探讨男性尿道狭窄行尿道重建手术对勃起功能以及性生活质量的影响因素。

3)sexual quality of life性生活质量

1.Objective: To explore the factors affectingsexual quality of life in Chinese urban women.目的:探讨城市女性性生活质量的相关因素。

2.Objective: To developsexual quality of life questionnaire for women.目的:编制适用于我国女性的性生活质量测评工具,并检验其信效度。

4)Post Adolesc ent/life quali迟发性/生活质量

5)Life quality生活质量

1.Effects of behavior therapy upon mental patients′ life quality;行为疗法对精神病患者生活质量的影响

2.Correlation between social support and life quality of aged people in the community of Urumqi city;乌鲁木齐市社区老年人生活质量与社会支持相关性分析

3.Clinical study on the effects of traditional Chinese medicine treatment on life quality improvement in elderly patients with advanced stomach cancer;中医药治疗干预老年Ⅳ期胃癌患者生活质量的效果分析

6)quality of life生活质量

1.Evaluation of surgical effectiveness andquality of life in patients with chronic lower limb venous insufficiency;下肢静脉功能不全患者手术疗效评价与术后生活质量调查

2.Quality of life and related factors among the hospitalized women with Rheumatoid Arthritis;类风湿关节炎住院妇女生活质量及相关因素

3.Evaluation onquality of life in remitted paranoid schizophrenia patients;缓解期偏执型精神分裂症患者生活质量调查



