900字范文 > 科学教育改革 scientific educational reform英语短句 例句大全

科学教育改革 scientific educational reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-12 14:10:56


科学教育改革 scientific educational reform英语短句 例句大全

科学教育改革,scientific educational reform

1)scientific educational reform科学教育改革

1.Scientific pedagogy is an educational science with the nature of crossover, originated and developed in all previousscientific educational reforms in the late half century all over the world.科学教育学是国际上近半个世纪以来在历次科学教育改革中诞生与发展的、具有交叉性质的一门教育科学。


1.The Theory of Scientific Quality and Scientific Education Reform in Secondary Schools;“科学素养说”和中学科学教育改革

2.HPS education and the revelation to reformation of our scientific education;HPS教育及对我国科学教育改革的启示

3.Research on the HPS Background of American Two Reforms of Science Education;美国两次科学教育改革的HPS背景研究

4.The Enlightenment of“Needham problem”to Science Education Reform“李约瑟问题”对科学教育改革的启示

5.development and reform of science of education教育科学发展与改革

6.The Reform of Undergraduate Education: Perspective of Educational Structure;论大学本科教育改革:教育结构的视角

7.Grasping BTEC Educational Concepts to Impel Teaching Reform;科学把握BTEC教育理念,推动教学改革

8.Reform Accounting Teaching Method and Push the Quality Cultivation;改革会计学科教学方法 推进素质教育

9.Guiding Reformation in Higher Medical Education with the Principle of Scie ntific Development;以科学发展观指导高等医学教育改革

10.Humanities and social sciences education crisis in universities and reforms to the status quo;大学人文社会学科教育的困境与改革

11.A Reform Research on the Law Undergraduate Education in Forensic Medicine Department我国法医学本科法学教育改革的思考

12.Understanding Science Education:Reinterpreting the Middle-school Science Education in the Context of Basic-education Curriculum Reforms;理解科学教育——基础教育课程改革背景下中学科学教育的新解读

13.Research on the Music Course Innovation for Undergraduate Preschool Education Specialty;本科学前教育专业音乐课程改革研究

14.A Research on the Curriculum Reform of Undergraduate Chemical Education in Higher Normal Universities;高师本科化学教育专业课程改革研究

15.The Inspection and Deepening Reforms of Law Undergraduates Quality-oriented Education;法学本科素质教育的检讨与深化改革

16.Random Thoughts on the Undergraduate Education Reform in Chinese Universities;关于我国大学本科生教育改革的断想

17.To Guide the Reform of Vocational Education as the Sense of Scientific Development;用科学发展观指导职业教育改革创新

18.Research about the Reform and Developmentof higher Agricultural Education in comprehensive University;综合性大学农科教育改革与发展探索


the reform of discipline education学科教育改革

3)Innovation of teaching育教学改革

4)pedagogy reform教育学改革

5)reform of undergraduate education本科教育改革

1.Guiyang college,under the guidance of universal education,takes the aim of "developing man in an all-round way" to push thereform of undergraduate education.在通识教育引领下,贵阳学院“以人的全面发展为目标,推动本科教育改革的思路是:1。

6)Education and teaching reform教育教学改革

1.And it is more important that it has model and reference function for our education and teaching reform today.皖江抗日根据地的教育事业是在战争年代极端困难的条件下创建、发展起来的,它不但为抗日战争的胜利奠定了基础,而且为新中国的建设培养了各种人才,更为重要的是,它对我们今天的教育教学改革仍具有借鉴和参考作用。

2.Systematic and holistic education and teaching reform and practice laid a solid foundation for cultivating high quality and innovative talents.以系统化、全方位的教育教学改革与实践,为培养特色鲜明、适应社会发展的高素质、创新型自动化高级专门人才打下坚实的基础。


