900字范文 > 等效结点力 equivalent nodal force英语短句 例句大全

等效结点力 equivalent nodal force英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-09 18:57:41


等效结点力 equivalent nodal force英语短句 例句大全

等效结点力,equivalent nodal force

1)equivalent nodal force等效结点力

1.Stiffness matrix andequivalent nodal force formula,which take into account of the influence of shear lag,are derived subsequently on the basis of the definition of stiffness coefficient.以其解析式作为形函数,利用刚度系数的定义,推导了考虑剪滞影响的箱形梁单元刚度矩阵及等效结点力公式。

2.In order to cover the shortage that elementequivalent nodal force can\"t be put in Flac3D,principles of virtual displacement and virtual work were adopted to derive a set of computing formula forequivalent nodal force in Flac3D element based on building element shape function and strain stiffness matrix of element.针对Flac3D无法直接输出单元等效结点力的不足,采用虚位移原理和虚功等效原则,在建立单元形函数和应变刚度矩阵的基础上,推导了Flac3D单元等效结点力的计算公式,编写了相应计算机程序,并通过单轴压缩模拟试验算例验证,得到了满意的结果。


1.Study on Calculation and Application of Equivalent Nodal Force in Flac3D ElementFlac3D单元等效结点力的计算与应用研究

2.Zeros Problem in Real-Time Substructure Testing with Equivalent Force Control Method实时子结构试验等效力控制方法中的零点问题

3.Connecting points of equal magnetic intensity.等磁力的联结磁力强度相等各点的

4.Equivalent Loads Analysis on Post-tensioned Prestressed Concrete Structure;后张预应力混凝土结构等效荷载分析

5.This structure has the obvious characteristics of fast construction speed, fine effect protective shelter.该结构具有施工进度快,护壁效果好等显著特点。

6.Have the broken up ability strong, The effect is hight, low etc, in strength in labor advantage.具有破碎能力强,功效高,劳动强度低等特点。

7.An Improved Method for Bottom Shearing Based upon Equivalent Singular Particle一种基于等效单质点系的改进底部剪力法

8.Conclusion: This result indicated that it is a choice for treating vocal nodules and polyp to appling microwave under fiberlavngoscope.结论:该术对声带小结和息肉具有疗效显著、操作方便等优点。

9.Equivalent Force Control Method without Overshoot for Real-Time Substructure Testing;实时子结构试验的无超调等效力控制方法

10.Equivalent Linear Identification Method of Two-dimensional Dynamic Wind Load for Gueyed Mast桅杆结构二维动力风荷载的等效线性识别方法

11.Equal in force, power, effectiveness, or significance.相等的力量、能力、效力、或重要性等相等

12.The initial or frozen-in double refraction is replaced by an equivalent or virtual state of stress.初双折射或被冻结的双折射,可用一个等效或有效应力状态来代替。

13.Dynamic response optimization of grillage structures using equivalent static algorithm基于等效静力算法的船舶板架结构动力响应优化设计

14.These theories and perspectives adopt a wide purview, including structural, human resources, systematic, symbolic and cultural dimensions.概括来说,这些理论包括:结构观点、人力资源观点、系统观点和文化观点等。

15.It has several advantages of simple wellbore structure, convenient operation and high heat efficiency.该工艺具有井筒结构简单、工方便、热效率高等优点.

16.Results Drug delivery through nasal cavity has the benefits of fast absorption, high bioavailability and convenient administration.结果鼻腔用药具有吸收起效快、物利用度高、用方便等优点。

17.The device is composed of the railroad, cardan shaft, union join and fixation plate.该装置具有结构简洁、活、特,使用、藏方便,效果可靠,造价低廉等优点。

18.The series feature good rigidity structure, smooth operation, long service life, high efficiency and saving energy.本系列泵具有结构刚性好、运行平稳、使用寿命长、高效节能等优点。


lateral equivalent wave nodal force横向等效波浪结点力

1.In this paper, three- node isoparametric element is adopted to model Gauss distribution cruve of wave load in erect riser element, then thelateral equivalent wave nodal force is calculated by Gauss integral method.本文采用三结点等参单元,模拟垂直立管单元上波浪荷载的高斯分布曲线,然后用高斯积分法计算了横向等效波浪结点力。

3)equivalent node force等效节点力

1.The distribution of local magnetic force is described with anequivalent node force,which is derived from an extended application of virtual work principle to FEM node.该法将虚位移原理推广应用于有限单元的节点,从而得到用以描述局部电磁力分布的等效节点力。

2.Therefore, on the basis of finite element method (FEM) and local virtual work method, a mathematical model was built according to the principle of virtual work equivalent, so as to calculate the magnetic force density inside medium or magnetic stress on the interface of different mediums after theequivalent node forces were solved.为此,在有限元分析方法(finite element method,FEM)和局部虚位移法的基础上,按虚功等效的原则建立由等效节点力进一步计算介质内部电磁力密度和不同介质交界面处电磁应力的数学模型,进而推导了二维平行平面场条件下的具体计算公式。

4)equivalent nodal force等价结点力

1.The earthquake excitation is simulated as stationary Gaussian filter white-noiseprocess, on the basis ofequivalent nodal force method and stochastic seismic response analysis, the paper presents a method for analysis of permanent deformation of embankmemt damdue to stochastic seismic excitation.基于等价结点力法,将地震动模拟为平稳高斯过滤白噪声过程,通过随机地震反应分析,建立一种土石坝地震平均永久变形有效算法,然后对瀑布沟土石坝进行数值计算,结果符合一般规律。

2.There are two analytical ways, one is sliding block deformation analysis, another is continuous deformation analysis, The serff sequivalent nodal force method and the Tanigchi s equivalent inertial force method boing two representative ones in the latter.永久变形分析方法主要包括两类,一类是滑体变形分析,一类是整体变形分析,而在后一类方法中,具有典型代表性的是Serff的等价结点力法和Taniguchi的等价惯性力法,本文吸收这两种方法的优点,建立了一种土石坝地震永久变形计算方法;编制了相应的有限元计算程序,用于瀑布沟土石坝永久变形数值计算,结果符合一般观测规律,验证了本文方法的合理性。

5)equivalent cohesive等效粘结力

6)equivalent cohesion等效黏结力

1.Firstly,theequivalent cohesion and internal friction angle corresponding to the parameters of Hoek-Brow.首先计算与Hoek-Brown参数对应的等效黏结力和内摩擦角;然后采用位移突变失稳判据,由Mohr-Coulomb强度折减法间接得到广义Hoek-Brown准则下边坡的安全系数。


