900字范文 > 空心板 hollow slab英语短句 例句大全

空心板 hollow slab英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-01 23:46:07


空心板 hollow slab英语短句 例句大全

空心板,hollow slab

1)hollow slab空心板

1.The appearance of surface crack in pre-tensioned pre-stressed concretehollow slab and its preventive measures;先张法预应力混凝土空心板裂缝的产生及预控

2.On-site precast and transverse movement construction technology ofhollow slab;空心板原位预制及横向移动施工技术

3.Winter construction of prestressed concretehollow slab;预应力混凝土空心板冬期施工


1.Insurance of the Thickness of Precast Concrete Core Slab at the Top预制混凝土空心板顶板厚度的质量控制

2.New Design Method and Application for Connecting New and Old Slab of Hollow Slab Bridge空心板桥新旧板间的新连接设计方法及应用

3.Prestressed concrete hollow-core slabsGB14040-1993预应力混凝土空心板

4.Study of the Contriving Method of the Prestress Concrete Hollow Plank;预应力混凝土空心板桥设计方法研究

5.Strength Research on Skew Hollow Slab Strengthened with CFS;碳纤维布加固斜交空心板的强度研究

6.The Research to the Crack Disease of Prestressed Concrete Slab-beam;预应力空心板梁结构开裂病害的研究

7.Analysis and rectification of typical failures for prefabricated cellular slab bridges;装配式空心板桥典型病害分析与处理

8.Study on Defction of Transverse Joints of Simply-Supported Hollow Slab Girder Bridges空心板简支梁桥横向铰接缝病害分析

9.Load-carrying capacity analysis of a skew prestressed hollow slab bridge after widening construction斜交预应力空心板桥拓宽承载力分析

10.Load Experiment of Prestressed Hollow Concrete Plank Using in Bridge桥梁用预应力混凝土空心板荷载试验

11.Prefabrication Craft of Prestressed Hollow Board in Bridges公路桥梁预应力空心板预制施工工艺

12.On the control points of the post-tensioned prestressed hollowslab beam后张法预应力空心板梁施工控制要点

13.Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Damaged Hollow Plate Girder under Prestress带损伤预应力空心板梁力学性能分析

14.Pre-tensioned Construction Technology of Large-span Prestressed Hollow Slab with 20m Span20m大跨预应力空心板先张法施工技术

15.hollow hot plate hydraulic press空心热板水力压呢机

16.tile lintel floor空心砖加筋密肋楼板

17.technique for gypsous hollow strip panel production石膏空心条板生产技术

18.The floors are to be built with hollow tiles or with lightweitht aggregate.楼板计划用空心砖或轻骨料建造。


hollow plate空心板

1.Prefabrication technology and quality control of pretensioning prestressedhollow plate;浅谈先张法预应力空心板预制工艺及质量控制

2.The prefabrication technology of post-tensioned prestressed concretehollow plate;后张法预应力空心板预制工艺及要点

3.The molding method with fixed internal formwork of prestressedhollow plate (beam);先张法预应力空心板(梁)内模定位成型技术

3)voided slab空心板

1.The mechanism under shearing about the cross-holevoided slab is set forth.阐述了圆管式空心板横孔板的受剪机理。

bined with the practice of pretensioning prestressedvoided slab,the paper discussed the construction repair,pouring and curing etc.根据先张法预应力空心板施工实践,主要从先张法预应力梁板的施工准备、张拉、浇筑、养生等方面进行了探讨,并提出几点注意事项。

3.The paper analyzed the cause of prestress concretevoided slab crack,and proposed relative protective measures.在预应力空心板冬季"蒸养"过程中,混凝土初期养护管理、升降温梯度、桥梁上下散热速度差以及大梁内是否配置防裂钢筋等都将对大梁的浇注质量产生影响。

4)cored slab空心板

1.A study on application of SP prestressedcored slab in exterior-protected construction of steel structure factory building;SP预应力空心板在钢结构厂房围护结构中的应用研究

2.Constructional technique of pretensioningcored slab beam;先张法预应力空心板梁施工技术

3.Take some project as an example,carry on analysis for adopted thecored slab,provide the experience to the same project construction.以某项目的现浇楼板为例,对采用的现浇混凝土空心板进行了分析,为其他同类项目的施工提供经验借鉴。

5)hollow board空心板

1.Causes and prevention of cracks in prestressing concretehollow board;预应力混凝土空心板裂缝产生原因与防治

2.Research on crosswise crevice of architecturalhollow board;建筑空心板产生横向裂缝问题的探讨

3.During the construction there will easily be crevices in the prestressed concretehollow board,so the management of the main procedures and maintenance of the concrete should be strengthened to eliminate the surface crevices on concrete.就预应力砼空心板在施工过程中易产生裂缝,论述了在加强施工过程中主要工序的管理和砼的养护对消除砼的表面裂缝。

6)voided slab空心板;空心桥板


