900字范文 > 三螺杆 triple screw英语短句 例句大全

三螺杆 triple screw英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-17 01:04:16


三螺杆 triple screw英语短句 例句大全

三螺杆,triple screw

1)triple screw三螺杆

1.In this article, two kinds oftriple screw extruder, one whose screw axes are arranged as a straight line, and the other as a triangle, are discussed.结合作者对食品加工用螺杆类挤压机的研究实践及食品加工的特点 ,就“一”字排列的和三角形排布的两种三螺杆挤压机的几何设计构型 ,论述了凭借三螺杆挤压机成倍增多的啮合区 ,以小直径、小长径比的多螺杆组合 ,使食品的挤压蒸煮作用及产量得到有效提高 ,说明了三螺杆挤压机在食品加工技术经济上的优越性。

2.Accordingly, a new typetriple screw extruder has been completed the research and development by our institute.正是出于这个目的,我所开发研制了用于聚合物共混改性的三螺杆挤出机。


1.3D Modeling and Milling Simulation of the Screws of Triple Screw Pumps三螺杆泵的螺杆三维建模及其铣削加工仿真

2.Design of Tool Profile for the Milling of Three-Screw Pump Rotors and Measurement of the Helicoids三螺杆泵中螺杆的刀具设计及型面检测

3.Types and basic parameters of three screw pumpsGB/T10886-1989三螺杆泵型式与基本参数

4.Processing Technology of Non-predrying PET by Tri-screw Extruder无需预干燥的PET三螺杆挤出实验研究

5.Analysis of Flow Field in Screw Element Region of Triple-screw Extruder and Its Running Characteristics;三螺杆挤出机螺纹元件流场分析及其运作特性实验初探

6.Numerical Simulation of Power Consumption Characteristics in Conveying Element in Triple Screw Extruder三螺杆挤压机熔体输送段功耗特性的数值分析

7.Study on 3D Solid Modeling of Conical Twin-Screw Extruder;锥形双螺杆三维实体造型的开发研究

8.Research on 3D Molding and Meshing Clearance of Conical Twin-Screw锥双螺杆的三维建模与啮合间隙研究

9.Observation of the Curative Effect of the Triad Therapy in Addition to Helicobacter Pylori三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的疗效观察

10.The Design and Research of the Three Stations Vertical Injection Equipment for Rubber Stator of Screw Drill and Screw Pump and Simulation of 3D Dynamic Process;螺杆钻具和螺杆泵橡胶定子的三工位立式注射成型设备的设计研究与三维动态模拟

11.Your knee is being held together by a rod and three screws.你的膝盖是被一个杆和三个螺丝铆在一起的

12.Research on Anti-scaling and Antifriction Coating of Oil Extraction Screw under ASP Flooding System;三元复合驱采油螺杆涂层防垢及减摩技术研究

13.Research on 3D Dynamic Simulation Technology for Special Helical Pole Machining Process;异形螺杆加工过程三维动态仿真技术研究

14.A Study on Dynamic Behavior and 3-D Numeric Simulation for Progressing Cavity Pump螺杆泵的动力学机理和三维数值模拟技术研究

15.3D Solid Modeling and Thr Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Single Screw Compressor单螺杆压缩机三维实体建模及动态特性研究

16.Rabeprazole-based Triple Therapy for Helicobacter Pylori: Meta-analysis雷贝拉唑三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌:Meta-分析

17.Triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection:clinical observation of 36 cases三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌36例疗效观察

18.The general algorithm for leakage triangle area of screw compressor螺杆式压缩机漏泄三角形面积的通用算法



1.Study on Properties of HDPE/Mg(OH)_2 Composites Made by ATri-screw Dynamic Mixing Extruder三螺杆动态混炼挤出HDPE/Mg(OH)_2复合材料性能的研究

2.HDPE/Mg(OH)2 was made out of tri-screw dynamic mixing extruder,which is combined with the electromagnetic vibration technology.将电磁振动技术和三螺杆挤出机结合起来,用三螺杆动态混炼挤出机挤出HDPE/Mg(OH)2,通过对挤出物料中Mg(OH)2的分散性研究,得出三螺杆动态混炼对Mg(OH)2的分散性和HDPE/Mg(OH)2力学性能的影响规律,并对在不同振动参数(振幅、频率)下制取标准力学性能测试试样与稳态挤出时试样力学性能的比较获取最优的振动参数范围,解决了因Mg(OH)2填充量过高而严重影响复合材料力学性能的问题。

3)three screw pump三螺杆泵

1.The structure design and data ofthree screw pump (3LU50-10) applied in the imported compressor from America was compared with the design in China.简要介绍了螺杆泵的用途及类型,将进口气压机用3LU50-10型三螺杆泵的原结构设计、数据设计与国产化设计进行了对比,并对国产化设计泵的性能进行了校核。

2.This paper introduces an approach that the CoCreate OneSpace Modeling software is used to precisely construct the model of the 135three screw pump.介绍了一种在CoCreate OneSpace Modeling设计环境下精确创建135型三螺杆泵实体模型的方法,在建模过程中通过运用动态模型技术,从而缩短了三螺杆泵的研发周期,提高了产品的精确度。

3.This paper makes use of principles of gear connection to deduce the rotors’ conjugate curves of <135>three screw pump, and establishes their parameter equations.文中针对<135>型三螺杆泵,用啮合理论进行共轭曲线的推导,建立了主、从杆齿形型线的参数方程,计算了从杆径向直线倒棱与主杆共轭曲线之间的滑动率,并对计算结果做了分析。

4)three-screw pump三螺杆泵

1.The<135>typethree-screw pumps have been widely used for the reliable in performance, silent in noise and small in vibration.<135>型三螺杆泵因其压力稳定、转速高、结构简单、寿命长等优点得到了广泛应用。

5)Tri-screw Extrusion三螺杆挤出

1.Effect of Screw Combination inTri-screw Extrusion on Performance of PP/Wollastonite;三螺杆挤出中螺杆组合对聚丙烯/硅灰石性能的影响

6)three-zone screw三段式螺杆


